Estudos de relações entre variáveis socioeconômicas, de uso do solo, participação em atividades e padrões de viagens encadeadas urbanas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Um dos tópicos mais importantes na análise de demanda por transportes é a relação entre as necessidades individuais de realização de atividades geograficamente distribuídas, a estrutura urbana, as características individuais e domiciliares, o sistema de transporte e as diferenças no comportamento relacionado a viagens. Isto motivou o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, que tem como objetivo principal analisar o comportamento individual subjacente ao encadeamento de viagens sob a perspectiva de três grupos de variáveis: (1) participação em atividades; (2) características socioeconômicas; e (3) uso do solo. Há dois objetivos secundários, fundamentais para se atingir a finalidade do trabalho: (a) propor um conjunto de variáveis de uso do solo; e (b) testar a significância do grupo de variáveis ora proposto. Este trabalho baseou-se nos dados da pesquisa origem-destino de 1997 da região metropolitana de São Paulo, sendo extraídas e analisadas seis amostras finais que foram caracterizadas por setor econômico (no caso de trabalhadores) e grau de instrução (no caso de estudantes). Com utilização conjunta de técnicas de análise multivariadas, confirmatórias e exploratórias, foi possível representar a variável dependente (Análise de Cluster), bem como encontrar relações entre variáveis envolvidas (Árvore de Decisão) e, finalmente, mensurar a significância estatística das variáveis independentes (Regressão Linear Múltipla). Através dos resultados obtidos, foi possível analisar a influência dos três grupos de variáveis na seqüência de viagens: (1) variáveis socioeconômicas (renda familiar, usa vale transporte, nº provável de carteiras de habilitação no domicílio, idade, nº de automóveis no domicílio) afetam principalmente a seqüência de modos de transporte utilizados durante as viagens; (2) participação em atividades (estuda, trabalha) interfere na seqüência de motivos de viagem; e, enfim, (3) variáveis de uso do solo (parcela acumulada de empregos ou escolas por faixas de distância a partir do centróide da zona de residência) influenciam a seqüência de destinos escolhidos. Espera-se que o presente trabalho constitua uma contribuição ao meio acadêmico, tanto em termos de representação da intensidade e distribuição geográfica das atividades no meio urbano (variáveis de uso do solo), quanto em relação à influência de tais variáveis nos deslocamentos dos indivíduos.
One of the most important topics in transportation demand is the relationship between individual needs to carry out geographically distributed activities, urban configuration, individual and household characteristics, transportation system and travel behavior. For that reason, the main aim of this work is to analyze the individual trip-chaining behavior in terms of three variables groups: (1) activity participation; (2) socioeconomic characteristics; and (3) land use. There are also two secondary objectives derived from the main objective: (a) to propose one set of land use variables; and (b) to verify the statistical significance of the created land use group variables. This work was based on the origin-destination survey carried out in the São Paulo metropolitan area in 1997, from which six final samples were extracted, analyzed and characterized by economic sector (for workers) and level of education (for students). Applying multivariate analysis techniques, confirmatory and exploratory, it was possible to represent the dependent variable (Cluster Analysis), as well as to find relationships between the concerned variables (Decision Tree) and, finally, to measure the statistical significance of the independent variables (Multiple Regression). From the results, it was possible to analyze the influence of the three variables groups on trip-chaining: (1) socioeconomic variables (household income, transit voucher use, probable number of driver licenses per household, age, car-ownership) affect the travel mode sequence used for the trips; (2) activity participation (study, work) has an effect on the trip purpose sequence; and (3) land use variables (accumulated proportion of jobs or schools by distance buffers starting from the residence zone centroid) influence the sequence of chosen destinations. It is expected that the present work could be a contribution to the scientific community for the representation of the activities level and their geographic distribution in the urban configuration (land use variables), and the influence of such variables on individuals displacements.
One of the most important topics in transportation demand is the relationship between individual needs to carry out geographically distributed activities, urban configuration, individual and household characteristics, transportation system and travel behavior. For that reason, the main aim of this work is to analyze the individual trip-chaining behavior in terms of three variables groups: (1) activity participation; (2) socioeconomic characteristics; and (3) land use. There are also two secondary objectives derived from the main objective: (a) to propose one set of land use variables; and (b) to verify the statistical significance of the created land use group variables. This work was based on the origin-destination survey carried out in the São Paulo metropolitan area in 1997, from which six final samples were extracted, analyzed and characterized by economic sector (for workers) and level of education (for students). Applying multivariate analysis techniques, confirmatory and exploratory, it was possible to represent the dependent variable (Cluster Analysis), as well as to find relationships between the concerned variables (Decision Tree) and, finally, to measure the statistical significance of the independent variables (Multiple Regression). From the results, it was possible to analyze the influence of the three variables groups on trip-chaining: (1) socioeconomic variables (household income, transit voucher use, probable number of driver licenses per household, age, car-ownership) affect the travel mode sequence used for the trips; (2) activity participation (study, work) has an effect on the trip purpose sequence; and (3) land use variables (accumulated proportion of jobs or schools by distance buffers starting from the residence zone centroid) influence the sequence of chosen destinations. It is expected that the present work could be a contribution to the scientific community for the representation of the activities level and their geographic distribution in the urban configuration (land use variables), and the influence of such variables on individuals displacements.
Variáveis de uso do solo, Participação em atividades, Padrões de viagens, Características socioeconômicas, Técnicas de análise multivariadas, Modelagem de demanda, Multivariate analysis techniques, Land use variables, Demand modelling, Travel patterns, Analysis techniques, Activity participation, Socioeconomic characteristics, Travel patterns, Socioeconomic characteristics, Multivariate Analysis techniques, Land use variables, Demand modelling, Activity participation