Construção de microssensores e sua aplicação para estudo de biofilme empregado no tratamento de água residuária
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo a construção de microssensores amperométricos e potenciométricos para mensuração de oxigênio dissolvido (OD), gás sulfídrico (\'H IND.2\'S\'), íons amônio (\'NH IND.4\'POT.+\'), nitrato (\'NO IND.3\'POT.-\'), nitrito (\'NO IND.2\'POT.-\') e hidrogeniônicos (\'H POT.+\') em biofilmes aplicados a nitrificação de água residuária. Os biofilmes analisados por meio do uso dos microssensores construídos foram desenvolvidos sobre superfícies suportes de reatores de bancada do tipo célula de fluxo, as quais foram operadas sob diferentes condições operacionais em cinco experimentos distintos. Substrato sintético com concentrações de nitrogênio total Kjeldahl (NTK) de 40 ± 10 mg/L e demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) de 95 ± 5 mg/L foi utilizado para alimentação das células de fluxo no decorrer de todos os experimentos. Lodo aeróbio proveniente de reator de lodos ativados da Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto das Flores localizada em Rio Claro-SP foi usado como inóculo das células de fluxo. Análises físico-químicas de pH, alcalinidade, DQO, NTK, \'NO IND.3\'POT.-\', \'NO IND.2\'POT.-\' do afluente e do efluente das células de fluxo operadas foram realizadas para o monitoramento das condições de operação das mesmas. Concomitantemente às últimas, a obtenção de perfis de concentrações de oxigênio dissolvido, pH, íons nitrato e amônio foi realizada nos biofilmes formados sobre as superfícies inertes nas células. Os microssensores de OD se mostraram eficientes na mensuração de oxigênio dissolvido no interior de filmes biológicos que continham zonas aeróbias, anóxicas e anaeróbias. Os microeletrodos de pH e de íons amônio permitiram a verificação das variações de pH e das concentrações de \'NH IND.4\'POT.+\' (sentido meio líquido-biofilme) que se deram nas células de fluxo operadas. Os microssensores de íons nitrato construídos não apresentaram seletividade aos seus analitos (\'NO IND.3\'POT.-\') e foi constatado que os mesmos detectavam concentrações de íons nitrato e nitrito no meio, portanto esses passaram a ser denominados de microssensores para detecção de íons \'NO IND.X\'POT.-\'. A construção dos microeletrodos destinados a mensuração de íons nitrito não foi passível de realização visto que a membrana íon seletiva que seria aplicada nos mesmos não se encontrou disponível no mercado. Os microeletrodos de \'H IND.2\'S\' foram calibrados e, mediante as suas curvas de calibração verificou-se que os mesmos foram eficientes na medição da concentração do gás dissolvido em água, entretanto esses microssensores não foram empregados em biofilmes.
The goal of the current research was the construction of amperometric and potentiometric microsensors to measure dissolved oxygen (DO), hydrogen sulfide (\'H IND.2\'S\'), nitrite, nitrate, ammonium and pH in biofilms applied at wastewater treatment. The biofilms that were analyzed with the constructed microsensors were grown at the surface of flat-plate reactors, which were operated in five distinct experiments under different operational conditions. The growth media that had total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TNK) of 40 ± 10 mg/L and carbon oxygen demand (COD) of 90 ± 5 mg/L was used as feed of the flatplate reactors during the experiments. The reactors were inoculated with sludge originating from activated sludge reactor located in Rio Claro (SP). Alkalinity, pH, COD, \'NO IND.3\'POT.-\', \'NO IND.2\'POT.-\' analyses of the affluent and effluent of the reactors were carried out for the accompaniment of the operational conditions of the flat-plate reactors. Concomitantly to the last ones, microprofiles of DO, pH, nitrate and ammonium were obtained in the biofilms. The DO microsensors constructed showed a good performance when they were applied to measure oxygen concentrations in the microenvironments in biofilms. Ammonium and pH microelectrodes allowed the verification of the variations of pH and ammonium concentrations in the direction from the bulk liquid to the biofilm that occurred at the flatplate reactors. The nitrate microsensor has not presented selectivity for its primary ions (\'NO IND.3\'POT.-\') and it was evidenced that the same one detected the concentration of nitrate and nitrite (\'NO IND.X\'POT.-\'). The nitrite microsensor could not be constructed since the membrane that would be used was not available in the market. The \'H IND.2\'S\' microelectrodes had shown efficiency in measuring aqueous solutions with different concentrations of dissolved \'H IND.2\'S\'; however these devices were not applied in biofilms.
The goal of the current research was the construction of amperometric and potentiometric microsensors to measure dissolved oxygen (DO), hydrogen sulfide (\'H IND.2\'S\'), nitrite, nitrate, ammonium and pH in biofilms applied at wastewater treatment. The biofilms that were analyzed with the constructed microsensors were grown at the surface of flat-plate reactors, which were operated in five distinct experiments under different operational conditions. The growth media that had total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TNK) of 40 ± 10 mg/L and carbon oxygen demand (COD) of 90 ± 5 mg/L was used as feed of the flatplate reactors during the experiments. The reactors were inoculated with sludge originating from activated sludge reactor located in Rio Claro (SP). Alkalinity, pH, COD, \'NO IND.3\'POT.-\', \'NO IND.2\'POT.-\' analyses of the affluent and effluent of the reactors were carried out for the accompaniment of the operational conditions of the flat-plate reactors. Concomitantly to the last ones, microprofiles of DO, pH, nitrate and ammonium were obtained in the biofilms. The DO microsensors constructed showed a good performance when they were applied to measure oxygen concentrations in the microenvironments in biofilms. Ammonium and pH microelectrodes allowed the verification of the variations of pH and ammonium concentrations in the direction from the bulk liquid to the biofilm that occurred at the flatplate reactors. The nitrate microsensor has not presented selectivity for its primary ions (\'NO IND.3\'POT.-\') and it was evidenced that the same one detected the concentration of nitrate and nitrite (\'NO IND.X\'POT.-\'). The nitrite microsensor could not be constructed since the membrane that would be used was not available in the market. The \'H IND.2\'S\' microelectrodes had shown efficiency in measuring aqueous solutions with different concentrations of dissolved \'H IND.2\'S\'; however these devices were not applied in biofilms.
Biofilmes, Célula de fluxo, Microssensores, Tratamento de água residuária, Biofilms, Flat-plate reactors, Microsensors, Wastewater treatment