Forças em peças de contraventamento de treliças de madeira
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O trabalho analisa as forças atuantes no contraventamento de treliças triangulares de coberturas de madeira por meio de modelos numéricos computacionais. Os modelos foram confeccionados no sistema de análise estrutural Strap e consideram o funcionamento do contraventamento na estrutura tridimensional. Os valores máximos das forças obtidas nos modelos tridimensionais foram comparados aos valores mínimos indicados pelo método de estimativa da NBR 7190 (1997), este, baseado na instabilidade lateral do elemento contraventado. Os valores dos modelos tridimensionais também foram comparados aos métodos do Eurocode 5, da norma sul-africana SABS 0163 e aos valores propostos por Underwood (2000), por apresentarem formulação semelhante ao da NBR 7190 (1997). Os modelos representam galpões usuais na prática, com dimensões variando de 12 a 24 metros de vão; 24 a 96 metros de comprimento; 3, 4 e 6 metros de altura do pilar. Foram analisados para os tipos de treliça Howe e Pratt, para as classes de madeira C30 e C50 e para os tipos de telhas fibrocimento, metálicas e cerâmicas, materiais mais utilizados no Brasil. Os resultados mostram que as forças atuantes no contraventamento dos modelos tridimensionais são superiores aos valores obtidos pelo método da NBR 7190 (1997) e que valores obtidos pelos métodos propostos pelo Eurocode 5 e por Underwood (2000) apresentam-se mais seguros diante do funcionamento global da estrutura.
This work analyzes the forces acting on the bracing bars of triangular timber trusses by computational numerical models. The models are produced in the system of structural analysis Strap and consider the operation of bracing in the three-dimensional structure. The maximum forces obtained in the three-dimensional models are compared to the minimum values indicated by the estimation method of the NBR 7190 (1997), which is based on the lateral instability of the braced element. The values of three-dimensional models are also compared to the methods of Eurocode 5, the South African standard SABS 0163 and the values proposed by Underwood (2000). The models represent sheds with usual dimensions ranging from 12 to 24 meters wide, 24 to 96 feet long, and pillar 3, 4 and 6 meters tall. Are analyzed the Pratt and Howe types of truss, the timber classes C30 and C50 and the types of tiles: cement, metal and ceramics, materials most used in Brazil. The results show that the forces acting on the bracing of the three-dimensional models are greater than those obtained by the NBR 7190 (1997) and values obtained by methods proposed by the Eurocode 5 and Underwood (2000) provides more insurance on the overall functioning structure.
This work analyzes the forces acting on the bracing bars of triangular timber trusses by computational numerical models. The models are produced in the system of structural analysis Strap and consider the operation of bracing in the three-dimensional structure. The maximum forces obtained in the three-dimensional models are compared to the minimum values indicated by the estimation method of the NBR 7190 (1997), which is based on the lateral instability of the braced element. The values of three-dimensional models are also compared to the methods of Eurocode 5, the South African standard SABS 0163 and the values proposed by Underwood (2000). The models represent sheds with usual dimensions ranging from 12 to 24 meters wide, 24 to 96 feet long, and pillar 3, 4 and 6 meters tall. Are analyzed the Pratt and Howe types of truss, the timber classes C30 and C50 and the types of tiles: cement, metal and ceramics, materials most used in Brazil. The results show that the forces acting on the bracing of the three-dimensional models are greater than those obtained by the NBR 7190 (1997) and values obtained by methods proposed by the Eurocode 5 and Underwood (2000) provides more insurance on the overall functioning structure.
Contraventamento, Estruturas de madeira, Treliças de madeira, Bracing, Wood structures, Wood trusses