Determinação da tenacidade à fratura da região da solda de um tubo de aço ferrítico ASTM A 335 Gr.P22 através do Deslocamento da Abertura da Ponta da Trinca (CTOD)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Aços ferríticos ligados ao cromo e molibdênio, como o ASTM A335 P22, são largamente utilizados nos geradores de vapor em plantas termoelétricas ao redor do mundo e podem apresentar trincas por fadiga durante sua operação. A montagem dos componentes dos geradores de vapor em campo é realizada através de técnicas manuais de soldagem e tem sido apontada como um fator crítico para a qualidade destes equipamentos quando algum parâmetro de soldagem é negligenciado durante o processo. A região soldada de um aço ligado sofre grande influência do ciclo térmico durante a soldagem, cujos elementos de liga mesmo em pequenas quantidades presentes no aço e metal da solda aumentam a temperabilidade, e que dessa forma favorece a formação de microestruturas bainíticas ou martensíticas na região soldada. Neste estudo, uma solda realizada de acordo com o procedimento qualificado, com pré-aquecimento e alivio de tensões pós-soldagem, foi comparada com uma solda realizada sem os tratamentos de pré-aquecimento e alivio de tensões, e foi comparada ainda com uma solda realizada sem os tratamentos térmicos de pré-aquecimento e alivio de tensões e com aporte de calor acima do determinado pelo procedimento. Para isto, o desempenho de cada solda foi analisado quanto ao desempenho nos ensaios de tração, dobramento lateral (requisitos de qualificação de procedimento pelo código ASME IX), e nos ensaios complementares de resistência ao impacto charpy e tenacidade à fratura de cada região principal da solda (Material base, ZTA e Metal de adição). A tenacidade à fratura de cada uma das regiões foi determinada através da técnica da mecânica da fratura elasto-plástica do Deslocamento da Abertura da ponta da trinca, \"Crack Tip Open Displacement\" (CTOD), aplicada a materiais dúcteis. O resultado deste estudo comparativo mostra que mesmo negligenciando os limites dos parâmetros do procedimento de soldagem especificado para o aço ASTM A335 P22, com espessura de 21mm e 304,8mm de diâmetro, o procedimento teria sido aprovado nos ensaios de qualificação estabelecidos pela norma (tração e dobramento lateral). Contudo, os resultados dos ensaios de Impacto charpy e CTOD realizados nas regiões da solda, mostraram que o metal de adição apresentou tenacidade bem a baixo do que foi observado para a ZTA e para o material base. Desta forma a realização do pré-aquecimento e tratamento de alívio pós-soldagem produziu microestruturas de menor dureza, mas que não refletiu em um aumento da tenacidade do metal de adição.
Ferritic alloy steels with chromium and molybdenum, as ASTM A335 P22, are widely used in steam generators in power plants around the world and may have broken fatigue during operation. The assembly of the components of the steam generators in the field is performed by manual welding techniques and has been identified as a critical factor for the quality of these devices when some parameter is ignored during the welding process. The welded region of an alloy is influenced thermal cycle during welding, alloying elements present in the steel and weld metal increases hardenability, and thus favors the formation of bainíticas or martensitic microstructures in the welded region. In this study, a weld made according to the procedure qualified, pre-heating and post-weld relief of stress was compared with a weld treatments performed without preheating and relieving stress, and was further compared with a solder heat treatments performed without preheating and stress relief heat input and determined by the above procedure. For this, the performance of each weld was analyzed for performance in tensile tests, lateral bending (qualification requirements of ASME IX by procedure code), and testing of Charpy impact resistance and toughness of each major region of the fracture weld (base material, HAZ and weld metal). The fracture toughness of each region was determined by fracture mechanics technique of elastic-plastic fracture Crack Tip Open Displacement (CTOD) applied to ductile materials. The result of this comparative study shows that even neglecting the parameters limits of the welding procedure specified for ASTM A335 P22 with thickness of 21mm and diameter of 304.8 mm, the procedure would have passed in qualification tests established by ASME IX (tensile and lateral bending). However, the results of Charpy impact and the CTOD tests performed in weld regions showed that the weld metal had a very low tenacity than was observed in the HAZ and the base material. Thus the realization of pre-heating and post-weld treatment relief produced microstructures with lower hardness but that was not reflected in an increase in the toughness of weld metal.
Ferritic alloy steels with chromium and molybdenum, as ASTM A335 P22, are widely used in steam generators in power plants around the world and may have broken fatigue during operation. The assembly of the components of the steam generators in the field is performed by manual welding techniques and has been identified as a critical factor for the quality of these devices when some parameter is ignored during the welding process. The welded region of an alloy is influenced thermal cycle during welding, alloying elements present in the steel and weld metal increases hardenability, and thus favors the formation of bainíticas or martensitic microstructures in the welded region. In this study, a weld made according to the procedure qualified, pre-heating and post-weld relief of stress was compared with a weld treatments performed without preheating and relieving stress, and was further compared with a solder heat treatments performed without preheating and stress relief heat input and determined by the above procedure. For this, the performance of each weld was analyzed for performance in tensile tests, lateral bending (qualification requirements of ASME IX by procedure code), and testing of Charpy impact resistance and toughness of each major region of the fracture weld (base material, HAZ and weld metal). The fracture toughness of each region was determined by fracture mechanics technique of elastic-plastic fracture Crack Tip Open Displacement (CTOD) applied to ductile materials. The result of this comparative study shows that even neglecting the parameters limits of the welding procedure specified for ASTM A335 P22 with thickness of 21mm and diameter of 304.8 mm, the procedure would have passed in qualification tests established by ASME IX (tensile and lateral bending). However, the results of Charpy impact and the CTOD tests performed in weld regions showed that the weld metal had a very low tenacity than was observed in the HAZ and the base material. Thus the realization of pre-heating and post-weld treatment relief produced microstructures with lower hardness but that was not reflected in an increase in the toughness of weld metal.
Alívio de tensões, Tenacidade à fratura, ZTA, Pré-aquecimento, Juntas soldadas, CTOD, Fracture toughness, Stress relief, CTOD, Welding, ZTA, Pre-heating