Disposição de resíduos gerados em estações de tratamento de água em estações de tratamento de esgoto
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O presente trabalho foi realizado em duas fases. Na primeira, foram estimados os efeitos produzidos nos decantadores primários de uma ETE, após receber resíduo da ETA-SC, que utiliza sulfato de alumínio como coagulante. Foram realizados ensaios em colunas de sedimentação, onde os parâmetros SST, SSV, cor, turbidez, DQO, coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e parasitas, pesquisados no sobrenadante, diminuíram com o aumento da quantidade de resíduo adicionado. Com relação aos sedimentos obtidos nas colunas de sedimentação, foi encontrada maior quantidade de ST e menor resistência específica nos lodos provenientes das colunas que receberam os resíduos da ETA-SC. No teste de atividade metanogênica, a concentração molar de metano foi reduzida nos sistemas que receberam resíduo da ETA-SC, influenciando negativamente no desenvolvimento dos microrganismos metanogênicas. As espécies de microrganismos do gênero Methanothrix sp foram inibidas, sendo encontradas em maior número no frasco-reator controle e em menor quantidade a medida que se aumentou a quantidade do resíduo adicionado. Nesta etapa foi constatado que o resíduo da ETA-SC poderá apresentar interferências negativas sobre a digestão anaeróbia do lodo produzido em decantadores primários de uma ETE. Na segunda fase, na estação piloto, composta de lagoa de aeração seguida de lagoa de sedimentação, que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte, que utiliza cloreto férrico como coagulante, foi verificado que tal resíduo melhorou a qualidade do efluente em termos de DQO, DBO, SST, turbidez, cor, amônio, nitrato, NTK e fosfato total. Os parâmetros ST, SDT, cloreto, nitrito, condutividade e pH não apresentaram diferenças significativas. Em relação ao exame microscópico não houve influências negativas no licor misto das lagoas de aeração. O lodo formado nas lagoas de sedimentação piloto apresentou-se em maior quantidade na lagoa que recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. Neste lodo a resistência específica a filtração foi menor em comparação ao lodo da lagoa que não recebeu resíduo da ETA-Fonte. A desidratação deste lodo por centrifugação necessitou menor quantidade de polieletrólito. Baseado neste estudo não foi verificado interferências que possa impedir o lançamento do resíduo da ETA-Fonte na ETE-Araraquara.
This work was carried out in two phases. Effects of disposing the residues from a water treatment plant - ETASC, which uses alum as primary coagulant on the primary settling tanks was evaluated in the first one. Sedimentation tests using column indicated that parameters such as TSS, VSS, colour, turbidity, COD, total coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e parasites in the supernatant decreased with the increase of the amount of the water treatment wastes added to the column. With relation to the sediments produced in the column, it was found great amount of TS and lower specific solids resistance in those generated in the columns where the water treatment plant residues-WTPR were used. Molar concentration of methane was reduced in the tests performed with the sediments produced with water treatment plant residues and thus, altering negatively the development of methanogenic organisms. The growth of species of microorganism of genera Methanothrix sp was inhibited, which were found in great number in the control flask (with out WTPR) and in lower number as it was increased the amount of WTPR added to the column. It was observed that the WTPR generated in the city water treatment plant may interfere in the anaerobic digestion of sludge produced in primary settling tanks of a wastetreatment plant. A continuous pilot plant was operated in the second phase, which consisted of two aerated lagoon each one followed by a settling lagoon. Waste and WTPR from a watter treatment plant which ferric chloride were fed in one of the systems. It was observed that the use of WTPR improved the effluent quality of the settling lagoon evaluated in terms of COD, BOD, TSS, turbidity, color, ammonium, nitrate, TKN and total phosphate. Some parameters, such as TS, TDS, chloride, nitride, conductivity and pH did not present significant differences in both systems. Microscopic examinations indicated that no influence resulted in the aerated lagoon mixed liquor. A higher amount of sludge was formed in the lagoon system which received the WTPR. The specific resistance to filtration of this sludge was lower than that formed in the lagoon system with out WTPR addition. When dewatering both sludges, that one produced with the addition of WTPR required less amount of polymer. It was concluded that the WTPR produced in the water treatment plant of Araraquara may be disposed in the city wastewater treatment plant.
This work was carried out in two phases. Effects of disposing the residues from a water treatment plant - ETASC, which uses alum as primary coagulant on the primary settling tanks was evaluated in the first one. Sedimentation tests using column indicated that parameters such as TSS, VSS, colour, turbidity, COD, total coliformes totais, Escherichia coli e parasites in the supernatant decreased with the increase of the amount of the water treatment wastes added to the column. With relation to the sediments produced in the column, it was found great amount of TS and lower specific solids resistance in those generated in the columns where the water treatment plant residues-WTPR were used. Molar concentration of methane was reduced in the tests performed with the sediments produced with water treatment plant residues and thus, altering negatively the development of methanogenic organisms. The growth of species of microorganism of genera Methanothrix sp was inhibited, which were found in great number in the control flask (with out WTPR) and in lower number as it was increased the amount of WTPR added to the column. It was observed that the WTPR generated in the city water treatment plant may interfere in the anaerobic digestion of sludge produced in primary settling tanks of a wastetreatment plant. A continuous pilot plant was operated in the second phase, which consisted of two aerated lagoon each one followed by a settling lagoon. Waste and WTPR from a watter treatment plant which ferric chloride were fed in one of the systems. It was observed that the use of WTPR improved the effluent quality of the settling lagoon evaluated in terms of COD, BOD, TSS, turbidity, color, ammonium, nitrate, TKN and total phosphate. Some parameters, such as TS, TDS, chloride, nitride, conductivity and pH did not present significant differences in both systems. Microscopic examinations indicated that no influence resulted in the aerated lagoon mixed liquor. A higher amount of sludge was formed in the lagoon system which received the WTPR. The specific resistance to filtration of this sludge was lower than that formed in the lagoon system with out WTPR addition. When dewatering both sludges, that one produced with the addition of WTPR required less amount of polymer. It was concluded that the WTPR produced in the water treatment plant of Araraquara may be disposed in the city wastewater treatment plant.
Lodo de ETA, Lodo de ETE, Resíduos de ETA, Tratabilidade de lodos, Wastewater treatment plant sludge, Water treatment plant residues