Avaliação ambiental estratégica como instrumento de planejamento do turismo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Tendo em vista a emergência do turismo como atividade de significativo impacto econômico e, conseqüentemente, de potencial impacto negativo ao meio ambiente, o presente trabalho avalia as perspectivas de aplicação da avaliação ambiental estratégica como instrumento de consideração e ponderação das questões ambientais na tomada de decisão e planejamento do turismo no Brasil. Por meio de revisão bibliográfica e de análise da prática internacional, discute a relação turismo e meio ambiente, os instrumentos utilizados para a gestão ambiental da atividade e as experiências de aplicação da avaliação ambiental estratégica em turismo. Além disso, o trabalho traz um estudo de caso no município brasileiro de Bueno Brandão, no estado de Minas Gerais, com o intuito de apresentar o cenário político e institucional local e avaliar as condições e os desafios para uma possível inserção da avaliação ambiental estratégica no plano municipal de desenvolvimento turístico. Conclui-se que, apesar de já existir certo consenso no que diz respeito a princípios e boas práticas de AAE, as experiências internacionais em políticas, planos e programas de turismo ainda apresentam uma série de imprecisões em termos de metodologia, formas de participação e abordagens. Entende-se que, no Brasil, ainda existe uma série de desafios, metodológicos e políticos, para garantir a inserção do meio ambiente na tomada de decisão de forma participativa. Esse fato ficou claro com as questões identificadas no estudo de caso, especialmente aquelas relacionadas aos mecanismos de participação da sociedade, capacitação do corpo técnico, ações de planejamento integradas e articuladas, e produção, sistematização, democratização e monitoramento de informações ambientais, de forma a orientar o planejamento e a tomada de decisão.
Considering the raising of the tourism sector as an activity of significant economic impact and, consequently, potential negative environmental impacts, the present work evaluates the perspectives for application of strategic environmental assessment as a tool which can integrate environmental issues into tourism planning in Brazil. Using bibliographical research and analysis of the international practice, this work discusses the relationship between tourism and environment, the environmental management tools used and the practical experiences of strategic environmental assessment in the tourism sector. Beyond that, the work presents a case study in Bueno Brandão, a brazilian town located in the state of Minas Gerais, in which it discusses the political and institutional setting and evaluates the conditions and challenges for a possible insertion of the strategic environmental assessment in the local tourism development plan. Although it already exists certain consensus in strategic environmental assessment principles and good practices, the international experiences in SEA for tourism planning still presents some imprecisions in methodology, public participation and approaches. It is clear that in Brazil there are still challenges in methodological and political approaches to guarantee the insertion of environmental concerns in the decision making and public participation contexts. This fact was confirmed by the issues identified in the case study, mainly, failures related to the mechanisms of public participation, the qualification of the technical staff, integration of planning actions, and the production, systematization, democratization and monitoring of environmental information, in a way to guide the decision making and local planning.
Considering the raising of the tourism sector as an activity of significant economic impact and, consequently, potential negative environmental impacts, the present work evaluates the perspectives for application of strategic environmental assessment as a tool which can integrate environmental issues into tourism planning in Brazil. Using bibliographical research and analysis of the international practice, this work discusses the relationship between tourism and environment, the environmental management tools used and the practical experiences of strategic environmental assessment in the tourism sector. Beyond that, the work presents a case study in Bueno Brandão, a brazilian town located in the state of Minas Gerais, in which it discusses the political and institutional setting and evaluates the conditions and challenges for a possible insertion of the strategic environmental assessment in the local tourism development plan. Although it already exists certain consensus in strategic environmental assessment principles and good practices, the international experiences in SEA for tourism planning still presents some imprecisions in methodology, public participation and approaches. It is clear that in Brazil there are still challenges in methodological and political approaches to guarantee the insertion of environmental concerns in the decision making and public participation contexts. This fact was confirmed by the issues identified in the case study, mainly, failures related to the mechanisms of public participation, the qualification of the technical staff, integration of planning actions, and the production, systematization, democratization and monitoring of environmental information, in a way to guide the decision making and local planning.
Avaliação ambiental estratégica, Políticas públicas, Turismo, Public policies, Strategic environmental assessment, Tourism