Atividades educativas ao ar livre: um quadro a partir de escolas públicas da região de Campinas e dos usos de área úmida urbana com avifauna conspícua (Minipantanal de Paulínia - SP)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho traz reflexões sobre atividades educativas ao ar livre, desenvolvidas em parques, áreas verdes e assemelhados. Procurou-se, inicialmente, situar tais práticas frente ao debate associado à educação ambiental; em seguida, após breve histórico sobre a utilização de atividades de campo em educação formal, construiu-se, a partir de escolas públicas de municípios da região de Campinas - SP, um quadro atual de tais atividades. Com esse objetivo, foi aberta uma frente de obtenção de dados que incluiu consulta aos planos de gestão das escolas, aplicação de questionários e realização de entrevistas. O quadro obtido revela, quantitativamente, que aquela modalidade de trabalho pedagógico é pouco empregada e atinge apenas uma minoria de alunos. Destacam-se, entre as dificuldades explicitadas, as relacionadas com os custos envolvidos na organização das atividades e com o baixo poder aquisitivo dos alunos. Perseguir alternativas pragmáticas, como a disponibilização de locais próximos às escolas e que admitam o livre acesso, parece um desafio necessário, como também é a geração de instâncias coletivas capazes de articular a plena utilização de tais espaços. Entre os locais preferidos pelas escolas destacam-se os zoológicos, instituições que se caracterizam pela manutenção de animais em cativeiro. Tal preferência remete tanto à reflexão sobre o papel educativo desses locais quanto à possibilidade de melhor considerar a fauna em liberdade, em detrimento da cativa, enquanto uma opção às atividades educativas ao ar livre. A escolha de locais onde grupos conspícuos da fauna sejam mais perceptíveis seria muito conveniente para atividades direcionadas a crianças e jovens estudantes do ensino básico. Dessa forma, o conhecimento da dinâmica que envolve a utilização educativa de um ambiente úmido local, considerado por sua avifauna conspícua, foi outra dimensão conferida ao presente trabalho. Formada a partir da represa de Americana ou reservatório de Salto Grande, não obstante ser alvo de consenso sobre diferentes níveis de degradação ambiental, a avifauna que freqüenta o local fez com que fosse denominada \"Minipantanal de Paulínia\" - SP. Quanto às atividades educativas nele desenvolvidas, percebeu-se que apresentam limitações de diferentes ordens, tanto qualitativas quanto quantitativas. Procurou-se deixar uma contribuição concreta sobre o conhecimento desse ambiente e da sua dinâmica, especialmente sobre sua avifauna, pois, embora sendo o elemento positivo mais destacado pelos visitantes e educadores que atuam no local, o conhecimento demonstrado sobre ele foi muito restrito. Um levantamento de campo permitiu identificar a ocorrência de 144 espécies de aves, bem como detectar o potencial relativo de oportunidades de contatos com as mesmas.
This work brings reflexions about and development of educational activities in parks, green areas and similars. First of all, in it, the goal is to set educational practices activities outdoors towards the discussions associated to environmental education. Follow it, after a brief historical about the use of outdoors activities with formal education, it was created an updated program of these activities in public schools of cities from Campinas metropolitan area - SP. For it, it was opened a data comission, which included: consulting to management plans of the school, applying questionnaires and making interviews. The obtained program reveals that this kind of pedagogical work is less applied, reaching just a minority of students and occurring in a punctual way. Among the difficulties showed above, those related to expenses involved in the organization of activities and low (poor) financial conditions of the students are emphasized. Persuading pragmatic alternatives like close places available, that allows free access, seems like a necessary challenge, as it\'s the creation of instant groups able to articulate and get a better structure for using such spaces. Among the schools\' favorite places, there are zoos, institutions that take care of animals in bondages. Such preference refers to the possibility of considering better the fauna in freedom, in captive detriment, while an option to educational activities outdoors. To activities with children and teenagers fromelementary school, it would be then, convenient choosing places where visible groups from fauna can be more perceptive. This way, to know the dynamic which involves a local humid environment, which shelters the very visible birds and keeps educational activities, was another dimension conferred to this work. The referred humid area forms from the dam of Americana or Salto Grande\'s reservatory, whose consensus points it like environmentally damaged. Meantime, the presence of the birds gave them the title of mini rainforest of Paulinia - SP. Looking from the educational prism, it was tried to understand what is developed there, such as leaving a concrete contribution about the knowledge of this environment specially about the birds. Although it is the most emphasized positive element by the visitors, it is not well-known. So it was made, an area survey, that allowed to identify the occurrence of 144 species. About the educational activities, it was realized that they show limitations of different orders, as qualitative as quantitative.
This work brings reflexions about and development of educational activities in parks, green areas and similars. First of all, in it, the goal is to set educational practices activities outdoors towards the discussions associated to environmental education. Follow it, after a brief historical about the use of outdoors activities with formal education, it was created an updated program of these activities in public schools of cities from Campinas metropolitan area - SP. For it, it was opened a data comission, which included: consulting to management plans of the school, applying questionnaires and making interviews. The obtained program reveals that this kind of pedagogical work is less applied, reaching just a minority of students and occurring in a punctual way. Among the difficulties showed above, those related to expenses involved in the organization of activities and low (poor) financial conditions of the students are emphasized. Persuading pragmatic alternatives like close places available, that allows free access, seems like a necessary challenge, as it\'s the creation of instant groups able to articulate and get a better structure for using such spaces. Among the schools\' favorite places, there are zoos, institutions that take care of animals in bondages. Such preference refers to the possibility of considering better the fauna in freedom, in captive detriment, while an option to educational activities outdoors. To activities with children and teenagers fromelementary school, it would be then, convenient choosing places where visible groups from fauna can be more perceptive. This way, to know the dynamic which involves a local humid environment, which shelters the very visible birds and keeps educational activities, was another dimension conferred to this work. The referred humid area forms from the dam of Americana or Salto Grande\'s reservatory, whose consensus points it like environmentally damaged. Meantime, the presence of the birds gave them the title of mini rainforest of Paulinia - SP. Looking from the educational prism, it was tried to understand what is developed there, such as leaving a concrete contribution about the knowledge of this environment specially about the birds. Although it is the most emphasized positive element by the visitors, it is not well-known. So it was made, an area survey, that allowed to identify the occurrence of 144 species. About the educational activities, it was realized that they show limitations of different orders, as qualitative as quantitative.
Áreas úmidas, Reservatório de Salto Grande, Minipantanal de Paulínia, Estudo do meio, Educação ambiental, Avifauna, Aulas de campo, Environmental education, Birds, Humid areas, Mini rainforest of Paulínia, Outdoors activities, Salto Grande's reservatory