Localização de usinas termoelétricas utilizando Sistema de Informação Geográfica e métodos de decisão multicritério
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No setor de energia elétrica, a área que se dedica ao estudo da inserção de novos parques geradores de energia no sistema é denominada planejamento da expansão da geração. Nesta área, as decisões de localização e instalação de novas usinas devem ser amplamente analisadas, a fim de se obter os diversos cenários proporcionados pelas alternativas geradas. Por uma série de fatores, o sistema de geração elétrico brasileiro, com predominância hidroelétrica, tende a ser gradualmente alterada pela inserção de usinas termoelétricas (UTEs). O problema de localização de UTEs envolve um grande número de variáveis através do qual deve ser possível analisar a importância e contribuição de cada uma. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de um modelo de localização de usinas termoelétricas, aqui denominado SIGTE (Sistema de Informação Geográfica para Geração Termoelétrica), o qual integra as funcionalidades das ferramentas SIGs (Sistemas de Informação Geográfica) e dos métodos de decisão multicritério. A partir de uma visão global da área estudada, as componentes espaciais do problema (localização dos municípios, tipos de transporte, linhas de transmissão de diferentes tensões, áreas de preservação ambiental, etc.) podem ter uma representação mais próxima da realidade e critérios ambientais podem ser incluídos na análise. Além disso, o SIGTE permite a inserção de novas variáveis de decisão sem prejuízo da abordagem. O modelo desenvolvido foi aplicado para a realidade do Estado de São Paulo, mas deixando claro a viabilidade de uso do modelo para outro sistema ou região, com a devida atualização dos bancos de dados correspondentes. Este modelo é designado para auxiliar empreendedores que venham a ter interesse em construir uma usina ou órgãos governamentais que possuem a função de avaliar e deferir ou não a licença de instalação e operação de usinas.
In the electric power industry, there is an area devoted to study alternatives for the expansion of the energy generation system. The decisions regarding the location and installation of new plants ought to be thoroughly analyzed in that planning activity, in order to foresee the likely scenarios resulting from the combination of distinct alternatives. For a number of reasons, the predominantly hydroelectric generation system historically set in Brazil tends to be gradually altered by the introduction of thermoelectric power plants (TPPs). The site selection problem involves, in the case of TPPs, a large number of variables, which contribute to the analysis process in various ways and with different levels of importance. The general goal of this work is the development of a location model of thermoelectric plants, here named SIGTE (an acronym for Geographic Information System for Thermoelectric Generation), which integrates the functionalities of the GIS tools (Geographic Information Systems) and multicriteria decision methods. Starting from an overall view of the studied area, this combination of techniques ensures a more realistic representation of the spatial components of the problem (e.g., the location of the municipalities, the transportation alternatives, the different voltages of transmission lines, areas of environmental preservation, etc.) It thus allows a straightforward inclusion of environmental criteria in the analysis. In addition, the SIGTE framework is also flexible enough to incorporate new decisions variables. The model was applied in a case study carried out in the state of Sao Paulo, although it can be easily adapted for use in other systems or geographical areas given that the corresponding databases are available. SIGTE was envisaged to be a supporting tool to public and private stakeholders interested in building new power plants or to governmental agencies in charge of the regulation mechanisms required for the installation nd operation of plants.
In the electric power industry, there is an area devoted to study alternatives for the expansion of the energy generation system. The decisions regarding the location and installation of new plants ought to be thoroughly analyzed in that planning activity, in order to foresee the likely scenarios resulting from the combination of distinct alternatives. For a number of reasons, the predominantly hydroelectric generation system historically set in Brazil tends to be gradually altered by the introduction of thermoelectric power plants (TPPs). The site selection problem involves, in the case of TPPs, a large number of variables, which contribute to the analysis process in various ways and with different levels of importance. The general goal of this work is the development of a location model of thermoelectric plants, here named SIGTE (an acronym for Geographic Information System for Thermoelectric Generation), which integrates the functionalities of the GIS tools (Geographic Information Systems) and multicriteria decision methods. Starting from an overall view of the studied area, this combination of techniques ensures a more realistic representation of the spatial components of the problem (e.g., the location of the municipalities, the transportation alternatives, the different voltages of transmission lines, areas of environmental preservation, etc.) It thus allows a straightforward inclusion of environmental criteria in the analysis. In addition, the SIGTE framework is also flexible enough to incorporate new decisions variables. The model was applied in a case study carried out in the state of Sao Paulo, although it can be easily adapted for use in other systems or geographical areas given that the corresponding databases are available. SIGTE was envisaged to be a supporting tool to public and private stakeholders interested in building new power plants or to governmental agencies in charge of the regulation mechanisms required for the installation nd operation of plants.
Geração de energia elétrica, Método de decisão multicritério, Sistema de Informação Geográfica, Usinas termoelétricas, Electric energy generation, Geographic Information System, Multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA), Thermoelectric power plants