Índice de condição do pavimento (ICP) para aplicação em sistemas de gerência de pavimentos urbanos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O Índice de Condição do Pavimento (ICP), também apresentado como um índice de defeitos combinados, é, em muitos Sistemas de Gerência de Pavimentos Urbanos (SGPU), o único indicador da qualidade do pavimento dos segmentos que compõem a malha viária. Este trabalho é baseado em conceitos gerais, utilizando os tipos de defeito de pavimentos flexíveis do Programa SHRP (Strategic Highway Research Program), bem como a forma de quantificação da severidade e extensão com que se manifestam na superfície dos pavimentos, mas propõe um novo método para determinação de um Índice de Condição de Pavimentos Urbanos (ICPU), que considera as condições particulares de projeto, materiais, técnicas construtivas, controle de qualidade e políticas de manutenção e reabilitação da cidade em que está sendo implantado. O cálculo do ICPU é desenvolvido em três etapas, em que primeira calcula o peso por tipo de defeito, a partir de questionários preenchidos por profissionais da área de infraestrutura de transportes. A segunda etapa define fatores de ponderação para os pesos, por tipo de defeito e em função da severidade. A terceira e última etapa do método consiste na análise de correlação entre segmentos representativos da malha viária urbana em análise, o que, no estudo de caso desenvolvido neste trabalho, utilizou 10.402 de um total de 111.497 segmentos do Distrito Federal do Brasil, distribuídos entre as trinta regiões administrativas, incluindo Brasília, que foram avaliadas, subjetiva e objetivamente, nos anos de 2010 a 2012, pela Companhia Urbanizadora da Nova Capital do Brasil (NOVACAP), e que permite a determinação dos fatores de ponderação em função da extensão, por tipo de defeito.
The Pavement Condition Index (PCI), also presented as an index of combined defects, is, in many Urban Pavement Management Systems (UPMS), the only indicator of pavement condition for the segments of the urban roadway network. This work is based on general concepts, using the flexible pavement distress types of the SHRP Program (Strategic Highway Research Program), as well as the way to evaluate the severity and extent to which they manifest on the pavement surface, but proposing a new method for determining an Urban Pavement Condition Index (UPCI), which considers the particular conditions of design, materials, construction techniques, quality control and policies of maintenance rehabilitation of the city in which it is being implemented. The calculation of the UPCI is developed in three stages, in which the first calculates the weight by defect type, from questionnaires completed by professionals in the transport infrastructure area. The second stage sets weighting factors for the weights by distress type depending on the severity. The third and final step of the method consists in the analysis of correlation between representative segments of the urban roadway network in question, which, in the case study developed in this study, used a total of 10,402 among 111,497 segments of the Federal District of Brazil, distributed among the thirty administrative regions, including Brasilia, which were evaluated subjectively and objectively, in the years 2010-2012, by the Urbanization Company of the New Capital of Brazil (NOVACAP), which allows the determination of the weighting factors depending on of the distress type as a function of the extension.
The Pavement Condition Index (PCI), also presented as an index of combined defects, is, in many Urban Pavement Management Systems (UPMS), the only indicator of pavement condition for the segments of the urban roadway network. This work is based on general concepts, using the flexible pavement distress types of the SHRP Program (Strategic Highway Research Program), as well as the way to evaluate the severity and extent to which they manifest on the pavement surface, but proposing a new method for determining an Urban Pavement Condition Index (UPCI), which considers the particular conditions of design, materials, construction techniques, quality control and policies of maintenance rehabilitation of the city in which it is being implemented. The calculation of the UPCI is developed in three stages, in which the first calculates the weight by defect type, from questionnaires completed by professionals in the transport infrastructure area. The second stage sets weighting factors for the weights by distress type depending on the severity. The third and final step of the method consists in the analysis of correlation between representative segments of the urban roadway network in question, which, in the case study developed in this study, used a total of 10,402 among 111,497 segments of the Federal District of Brazil, distributed among the thirty administrative regions, including Brasilia, which were evaluated subjectively and objectively, in the years 2010-2012, by the Urbanization Company of the New Capital of Brazil (NOVACAP), which allows the determination of the weighting factors depending on of the distress type as a function of the extension.
Defeitos, Índice de condição, Pavimentos urbanos, Sistemas de gerência, Condition index, Distresses, Management systems, Urban pavements