Colheita e transporte de madeira: terceirização x verticalização das operações
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presente pesquisa apresenta uma proposta de avaliação econômica de alternativas baseadaem estimativas de custos fixos e variáveis das operações de colheita e transporte da madeira, incluindo encargos sociais e trabalhistas, bem como custos de tributação a serem recolhidos pelas empresas envolvidas, empregando um programa desenvolvido em Visual Basic 6.0® - Excel 12.0 for Windows®. São geradas nove simulações de cenários hipotéticos contemplando operações 100% verticalizadas, 100% terceirizadas, transporte principal terceirizado, alteração da tecnologia do veículo empregado, distância média do transporte principal, das equipes de gestão da tomadora e prestadora e dos salários pagos pela empresa contratada. Conclui-se que a gestão terceirizada, com cumprimento integral da legislação e níveis de remuneração de operadores e gestores iguais aos da empresa contratante, conduz, em princípio, a custos mais elevados, visto que a terceirização, além de incluir a margem de lucro da contratada, implica uma soma de tributos maiores do que na estrutura verticalizada. A definição da tecnologia do veículo de transporte principal não interfere significativamente no custo final, sendo a distância média na mesma operação o parâmetro que mais afeta esse montante. O impacto da estrutura de gestão da contratante é relativamente pequeno frente ao custo total das operações e eliminá-la, parcial ou totalmente, não compensa o risco associado às prováveis perdas de desempenho e custos adicionais decorrentes da responsabilidade subsidiária no caso de ações judiciais. Uma redução de 30% nos salários pagos pela empresa terceirizada aos seus empregados implica em um custo unitário de ordem de grandeza similar à solução 100% verticalizada.
This research presents an economic evaluation proposal based on fixed and variable costs estimates, including indirect labor costs, as well as government taxes that are due by the involved firms, using a model developed in Visual Basic 6.0® - Excel 12.0 for Windows®. Nine simulations of hypothetical scenarios contemplating operations with 100% vertical integration, 100% outsourced, main transport outsourced, changes in the main transport average distance, in the main transport vehicle technology, in the management structures of the contractor and the hired firm and in the wages of the employees paid by the hired firm. It is concluded that the outsourcing process assuming equal wages and integral fulfillment of legal requirements, in principle leads to higher costs, considering that, besides including a profit percentage of the hired firm, the outsourcing process implies a higher sum of taxes than the vertical integration structure. The choice of the main transport vehicle\'s technology does not influence the total cost, being the average distance in the same operation the parameter that has the largest impacts on it. The contractor\'s management structure has a relatively small impact on total operating costs and eliminates it, partial or totally, does not compensate the risk associated to the likely performance losses and the additional costs due to the subsidiary responsibility in the case of judicial acts. A 30% reduction in the wages paid to the hired firm\'s employees implies in an unit cost similar to the solution with 100% vertical integration.
This research presents an economic evaluation proposal based on fixed and variable costs estimates, including indirect labor costs, as well as government taxes that are due by the involved firms, using a model developed in Visual Basic 6.0® - Excel 12.0 for Windows®. Nine simulations of hypothetical scenarios contemplating operations with 100% vertical integration, 100% outsourced, main transport outsourced, changes in the main transport average distance, in the main transport vehicle technology, in the management structures of the contractor and the hired firm and in the wages of the employees paid by the hired firm. It is concluded that the outsourcing process assuming equal wages and integral fulfillment of legal requirements, in principle leads to higher costs, considering that, besides including a profit percentage of the hired firm, the outsourcing process implies a higher sum of taxes than the vertical integration structure. The choice of the main transport vehicle\'s technology does not influence the total cost, being the average distance in the same operation the parameter that has the largest impacts on it. The contractor\'s management structure has a relatively small impact on total operating costs and eliminates it, partial or totally, does not compensate the risk associated to the likely performance losses and the additional costs due to the subsidiary responsibility in the case of judicial acts. A 30% reduction in the wages paid to the hired firm\'s employees implies in an unit cost similar to the solution with 100% vertical integration.
Colheita de madeira, Custos fixos e variáveis, Tributação, Transporte de madeira, Terceirização, Wood harvesting, Taxation, Supply logistics, Outsourcing, Fixed and variable costs, Wood transport