Estratégias de controle para isolação ativa de vibrações em barras de pulverizadores agrícolas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A utilização de sistemas de controle para estabilidade de conjuntos de barras para pulverizadores agrícolas é uma tendência devida principalmente aos problemas ambientais e de custo. Neste trabalho, o comportamento dinâmico de um pulverizador de arrasto é analisado através de um modelo não linear, obtido através de técnicas de modelagem de sistemas multicorpos utilizando-se o programa ADAMS. Foram utilizadas duas estratégias de controle PID e \"fuzzy\" a partir de medidas obtidas com fusão de sensores. A estratégia de controle clássica PID foi desenvolvida e implementada no modelo não linear no ADAMS através de ferramentas internas existentes no programa. Já a estratégia \"fuzzy\" foi desenvolvida e implementada no modelo não linear no ADAMS através da técnica de co-simulação ADAMS/Matlab. O comportamento dos sistemas de controle foi investigado através de simulação computacional. Foram testados alguns tipos de entradas (entrada degrau, entrada harmônica, entrada randômica e entrada randômica com descontinuidades bruscas). Em todas as simulações os resultados obtidos com os sistemas de controles ativos mostraram melhor estabilidade do conjunto de barras. Entre as leis de controle implementadas (PID e \"fuzzy\") não houve grandes diferenças entre as oscilações da barra exceto na entrada do tipo randômica com descontinuidades bruscas. Neste caso a lei de controle \"fuzzy\" apresentou uma grande melhoria com boa atenuação das oscilações do conjunto de barras quando comparadas com a aplicação do sistema de controle PID.
The use of active control systems for stability of booms in agricultural sprayers trend is mainly due to the environmental and costs question. In this work, the dynamic behavior of a trailed sprayer is analyzed using a nonlinear model, obtained through techniques of modeling multibody systems using the ADAMS. It is used two active control strategies, PID classical control and fuzzy, with measured data from sensor fusion. The classical PID control strategy was developed and implemented in a nonlinear model on ADAMS software using existing tools built into the program. Fuzzy was another strategy developed and implemented in the nonlinear model on ADAMS software using a technique of co-simulation ADAMS/Matlab. The behavior of control systems was investigated through computer simulation. It was tested some types of inputs (step input, harmonic input, random input and random input with abrupt discontinuities). All simulations data obtained from the applications of active systems showed better stability for boom assembly. Among the implemented two active control laws (PID and \"fuzzy\") there were no significant differences between the oscillations attenuation of the boom, except with the random input with abrupt discontinuities. wherein this case the application of the active control \"fuzzy\" strategy developed better stability on boom than the application of PID control.
The use of active control systems for stability of booms in agricultural sprayers trend is mainly due to the environmental and costs question. In this work, the dynamic behavior of a trailed sprayer is analyzed using a nonlinear model, obtained through techniques of modeling multibody systems using the ADAMS. It is used two active control strategies, PID classical control and fuzzy, with measured data from sensor fusion. The classical PID control strategy was developed and implemented in a nonlinear model on ADAMS software using existing tools built into the program. Fuzzy was another strategy developed and implemented in the nonlinear model on ADAMS software using a technique of co-simulation ADAMS/Matlab. The behavior of control systems was investigated through computer simulation. It was tested some types of inputs (step input, harmonic input, random input and random input with abrupt discontinuities). All simulations data obtained from the applications of active systems showed better stability for boom assembly. Among the implemented two active control laws (PID and \"fuzzy\") there were no significant differences between the oscillations attenuation of the boom, except with the random input with abrupt discontinuities. wherein this case the application of the active control \"fuzzy\" strategy developed better stability on boom than the application of PID control.
Suspensão ativa de barras, Controle fuzzy, Controle PID, Fusão de sensores, Modelos de pulverizadores agrícolas, Modelagem de sistemas multicorpos (MBS), Sensor fusion, PID control, MBS modelling, Fuzzy control, Agricultural sprayer model, Active suspension boom