Caracterização de resíduos de caixas de gordura e avaliação da flotação como alternativa para o pré-tratamento
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Caixas de gordura são dispositivos para retenção de material gorduroso, de origem animal e vegetal, proveniente de pias de cozinha. Sua instalação é exigida por muitos municípios para liberação de ligações de esgoto, visando reduzir as concentrações de óleos e graxas (OG) lançadas no sistema público de coleta e tratamento. Um fator primordial para que estas caixas cumpram suas funções é o estabelecimento de rotinas de manutenção envolvendo inspeção e limpeza periódica. A instalação de locais para recebimento e pré-tratamento dos resíduos retirados das caixas de gordura pode incentivar boas práticas de operação e manutenção destes dispositivos. Diante disso, os objetivos desta pesquisa contemplam a caracterização de resíduos acumulados em caixas de gordura e a avaliação da flotação como alternativa para o seu pré- tratamento, seguido de caracterização do óleo extraído da escuma produzida no flotador. Para tanto, materiais acumulados em caixas de gorduras de fontes distintas foram caracterizados, possibilitando observar grande variação em sua composição, e elevadas concentrações de DBO, DQO, SST e OG. Para verificar o desempenho da flotação visando à redução de OG no efluente pré-tratado, foram realizados ensaios em bancadas e testados quatro produtos químicos coagulantes, sendo eles o PAC, o cloreto férrico, o tanino e o polímero catiônico. Todos apresentaram eficiências elevadas na remoção de OG, porém o produto que apresentou mais vantagens na aplicação foi o polímero. Utilizando o polímero, foram realizados ensaios para verificação do desempenho de várias dosagens associadas a três pH de coagulação diferentes e o melhor desempenho se deu com a aplicação de 30 mg/L de polímero combinada ao pH 4,3, natural da amostra. Foram também realizados ensaios utilizando diferentes relações A/S (7,5/1000, 15/1000 e 22/1000 gar/gsólidos),obtendo-se melhores remoções de OG com a utilização da relação 22/1000 gar/gsólidos. Os materiais flotados obtidos nos ensaios de avaliação da relação A/S foram caracterizados e apresentaram concentrações de ST entre 9,7 e 10,6% e de OG entre 6,1 e 6,7%. Baseado nos resultados obtidos a flotação mostra-se como alternativa com bom desempenho para o pré- tratamento dos resíduos estudados. Para avaliar a dificuldade do manuseio dos resíduos provenientes de caixas de gordura, uma planta piloto foi operada, e entre as principias dificuldades observadas estão o odor intenso, a necessidade de remoção de sólidos grosseiros e de homogeneização do resíduo no tanque de equalização. Visando reaproveitamento do resíduo flotado, foi realizada a extração do óleo com solvente de uma amostra deste material (com teor de sólidos de 8,86%), obtendo a recuperação de 30g óleo/L resíduo com acidez de 13,76 mg KOH/L. A elevada acidez indica a necessidade de purificação, se o objetivo for a produção de biodiesel.
Grease traps are devices that retain animal and vegetal fatty material from kitchen sinks. Many municipalities demand its installation in order to connect house wastewater to the public network, aiming to reduce fat, oil and grease concentration in the collecting and treatment systems. The establishment of maintenance schedule involving inspection and periodic cleaning is a key factor to the right functioning of the device. The existence of appropriated sites to receive and pretreat grease trap wastes may stimulate good practices on maintenance and operation of these devices. In this direction, the objectives of this research are the characterization of grease trap wastes and the evaluation of flotation as an alternative for its pretreatment, followed by characterization of the oil extracted from the scum formed at flotator. Therefore, grease trap wastes from different sources were collected and characterized. It could be observed a wide variation on its composition and high concentrations of BOD, COD, TSS and FOG. Lab scale tests were performed to assess flotation performance to reduce pretreated effluent FOG using four chemical coagulants: PAC, ferric chloride, tannin and cationic polymer. All of them achieved high efficiency on FOG removal, however the product that presented more advantages on application was polymer. More tests were performed using several dosages of polymer associated to three pH coagulation conditions. The combination that resulted in the best efficiency was 30 mg/L of polymer combined to pH 4.3, samples natural pH. Different A/S ratios were also tested (7.5/1000, 15/1000, 22/1000 gair/gsolids), the ratio 22/1000 gair/gsolids presented the best FOG removal efficiencies. Floated material from A/S ratio tests were characterized and presented TS concentrations between 9.7% and 10.6% and FOG was from 6.1% to 6.7%. Based on the obtained results, flotation appears as a high performance alternative for the pretreatment of studied wastes. A pilot plant was operated to evaluate problems related to grease trap waste handling. The main problems were: bad odor, the need of screening and waste homogenization in equalization tank. Aiming to reuse the floated waste, oil was extracted from a sample (8.86% solid content) using solvent, achieving the recovery of 30g oil/L waste with 13.76 mgKOH/L acidity. The high acidity points to the need of purification if biodiesel production is intended.
Grease traps are devices that retain animal and vegetal fatty material from kitchen sinks. Many municipalities demand its installation in order to connect house wastewater to the public network, aiming to reduce fat, oil and grease concentration in the collecting and treatment systems. The establishment of maintenance schedule involving inspection and periodic cleaning is a key factor to the right functioning of the device. The existence of appropriated sites to receive and pretreat grease trap wastes may stimulate good practices on maintenance and operation of these devices. In this direction, the objectives of this research are the characterization of grease trap wastes and the evaluation of flotation as an alternative for its pretreatment, followed by characterization of the oil extracted from the scum formed at flotator. Therefore, grease trap wastes from different sources were collected and characterized. It could be observed a wide variation on its composition and high concentrations of BOD, COD, TSS and FOG. Lab scale tests were performed to assess flotation performance to reduce pretreated effluent FOG using four chemical coagulants: PAC, ferric chloride, tannin and cationic polymer. All of them achieved high efficiency on FOG removal, however the product that presented more advantages on application was polymer. More tests were performed using several dosages of polymer associated to three pH coagulation conditions. The combination that resulted in the best efficiency was 30 mg/L of polymer combined to pH 4.3, samples natural pH. Different A/S ratios were also tested (7.5/1000, 15/1000, 22/1000 gair/gsolids), the ratio 22/1000 gair/gsolids presented the best FOG removal efficiencies. Floated material from A/S ratio tests were characterized and presented TS concentrations between 9.7% and 10.6% and FOG was from 6.1% to 6.7%. Based on the obtained results, flotation appears as a high performance alternative for the pretreatment of studied wastes. A pilot plant was operated to evaluate problems related to grease trap waste handling. The main problems were: bad odor, the need of screening and waste homogenization in equalization tank. Aiming to reuse the floated waste, oil was extracted from a sample (8.86% solid content) using solvent, achieving the recovery of 30g oil/L waste with 13.76 mgKOH/L acidity. The high acidity points to the need of purification if biodiesel production is intended.
Caracterização de resíduos de caixas de gordura, Flotação de resíduos com óleos e graxas, Resíduos de caixas de gordura, Grease trap waste, Grease trap waste characterization, Oils and greases waste flotation