Tomografia computadorizada de raios-X aplicada à análise da qualidade ambiental de solo no entorno da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira - SP
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O processo de recuperação das terras degradadas pela pecuária, principalmente no Brasil, tornou-se uma solução incontestável para atender à necessidade alimentar não somente do país, mas também mundial. Com o fim de avaliar a qualidade física de recuperação de áreas degradadas, propõe-se neste trabalho, aplicar o método de Tomografia Computadorizada de Raios-X (T.C.), mais precisamente o uso de um microtomógrafo não médico. As amostras de solo foram coletadas no entorno da Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira (SP) e pastagens do MS. Foram selecionados seis tratamentos de solo para a aplicação de procedimentos técnicos: um ocupado por vegetação nativa (Cerrado), um de pastagem recuperada, um de pastagem degradada, outro de solo tratato com Astronium fraxinifolium (Gonçalo-alves) + Brachiaria decumbens + Lodo de esgoto, um de solo degradado/decapitado e um último de solo recuperado. Inicialmente, foi feito um estudo básico sobre os fundamentos da Física do Solo, o método de Tomografia Computadorizada e as técnicas de recuperação de solo. Em seguida foram obtidas as imagems tomográficas por meio de microtomógrafo e de software NRCon, pertencentes à Embrapa Instrumentação e à Faculdade de Odontologia da Unesp - Araraquara. Assim, baseado nessas imagens, foi utilizado o software CT-Analiser para a obtenção dos atributos físicos como densidade, tamanho dos agregados e porosidade, que são fundamentais para avaliação de qualidade ambiental de solo. Como resultado desse trabalho foram observadas diferenças qualitativas e quantitativas dos seis tipos de solo por meio das análises de imagem e, posteriormente, comparado com os resultados obtidos pelo método convencional. Por último, foi construído um modelo tridimensional para visualizar o interior das amostras de solo. Dessa forma, o trabalho mostrou a potencialidade e a aplicação do método de T.C. nas investigações de solo, em particular nos indicadores de qualidade física e ambiental dos solos estudados.
The process of recovery of land degraded by livestock, mainly in Brazil, has become an incontestable solution to meet the needs of national and international food. This dissertation reports on the application of the X-ray Computed Tomography, more precisely a non-medical microtomograph, to the analysis of the physical quality of soils in the degraded area recovering. The soil samples were collected in the surroundings of Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira (SP) and pastures in MS. Six sites were selected for the application of the technical procedures: a portion occupied by native vegetation (cerrado), a recovered pasture, a degraded pasture, a pasture treated with Astronium fraxinifolium (Gonçalo-alves)+Brachiaria decumbens+sewage sludge, a pasture of degraded/beheaded soil and a recovered soil. Initially, a theoretical study of the Soil Physics, the Computerized Tomography method and the techniques of soil recovery was conducted. The tomographic images were obtained by means of a microtomograph and NRCon software from Embrapa Instrumentação and UNESP Dentistry School - Araraquara. The CT-Analyser software was used to obtain the physical attibutes, such as density, porosity and size of aggregates, which are fundamental to evaluate the physical characteristics of the soil. The image analysis showed qualitative and quantitative differences in the six types of soil and the results were compared with those obtained by the conventional method. A tridimensional model was constructed to show the interior of the soil samples. The study has proved the potential and application of the C.T. method to the soil investigations, especially in the indicators of the physical and environmental quality of the soils studied.
The process of recovery of land degraded by livestock, mainly in Brazil, has become an incontestable solution to meet the needs of national and international food. This dissertation reports on the application of the X-ray Computed Tomography, more precisely a non-medical microtomograph, to the analysis of the physical quality of soils in the degraded area recovering. The soil samples were collected in the surroundings of Usina Hidrelétrica de Ilha Solteira (SP) and pastures in MS. Six sites were selected for the application of the technical procedures: a portion occupied by native vegetation (cerrado), a recovered pasture, a degraded pasture, a pasture treated with Astronium fraxinifolium (Gonçalo-alves)+Brachiaria decumbens+sewage sludge, a pasture of degraded/beheaded soil and a recovered soil. Initially, a theoretical study of the Soil Physics, the Computerized Tomography method and the techniques of soil recovery was conducted. The tomographic images were obtained by means of a microtomograph and NRCon software from Embrapa Instrumentação and UNESP Dentistry School - Araraquara. The CT-Analyser software was used to obtain the physical attibutes, such as density, porosity and size of aggregates, which are fundamental to evaluate the physical characteristics of the soil. The image analysis showed qualitative and quantitative differences in the six types of soil and the results were compared with those obtained by the conventional method. A tridimensional model was constructed to show the interior of the soil samples. The study has proved the potential and application of the C.T. method to the soil investigations, especially in the indicators of the physical and environmental quality of the soils studied.
Análise de imagens, Recuperação do solo, Porosidade do solo, Densidade do solo, Conectividade, Tomografia computadorizada (CT), Connectivity, Image analysis, Computed tomography (CT), Soil density, Soil porosity, Soil recovery