Novos piezoeletretos: desenvolvimento e caracterização
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No final da década de 90, foi observado que filmes de espumas poliméricas carregadas eletricamente poderiam apresentar elevados coeficientes piezoelétricos quando eletricamente carregados. Isso devido a macro dipolos elétricos, formados por cargas elétrica opostas aprisionadas nas superfícies internas das cavidades do material. Esses filmes porosos, receberam os nomes de piezoeletretos ou ferroeletretos. Inicialmente produzidos por microextrusão aerada a partir de polipropileno, esses piezoeletretos estimularam as pesquisas devido aos elevados coeficientes piezoelétricos apresentados. No entanto, à baixa estabilidade térmica desse material, limitou sua aplicação em temperaturas mais elevadas. Isso direcionou as pesquisas para técnicas de produção de espumas com outros materiais. Recentemente, uma nova abordagem com dois filme de Teflon FEP moldados e colados por fusão, mostrou-se viável na produção de estruturas com cavidades fechadas. Por meio desse processo termo-moldado, não só estruturas termicamente mais estáveis foram produzidas mas também com elevados coeficientes piezoelétricos. Porém a principal vantagens desse processo foi a possibilidade de produzir estruturas com cavidades bem definidas, o que permite um carregamento mais uniforme e controle na freqüência de ressonância. Contudo, todos os processos de produção de piezoeletretos apresentados, possuem algumas limitações, como, por exemplo, o controle efetivo das cavidades e limites quanto ao número de camadas, o que tem se observado aumenta a resposta elétrica. Neste trabalho, é apresentada uma nova técnica para a produção de piezoeletretos, baseada em um sistema de laminação. Este possibilita elaborar estruturas com total controle das cavidades, através da fusão de dois poliméricos juntamente com um molde pré-fabricado. Os coeficientes piezoelétricos obtidos com essas estruturas foram similares aos encontrados nas espumas e termicamente mais estáveis quando produzidas com fluoropolímeros. Ainda neste trabalho foram analisadas a influência da altura e largura das cavidades no coeficiente piezoelétrico, o comportamento de estruturas formadas com diferentes polímeros, e também a versatilidade de estruturas com múltiplas camadas.
At the end of 90´s, it was observed that electrically charged foams made from polymers films could exhibit very high piezoelectric coefficients, due to macro-dipoles formed by trapped charges in the inner surfaces of the internal voids of the film. This films with small cavities after has been electrically charged received the names of piezoelectrets or ferroelectrects. They were initially prepared from polypropylene grains extruded into films in a physical blow process. However, the low thermal stability of the piezoelectric coefficient presentec by this voided films, motivated researches to explore different materials which were thermically more stables. Recently a new approach, were two Teflon FEP films were molded and fused to produce cavities with bubbles shapes was presented. These thermo-fused structures reveal also to present very high piezoelectric coefficients, after received properly charging. One of the major advantages of this molded structures piezoelectrets is the possibility to create piezoelectrets with well defined voids, which is supposed to provide a more homogeneous charging and a broadband frequency control. Nevertheless, the methods to produce homogenic structures developed so far are still facing problems to control the cavities and to create multi-layer structures. In this work a new process to produce piezoelectrets is presented. The method based on the lamination of two polymer films with a pre-fabricated template provides full control of the air cavities. After the template is removed, a well defined open channel structures is formed. Later when electrodes are deposited on both sides of the fused films the structure is electrically chargec and a piezoelectret with piezoelectric coefficients similar to the foams is formed. With this new controlled process to prepare piezoeletrets several parameters of the cavities were investigated, including the comparison of ferroelectretcs made from different materials and multi-layers samples.
At the end of 90´s, it was observed that electrically charged foams made from polymers films could exhibit very high piezoelectric coefficients, due to macro-dipoles formed by trapped charges in the inner surfaces of the internal voids of the film. This films with small cavities after has been electrically charged received the names of piezoelectrets or ferroelectrects. They were initially prepared from polypropylene grains extruded into films in a physical blow process. However, the low thermal stability of the piezoelectric coefficient presentec by this voided films, motivated researches to explore different materials which were thermically more stables. Recently a new approach, were two Teflon FEP films were molded and fused to produce cavities with bubbles shapes was presented. These thermo-fused structures reveal also to present very high piezoelectric coefficients, after received properly charging. One of the major advantages of this molded structures piezoelectrets is the possibility to create piezoelectrets with well defined voids, which is supposed to provide a more homogeneous charging and a broadband frequency control. Nevertheless, the methods to produce homogenic structures developed so far are still facing problems to control the cavities and to create multi-layer structures. In this work a new process to produce piezoelectrets is presented. The method based on the lamination of two polymer films with a pre-fabricated template provides full control of the air cavities. After the template is removed, a well defined open channel structures is formed. Later when electrodes are deposited on both sides of the fused films the structure is electrically chargec and a piezoelectret with piezoelectric coefficients similar to the foams is formed. With this new controlled process to prepare piezoeletrets several parameters of the cavities were investigated, including the comparison of ferroelectretcs made from different materials and multi-layers samples.
Sensores e transdutores poliméricos, Eletretos, Polímeros porosos e celulares, Ferroeletretos, Filmes eletromecânicos (EMFi), Polímeros eletromecânicos, Piezoeletretos, Pressure sensors, Porous and cellular polymers, Polimeric transducers, Piezoelectrets, Ferroelectrets, Electromechanical polymers, Electromechanical films (EMFi), Electrets