Qualidade da água, deposição de sedimentos e sensoriamento remoto: um estudo de caso nos reservatórios do sub-médio São Francisco
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No modelo energético adotado pelo Brasil a água foi considerada a principal fonte de geração de energia e a primeira intervenção direta do governo federal na produção de eletricidade aconteceu em 1945, quando foi criada a Companhia Hidrelétrica do São Francisco (CHESF), com a tarefa principal de construir e operar a Usina de Paulo Afonso I- inaugurada em 1955, cuja potência instalada representava quase o dobro da capacidade total de geração na região. Após este período, diversos reservatórios foram construídos no país e, dentre estes, sete foram implantados no rio São Francisco, abrangendo os estados de Minas Gerais, Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas e Pernambuco. Em geral, a construção de reservatórios causa diversas alterações na bacia hidrográfica, uma vez que as atividades desenvolvidas antes, durante e após a construção das barragens determinam modificações sociais, econômicas e ambientais. Além disso, conforme o uso do reservatório, sua operação influencia a reciclagem e acúmulo de nutrientes, o crescimento do fitoplâncton, o desenvolvimento de macrófitas aquáticas, o depósito de materiais em suspensão e o seu estado trófico, entre outros efeitos a curto, médio e longo prazo. Para avaliar a situação atual dos reservatórios em cascata do sub-médio São Francisco (Itaparica, Moxotó, Complexo Paulo Afonso I-II-III e Paulo Afonso IV), coletas foram efetuadas em 23 estações de amostragem, entre 1999 e 2000, procurando-se determinar o aporte e sedimentação de material em suspensão, as variações na qualidade da água e o reconhecimento das áreas de maior impacto para os sistemas. Para tanto, amostras de água (variáveis físicas, químicas e biológicas), material sedimentável (utilizando-se câmaras de sedimentação), imagens de satélite, dados climatológicos e de funcionamento dos reservatórios (vazão e tempo de residência) foram obtidos, procurando-se realizar uma análise espacial (longitudinal e vertical) e temporal ) (ciclo anual). Os resultados obtidos demonstram uma influência sazonal(efeitos diretos e indiretos da precipitação) nas variáveis ambientais analisadas, com maior aporte e deposição de materiais em suspensão na porção superior do reservatório de Itaparica e a formação de um gradiente longitudinal no sentido rio-barragem, com posterior decréscimo nos demais sistemas, o que também foi verificado para as concentrações de material em suspensão. As diferenças entre os valores das variáveis físicas e químicas obtidas em alguns tributários caracterizam o uso diferenciado nas margens dos reservatórios (áreas de caatinga degradada, irrigação e adensamento populacional, por exemplo), destacando-se dentro do sistema, a porção superior do rio Moxotó. Contudo, a partir das variáveis analisadas, verifica-se que os ambientes ainda estão preservados, apresentando características oligotróficas no período seco e oligo-mesotróficas no período de chuvas. A inclusão de dados espectrais permitiu a obtenção de um modelo de distribuição do material em suspensão nos reservatórios, durante o período de chuvas, onde altas correlações foram verificadas com a banda 3 e 4 do satélite Landsat 5(r = 0,84 e r = 0,88, respectivamente), abrindo uma perspectiva de estudos para que monitoramento desta variável possa ser feito a partir da aquisição de outras imagens de satélite, principalmente, em virtude do lançamento de novas plataformas, com melhores resoluções espaciais e espectrais.
