Características operacionais de praças de arrecadação de pedágio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a operação de praças de arrecadação de pedágio, a fim de fornecer subsídios para o seu projeto e para o estabelecimento de parâmetros e procedimentos para avaliação do nível de serviço. Os dados foram coletados em cinco praças de pedágio do estado de São Paulo, localizadas fora do meio urbano. Os aspectos operacionais estudados foram: o processo de chegadas dos veículos às praças; o perfil da velocidade durante a desaceleração dos veículos na entrada da praça; o processo de escolha da cabine pelos motoristas; o processo de atendimento dos veículos nas cabines (incluindo a forma de pagamento da tarifa); o perfil da velocidade durante a aceleração dos veículos na saída da praça; e as velocidades desenvolvidas nas cabines AVI, que são cabines que atendem somente veículos portadores da tecnologia de cobrança eletrônica de pedágio. As conclusões principais da análise dos dados coletados são: o processo de chegadas dos veículos às praças de pedágio pode ser representado por uma distribuição exponencial negativa (para intervalos curtos); modelos lineares são uma aproximação razoável para a representação do perfil da velocidade durante a desaceleração e a aceleração dos veículos nas praças; a maioria dos motoristas escolhe a cabine no mesmo lado em que chega à praça de pedágio e, uma vez selecionado o lado, se dirige à cabine com menor fila; caminhões e ônibus tendem a usar as cabines do lado direito da praça; alguns motoristas se dirigem a uma cabine com fila mesmo quando há cabines disponíveis para o atendimento naquele lado da praça; e o tempo de atendimento dos veículos nas cabines varia em função do tipo de veículo, da forma de pagamento e das características da praça com relação ao valor da tarifa, fluxo de tráfego e tipo de usuário predominante. Apresenta-se um exemplo de como esses dados podem ser usados para a determinação do nível de serviço das praças, através de um modelo de simulação, que indicou que o uso da cobrança eletrônica de pedágio reduz consideravelmente o congestionamento nas praças de pedágio: com o fluxo de tráfego próximo da capacidade da praça, o tempo médio gasto na praça é reduzido quase à metade se 10% dos usuários optarem pelo pagamento eletrônico da tarifa.
The research objective was to analyze the operation of toll plazas in order to give subsidies for its project as well as to establish parameters and procedures to evaluate the service level. The data were collected in five toll plazas in the state of São Paulo, operated in rural highways. The operational aspects studied were: the vehicle arrival process; the speed profile during deceleration at the toll plaza entrance; the process in which drivers select toll booths; the vehicle processing time at toll booths (including payment method); the speed profile during acceleration at the toll plaza exit; and the speed at AVI toll booths, which process just vehicles equipped with electronic toll collection. The conclusions of the colleted data analysis are: the vehicle arrival process can be represented by a negative exponential distribution (for short time intervals); linear models are an acceptable approach to represent the speed profile during deceleration and acceleration of vehicles at toll plazas; the majority of drivers choose the toll booth in the same side that they arrive the toll plaza and, once the side is chosen, they go to the booth with the shortest queue; trucks and buses frequently go to the right side of the toll plaza; some drivers go to a toll booth with queue despite the availability of free booths at that side of the plaza; and the vehicle processing time at toll booths varies with the vehicle type, the payment method and the plaza characteristics related with the toll value, the traffic volume and the predominant user. An example of how this data can be used to determine the service level of toll plazas is showed by using a simulation model. This model indicated that the use of electronic toll collection reduces considerably congestions at toll plazas: when the traffic flow approaches capacity, the average time spent at the toll plaza is reduced near half if 10% of the users change from manual payment to electronic payment method.
The research objective was to analyze the operation of toll plazas in order to give subsidies for its project as well as to establish parameters and procedures to evaluate the service level. The data were collected in five toll plazas in the state of São Paulo, operated in rural highways. The operational aspects studied were: the vehicle arrival process; the speed profile during deceleration at the toll plaza entrance; the process in which drivers select toll booths; the vehicle processing time at toll booths (including payment method); the speed profile during acceleration at the toll plaza exit; and the speed at AVI toll booths, which process just vehicles equipped with electronic toll collection. The conclusions of the colleted data analysis are: the vehicle arrival process can be represented by a negative exponential distribution (for short time intervals); linear models are an acceptable approach to represent the speed profile during deceleration and acceleration of vehicles at toll plazas; the majority of drivers choose the toll booth in the same side that they arrive the toll plaza and, once the side is chosen, they go to the booth with the shortest queue; trucks and buses frequently go to the right side of the toll plaza; some drivers go to a toll booth with queue despite the availability of free booths at that side of the plaza; and the vehicle processing time at toll booths varies with the vehicle type, the payment method and the plaza characteristics related with the toll value, the traffic volume and the predominant user. An example of how this data can be used to determine the service level of toll plazas is showed by using a simulation model. This model indicated that the use of electronic toll collection reduces considerably congestions at toll plazas: when the traffic flow approaches capacity, the average time spent at the toll plaza is reduced near half if 10% of the users change from manual payment to electronic payment method.
Operação de praças de pedágio, Praças de pedágio, Simulação, Tempo de atendimento, Processing time, Simulation, Toll plazas, Toll plazas operation