Caracterização microbiana e degradação de detergente de uso doméstico em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a remoção de alquilbenzeno sulfonado linear (LAS), presente na composição do detergente em pó doméstico e caracterizar os microrganismos do domínio Bacteria do reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado. Para tal foi utilizado um reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado contendo areia como material suporte contendo biofilme maduro. O reator foi operado com TDH de 15 horas. A alimentação consistiu em substrato sintético, com etanol e extrato de levedura, como co-substratos, e detergente em pó comercial. O reator foi operado em 7 etapas diferentes: (I) circuito fechado para adaptação do biofilme maduro a nova água residuária, (II) sistema aberto e a alimentação com substrato sintético, (III) acréscimo de solução redutora de sulfeto de sódio, (IV) nova imobilização e adaptação da biomassa em sistema fechado, (V) circuito aberto e variação da concentração de co-substratos na alimentação em função da estabilização e aumento da eficiência de remoção de DQO, (VI) estabilização da remoção de matéria orgânica,(VII) adição de detergente em pó comercial. Os seguintes parâmetros físico-químicos foram monitorados: pH, alcalinidade, ácidos voláteis, sulfato, sulfeto, DQO, sólidos suspensos totais e concentração de LAS afluente e efluente. Remoção de 48% de LAS foi verificada após 231 dias de operação. A presença do surfactante não alterou significativamente a remoção de DQO, cujos valores foram 87,2 ± 5,4% e 85,8 ± 4,9%, antes e depois da adição de LAS, respectivamente. Por meio do balanço de massa verificou-se que 42,4% do LAS adicionado no reator foram removidos por degradação biológica, 0,9% ficaram adsorvidos na biomassa e 4,5% adsorvido na biomassa efluente. Clones relacionados aos Filos Proteobacteria, Synergistetes e Fusobacteria foram obtidos, tanto em amostras do material suporte, quanto do separador de fases do reator, sendo que o Filo Verrucomicrobia foi obtido, somente, em amostras do copo do reator. Os filos Bacteroidetes e Firmicutes foram verificados somente em amostras da areia.
The present research intends to evaluate the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS), a component present in the manufacturing of domestic detergent powder and characterize the microorganisms of Bacteria domain of the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor. In this case, an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor was employed, with sand containing mature biofilm as support material. The reactor was operated with a 15 hour HRT. Feeding consisted of synthetic substrate and commercial detergent powder, with ethanol and yeast extract as co-substrates. The reactor was operated in 7 different steps: (I) the circuit was kept closed for adaptation of mature biofilm to the new wastewater, (II) the system was opened and food was provided, consisting only of synthetic substrate, (III) a reducing solution of sodium sulfide was added, (IV) the system was closed for new immobilization and biomass adaptation, (V) the circuit was opened and the concentration of co-substrates of food was altered according to the stabilization and the increase of COD removal efficiency, (VI) there was stabilization of organic matter removal, (VII) commercial detergent powder was added. The following physicochemical parameters were monitored: pH, alkalinity, volatile acids, sulphate, sulphide, COD, total suspended solids and LAS concentration. The removal of 48% of LAS was observed after 231 days of operation. The presence of surfactant did not significantly affect COD removal: its values before and after LAS addition were 87.2 ± 5.4% and 85.8 ± 4.9%, respectively. The mass balance showed that 42.4% of the LAS added to the reactor was removed by biological degradation, 0.9% was adsorbed in the biomass and 4.5% was adsorbed in the effluent biomass. Clones belonging to the Phyla Proteobacteria, Synergistetes and Fusobacteria were obtained, both in the samples in the support material and in the samples in the reactor phases separator. Phylum Verrucomicrobia was found only in samples in the reactor phases separator. Phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were found only in samples of sand.
The present research intends to evaluate the removal of linear alkylbenzene sulphonate (LAS), a component present in the manufacturing of domestic detergent powder and characterize the microorganisms of Bacteria domain of the anaerobic fluidized bed reactor. In this case, an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor was employed, with sand containing mature biofilm as support material. The reactor was operated with a 15 hour HRT. Feeding consisted of synthetic substrate and commercial detergent powder, with ethanol and yeast extract as co-substrates. The reactor was operated in 7 different steps: (I) the circuit was kept closed for adaptation of mature biofilm to the new wastewater, (II) the system was opened and food was provided, consisting only of synthetic substrate, (III) a reducing solution of sodium sulfide was added, (IV) the system was closed for new immobilization and biomass adaptation, (V) the circuit was opened and the concentration of co-substrates of food was altered according to the stabilization and the increase of COD removal efficiency, (VI) there was stabilization of organic matter removal, (VII) commercial detergent powder was added. The following physicochemical parameters were monitored: pH, alkalinity, volatile acids, sulphate, sulphide, COD, total suspended solids and LAS concentration. The removal of 48% of LAS was observed after 231 days of operation. The presence of surfactant did not significantly affect COD removal: its values before and after LAS addition were 87.2 ± 5.4% and 85.8 ± 4.9%, respectively. The mass balance showed that 42.4% of the LAS added to the reactor was removed by biological degradation, 0.9% was adsorbed in the biomass and 4.5% was adsorbed in the effluent biomass. Clones belonging to the Phyla Proteobacteria, Synergistetes and Fusobacteria were obtained, both in the samples in the support material and in the samples in the reactor phases separator. Phylum Verrucomicrobia was found only in samples in the reactor phases separator. Phyla Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes were found only in samples of sand.
Surfactante, Areia, Degradação anaeróbia, LAS, RNAr16S, Surfactant, Sand, RNAr16S, LAS, Anaerobic degradation