Water has long been considered the main source of electricity generation in Brazil, and the first direct participation of the federal government in power generation occurred in 1945, when the São Francisco Hydroelectric Company (CHESF) was established. Its major task was to build and run the Paulo Afonso Power Plant I, which came into operation in 1955 with an installed capacity nearly twice the then total generating capacity of the region. Afterwards, several reservoirs were constructed throughout the country, seven of which along the São Francisco river on the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas and Pernambuco. The construction of reservoirs generally brings about a great deal of alteration to the river basin. After all, social, economic and environmental changes result from the activities carried out before, during, and after construction of the dams. In addition to other short-, mid-, and long-term effects, reservoir purpose and operation influence the recycling and retention of nutrients, the growth of phytoplankton, the development of aquatic macrophytes, the settling of particulate matter, and the trophic state of the reservoir itself. In order to assess the current situation of the cascading reservoirs along the lower mid-section of the São Francisco (Itaparica, Moxotó, Paulo Afonso system I-II-III, and Paulo Afonso IV), water was sampled in 23 stations throughout 1999 and 2000 to determine the input and the sedimentation of particulate matter, the changes in water quality, and the areas of greatest impact. To carry out a spatial (horizontal and vertical) and time-based (annual cycle) analysis, water samples (physical, chemical, and biological variables), particulate material (making use of sediment traps), satellite images, climatic data, and reservoir operational information (withdrawal and water residence time) were obtained. The results show seasonal influences (direct and indirect effects of rainfall) on the environmental variables, with greater input and settling of particulate matter on the upper portion of the Itaparica reservoir and the formation of a longitudinal gradient from river to dam. There was a decrease in these variables and in the concentration of particulate matter further downstream. The different results between the physical and chemical variables in some tributaries stem from the contrasting use of the soil along reservoir banks (e.g., degradation of the brushwood, irrigation and urban concentration), especially in the upstream portion of the Moxotó river. However, based on the assessed variables, it can be attested that the environmental settings are well preserved, exhibiting oligotrophic and oligo-mesotrophic characteristics in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The use of spectral data made it possible the design of a distribution pattern of the suspended sediment in the reservoir during the rainy season. Significant correlations were seen with bands 3 and 4 of the Landsat satellite (r = 0.84 and r = 0,88, respectively), enabling this variable to be monitored with the acquisition of others images from sattelites with better espectral and espacials resolution.
Water has long been considered the main source of electricity generation in Brazil, and the first direct participation of the federal government in power generation occurred in 1945, when the São Francisco Hydroelectric Company (CHESF) was established. Its major task was to build and run the Paulo Afonso Power Plant I, which came into operation in 1955 with an installed capacity nearly twice the then total generating capacity of the region. Afterwards, several reservoirs were constructed throughout the country, seven of which along the São Francisco river on the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia, Sergipe, Alagoas and Pernambuco. The construction of reservoirs generally brings about a great deal of alteration to the river basin. After all, social, economic and environmental changes result from the activities carried out before, during, and after construction of the dams. In addition to other short-, mid-, and long-term effects, reservoir purpose and operation influence the recycling and retention of nutrients, the growth of phytoplankton, the development of aquatic macrophytes, the settling of particulate matter, and the trophic state of the reservoir itself. In order to assess the current situation of the cascading reservoirs along the lower mid-section of the São Francisco (Itaparica, Moxotó, Paulo Afonso system I-II-III, and Paulo Afonso IV), water was sampled in 23 stations throughout 1999 and 2000 to determine the input and the sedimentation of particulate matter, the changes in water quality, and the areas of greatest impact. To carry out a spatial (horizontal and vertical) and time-based (annual cycle) analysis, water samples (physical, chemical, and biological variables), particulate material (making use of sediment traps), satellite images, climatic data, and reservoir operational information (withdrawal and water residence time) were obtained. The results show seasonal influences (direct and indirect effects of rainfall) on the environmental variables, with greater input and settling of particulate matter on the upper portion of the Itaparica reservoir and the formation of a longitudinal gradient from river to dam. There was a decrease in these variables and in the concentration of particulate matter further downstream. The different results between the physical and chemical variables in some tributaries stem from the contrasting use of the soil along reservoir banks (e.g., degradation of the brushwood, irrigation and urban concentration), especially in the upstream portion of the Moxotó river. However, based on the assessed variables, it can be attested that the environmental settings are well preserved, exhibiting oligotrophic and oligo-mesotrophic characteristics in the dry and rainy seasons, respectively. The use of spectral data made it possible the design of a distribution pattern of the suspended sediment in the reservoir during the rainy season. Significant correlations were seen with bands 3 and 4 of the Landsat satellite (r = 0.84 and r = 0,88, respectively), enabling this variable to be monitored with the acquisition of others images from sattelites with better espectral and espacials resolution.
Limnologia, Sensoriamento remoto, Sedimentação, Rio São Francisco, Reservatórios, Qualidade de água, Reservoirs, Remote sensing, São Francisco river, Sedimentation, Limnology, Water quality