Estimativa de propriedades hidráulicas de solos a partir do ensaio de ascensão capilar
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial do ensaio de ascensão capilar e de uma técnica de otimização de parâmetros para estimar os parâmetros hidráulicos dos solos. O ensaio de ascensão capilar é de execução simples e rápida e reflete um fenômeno condicionado pelas propriedades hidráulicas do solo. Na representação matemática da ascensão capilar, utilizou-se o modelo de Terzaghi (1943) que considerou tratar-se de uma condição de fluxo governada pela condutividade hidráulica saturada (ks), e o modelo de Lu & Likos (2004b), que utilizaram a equação de Gardner (1958) para representar a função condutividade hidráulica, considerando que o fluxo se dá em meio não saturado. O processo de otimização utilizou a rotina SOLVER componente do programa EXCEL, e foi testado utilizando-se os dados experimentais de Lane & Washburn (1946) e de Zhang & Fredlund (2009). Em seguida, resultados de ascensão capilar de oito amostras de solos típicos do Estado do São Paulo, Brasil, foram modelados com os parâmetros derivados da técnica. Observou-se que tanto o modelo de Terzaghi (1943) quanto o de Lu & Likos (2004b) conseguiram reproduzir os resultados experimentais de ascensão capilar, com melhores resultados associados ao modelo de Lu & Likos (2004b) para a maior parte dos solos analisados. A previsão da condutividade hidráulica saturada, de forma geral, diferiu menos de uma ordem de grandeza dos valores medidos experimentalmente, embora maiores discrepâncias tenham sido notadas para determinados tipos de solos. O parâmetro de Gardner da função condutividade hidráulica resultou em valores da mesma ordem de grandeza dos valores reportados na literatura para solos similares. Os resultados sobre a aplicação do ensaio de ascensão capilar e da técnica de otimização mostraram-se promissores para a determinação de parâmetros hidráulicos dos solos analisados, com a vantagem de ter-se um procedimento simples e rápido para a finalidade descrita.
This study evaluates the potential of capillary rise test and a parameter optimization technique to estimate soil hydraulic parameters. The capillary rise is a simple and expedite test that is conditioned by soil hydraulic properties. In the mathematical representation of the capillary rise we used the model of Terzaghi (1943), who considered that saturated hydraulic conductivity commands the phenomeno and the model of Lu & Likos (2004b) who used the Gardner equation (1958) to represent the hydraulic conductivity function, considering that the flow takes place in a non-saturated condition. The optimization process used the SOLVER routine, component of the EXCEL program, that was firstly tested using experimental data of Lane & Washburn (1946) and Zhang & Fredlund (2009). Then, results of capillary rise of eight samples of typical soils of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, were modeled with the parameters derived from the technique. It was observed that both the Terzaghi (1943) and Lu & Likos (2004b) models were able to reproduce the experimental results of capillarity, although the best results were yielded by the model Lu & Likos (2004b) for most soils. The prediction of saturated hydraulic conductivity, in general, differed less than one order of magnitude of experimentally measured values, although larger discrepancies have been noted for certain types of soils. The resulting Gardner parameter of the hydraulic conductivity function were of the same order of magnitude of the values reported in the literature for similar soils. The results on the application of capillary rise test and optimization technique proved promising for the determination of soil hydraulic parameters analyzed, with the advantage of having a simple and rapid procedure for the purpose described.
This study evaluates the potential of capillary rise test and a parameter optimization technique to estimate soil hydraulic parameters. The capillary rise is a simple and expedite test that is conditioned by soil hydraulic properties. In the mathematical representation of the capillary rise we used the model of Terzaghi (1943), who considered that saturated hydraulic conductivity commands the phenomeno and the model of Lu & Likos (2004b) who used the Gardner equation (1958) to represent the hydraulic conductivity function, considering that the flow takes place in a non-saturated condition. The optimization process used the SOLVER routine, component of the EXCEL program, that was firstly tested using experimental data of Lane & Washburn (1946) and Zhang & Fredlund (2009). Then, results of capillary rise of eight samples of typical soils of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, were modeled with the parameters derived from the technique. It was observed that both the Terzaghi (1943) and Lu & Likos (2004b) models were able to reproduce the experimental results of capillarity, although the best results were yielded by the model Lu & Likos (2004b) for most soils. The prediction of saturated hydraulic conductivity, in general, differed less than one order of magnitude of experimentally measured values, although larger discrepancies have been noted for certain types of soils. The resulting Gardner parameter of the hydraulic conductivity function were of the same order of magnitude of the values reported in the literature for similar soils. The results on the application of capillary rise test and optimization technique proved promising for the determination of soil hydraulic parameters analyzed, with the advantage of having a simple and rapid procedure for the purpose described.
Ascensão capilar, Condutividade hidráulica saturada, Função condutividade hidráulica, Otimização, Capillary rise, Hydraulic conductivity function, Optimization, Saturated hydraulic conductivity