Arquitetura de orientação para avaliação de programas de educação a distância: desenvolvimento, implementação e análise
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Com a expansão da Educação a Distância (EaD) no Brasil, nos últimos anos, avaliações são fundamentais para mensurar o seu desempenho. Contudo, a qualidade é muitas vezes questionada e possivelmente uma das causas é a falta de confiabilidade e validade dos instrumentos utilizados. Desta forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi criar uma arquitetura de orientação para a construção de instrumentos de avaliação de Programas de Educação a Distância com evidências de confiabilidade e validade. A investigação é uma pesquisa descritiva e explicativa, que congrega os enfoques qualitativo e quantitativo e é sustentada por um arcabouço teórico e metodológico. Além disso, parte do pressuposto de um sistema integrado, cuja natureza cíclica do método confere dinamicidade e flexibilidade, sobretudo em ações que lastreiam qualidade ao produto final. Para isso, propõe-se um conjunto de elementos que podem ser utilizados como referência para a construção de diferentes instrumentos de avaliação. A partir da arquitetura de orientação desenvolvida criou-se um plano de assessment, o qual foi aplicado em um caso específico. Os resultados demonstram que a arquitetura é viável e tem capacidade de atender diferentes modelos e contextos de EaD, de forma que qualquer tipo de Instituição de Ensino pode utilizá-la para a construção de seus instrumentos avaliativos (assessment) de Educação a Distância. Conclui-se, portanto, que a arquitetura de orientação integra componentes de confiabilidade e validade, o que assegura uma tomada de decisão segura e precisa.
With the expansion of Distance Education (DE) in Brazil in recent years, assessments are crucial to measure its performance. However, its quality has been frequently questioned and one of the reasons may be the lack of reliability and validity in the tools used for it. Therefore, the objective of this study was to create an architecture to guide the construction of assessment tools for Distance Education Programs, with evidences of reliability and validity. The investigation is a descriptive and explanatory research, which brings together the qualitative and quantitative approaches and is underpinned by a theoretical and methodological framework. Moreover, it is based on an integrated system whose methods cyclical nature allows dynamicity and flexibility, mainly in actions that assure quality to the final product. Hence, it proposes a a set of elements that can be used as reference for the construction of different assessment instruments. From the architectural guidance designed to create an assessment plan, which was applied in a particular case. The results show that the architecture is feasible and has the capacity to suit different contexts and models of distance education, so that any type of Education Institution can use it for building their evaluative instruments (assessment) of Distance Education. Therefore, it is concluded that the Architecture Guidance integrates components of reliability and validity, which assure a precise and trustworthy decision taking.
With the expansion of Distance Education (DE) in Brazil in recent years, assessments are crucial to measure its performance. However, its quality has been frequently questioned and one of the reasons may be the lack of reliability and validity in the tools used for it. Therefore, the objective of this study was to create an architecture to guide the construction of assessment tools for Distance Education Programs, with evidences of reliability and validity. The investigation is a descriptive and explanatory research, which brings together the qualitative and quantitative approaches and is underpinned by a theoretical and methodological framework. Moreover, it is based on an integrated system whose methods cyclical nature allows dynamicity and flexibility, mainly in actions that assure quality to the final product. Hence, it proposes a a set of elements that can be used as reference for the construction of different assessment instruments. From the architectural guidance designed to create an assessment plan, which was applied in a particular case. The results show that the architecture is feasible and has the capacity to suit different contexts and models of distance education, so that any type of Education Institution can use it for building their evaluative instruments (assessment) of Distance Education. Therefore, it is concluded that the Architecture Guidance integrates components of reliability and validity, which assure a precise and trustworthy decision taking.
Assessment, Validade, Confiabilidade, Educação a distância, Instrumento de avaliação, Reliability, Evaluation, Distance education, Assessment tools, Validity