Algoritmo de determinação do coeficiente de amortecimento em materiais refratários de alta alumina
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O amortecimento, fenômeno pelo qual energia mecânica em um sistema dinâmico é dissipada, é uma das propriedades mais sensíveis dos materiais quanto a presença de trincas e microtrincas. O estudo do amortecimento já é bem estabelecido em áreas como engenharia civil, em que é de importância na resistência mecânica de um sistema sujeito a abalos sísmicos e vibrações, porém vem sendo cada vez mais estudado na indústria de materiais para analisar e quantificar o dano em concretos refratários que sofrem ciclos de choque térmico. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia e algoritmo para a determinação do amortecimento das ressonâncias de um material, para avaliação de danos em concretos refratários, através da análise espectral de tempo-frequência. São também apresentados os resultados obtidos para um sinal simulado, uma barra de alumina densa e um par de barras de concreto refratário comercial de alta alumina, sendo uma com e outra sem dano por choque térmico. Com o uso do método foi possível recuperar o valor do amortecimento e a frequência usada para gerar o sinal simulado. O resultado apresentado para a alumina é compatível com o valor encontrado em literatura e, com o resultado obtido para os concretos refratários, foi possível mostrar o potencial de aplicação do método para caracterização de dano, sendo significativa a diferença do amortecimento do concreto com dano para o concreto sem dano.
Damping, phenomenon by which mechanical energy is reduced in dynamic systems, is one of the most sensible properties of materials in relation to the presence of cracks and micro-cracks. The study of the damping is well stablished in areas such as civil engineering, where it has fundamental importance in the mechanical resistance of a system exposed to seismic waves or vibration, although it is beginning to be used more often in the material industry to analyze and quantify the damage in castables that suffered thermal-shock cycles. This work presents a methodology and an algorithm to determine the resonances damping factors of a material, to evaluate the damage caused by thermal shock in castables, through the use of time-frequency spectral analysis. Results are presented for a simulated signal, an alumina beam, a pair of commercial high alumina with low-aggregate content castable, a pair of high alumina with high-aggregate content castable and a pair of silico-aluminous castable impregnated with coke. Each pair contains one sample with damage through thermal-shock cycle(s) and the other without. By using this method it was possible to retrieve the damping value and frequency used to generate the simulated signal. The result for the alumina beam was in accordance to the literature values and, with the results achieved for the castables, it was possible to expose the potential application of the method to characterize damage: there were a considerable difference between the damping value of the castables with and without damages.
Damping, phenomenon by which mechanical energy is reduced in dynamic systems, is one of the most sensible properties of materials in relation to the presence of cracks and micro-cracks. The study of the damping is well stablished in areas such as civil engineering, where it has fundamental importance in the mechanical resistance of a system exposed to seismic waves or vibration, although it is beginning to be used more often in the material industry to analyze and quantify the damage in castables that suffered thermal-shock cycles. This work presents a methodology and an algorithm to determine the resonances damping factors of a material, to evaluate the damage caused by thermal shock in castables, through the use of time-frequency spectral analysis. Results are presented for a simulated signal, an alumina beam, a pair of commercial high alumina with low-aggregate content castable, a pair of high alumina with high-aggregate content castable and a pair of silico-aluminous castable impregnated with coke. Each pair contains one sample with damage through thermal-shock cycle(s) and the other without. By using this method it was possible to retrieve the damping value and frequency used to generate the simulated signal. The result for the alumina beam was in accordance to the literature values and, with the results achieved for the castables, it was possible to expose the potential application of the method to characterize damage: there were a considerable difference between the damping value of the castables with and without damages.
Amortecimento, Análise de tempo-frequência, Viscoelasticidade, Choque-térmico, Concreto refratário, Time-frequency analysis, Thermal-shock, Damping, Castables, Viscoelasticity