Análise da relação entre normas de sistemas de gestão (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 e NBR 16001) e a sustentabilidade empresarial
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A sustentabilidade está sendo inserida no contexto empresarial como uma forma de minimizar os impactos causados pelos processos produtivos. Empresas estão deixando de considerar somente questões econômicas e passaram a atentarem-se as questões socioambientais. Diante desse contexto, as organizações utilizam ferramentas como normas de sistemas de gestão para auxiliar a satisfazer os anseios das partes interessadas e introduzir a sustentabilidade em seus contextos. No cenário científico não identificou-se estudos que abordassem a relação existente entre normas de sistemas de gestão e a sustentabilidade empresarial. Sendo assim, esse estudo teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre normas de sistemas de gestão (ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 e NBR 16001) e a sustentabilidade empresarial. Para isso realizou-se uma revisão bibliográfica com o intuito de identificar os requisitos da sustentabilidade empresarial. Esses foram extraídos do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial, Indicadores Ethos e Global Reporting Initiative, pois agrupam os principais elementos da sustentabilidade empresarial. Posteriormente foi construída matriz de relação contendo os requisitos da sustentabilidade empresarial e os requisitos de cada norma de sistema de gestão estudada. Essa matriz foi preenchida pela pesquisadora e por 6 especialistas que utilizam essas normas diariamente. Posteriormente as respostas foram consolidadas gerando a Matriz de Relação Consolidada (MRC) que foi analisada e interpretada. As relações foram classificadas como forte, moderada, fraca ou nula. Essa matriz foi o meio utilizado para atingir o objetivo da pesquisa. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a ISO 9001 e a OHSAS 18001 possuem relação fraca com a sustentabilidade empresarial. A ISO 14001 apresenta relação moderada e a NBR 16001 apresenta relação forte. Sendo assim, conclui-se que esses padrões normativos podem auxiliar as empresas a introduzirem a sustentabilidade em seu contexto, no entanto, a ISO 9001 e a OHSAS 18001 são normas que abordam apenas alguns elementos da sustentabilidade empresarial. A NBR 16001 é a norma que mais apresenta os elementos da sustentabilidade em seu escopo. Sendo assim, empresas que objetivam introduzir a sustentabilidade nos ambientes corporativos poderiam focar na implementação da NBR.
Sustainability is being inserted into the business context as a way to minimize the negative impacts of production processes. Organizations are ceasing to consider only economic issues and began to heed to social and environmental issues. In this context, organizations use tools such as management system standards to help stakeholders satisfy their aspirations and introduce sustainability into their contexts. A study that approached the relation between standards of management systems and corporate sustainability wasnt identified in the scientific scenery. Therefore, the goal is to analyze the relation between management system standards (ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and NBR 16001) and corporate sustainability. A literature review was carried out in order to identify the requirements of corporate sustainability. These were taken from the Corporate Sustainability Index, Ethos Indicators and Global Reporting Initiative, for they group the main elements of corporate sustainability. Later, a relation matrix containing the requirements of corporate sustainability was built with the requirements of each standard management system studied. This matrix was filled by the researcher and six experts who use these standards daily. Later responses were consolidated generating the Consolidated Relation Matrix which was analyzed and interpreted. Relations were classified as strong, moderate, weak or null. This matrix was the means used to achieve the objective of the research. The survey results show that the ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 have weak relation to corporate sustainability. The ISO 14001 has moderate relation and the NBR 16001 presents strong relation. Therefore, it is concluded that these regulatory standards can help companies to introduce sustainability in their context, however, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 are standards that address only some elements of corporate sustainability. The NBR 16001 is the standard that has more elements of sustainability in its scope. Thus, companies aiming to introduce sustainability into corporate environments could focus on the implementation of the NBR 16001.
Sustainability is being inserted into the business context as a way to minimize the negative impacts of production processes. Organizations are ceasing to consider only economic issues and began to heed to social and environmental issues. In this context, organizations use tools such as management system standards to help stakeholders satisfy their aspirations and introduce sustainability into their contexts. A study that approached the relation between standards of management systems and corporate sustainability wasnt identified in the scientific scenery. Therefore, the goal is to analyze the relation between management system standards (ISO 14001, ISO 9001, OHSAS 18001 and NBR 16001) and corporate sustainability. A literature review was carried out in order to identify the requirements of corporate sustainability. These were taken from the Corporate Sustainability Index, Ethos Indicators and Global Reporting Initiative, for they group the main elements of corporate sustainability. Later, a relation matrix containing the requirements of corporate sustainability was built with the requirements of each standard management system studied. This matrix was filled by the researcher and six experts who use these standards daily. Later responses were consolidated generating the Consolidated Relation Matrix which was analyzed and interpreted. Relations were classified as strong, moderate, weak or null. This matrix was the means used to achieve the objective of the research. The survey results show that the ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 have weak relation to corporate sustainability. The ISO 14001 has moderate relation and the NBR 16001 presents strong relation. Therefore, it is concluded that these regulatory standards can help companies to introduce sustainability in their context, however, ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001 are standards that address only some elements of corporate sustainability. The NBR 16001 is the standard that has more elements of sustainability in its scope. Thus, companies aiming to introduce sustainability into corporate environments could focus on the implementation of the NBR 16001.
Sustentabilidade empresarial, OSHAS 18001, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, NBR 16001, OHSAS 18001, NBR 16001, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, Corporate sustainability