Limnologia do rio Uberaba (MG) e a utilização de macroinvertebrados bentônicos como bioindicadores das modificações ambientais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os sistemas lóticos são considerados sistemas abertos e de fluxo unidirecional de energia. Nestes sistemas a intensa relação com o meio terrestre adjacente faz com que as condições ecológicas dos rios sejam um reflexo das transformações ocorridas em sua bacia de drenagem. O objetivo do presente estudo foi traçar um perfil dos aspectos ecológicos do rio Uberaba-MG, em função dos usos preponderantes da bacia hidrográfica. Foram avaliadas as características limnológicas, a comunidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos e o estado de conservação da área de entorno do rio. Procurou-se ainda avaliar a evolução espacial e a variação temporal das variáveis mensuradas à luz de teorias ecológicas de sistemas lóticos. Os resultados mostraram que no rio Uberaba três zonas com impactos preponderantes, diferentes, devem ser avaliadas com maior cautela: a) antes do município de Uberaba existe a predominância de atividades agrícolas, que promovem impactos pela entrada contínua de sedimentos e oferecem riscos pela entrada de agrotóxicos e fertilizantes, b) abaixo do município de Uberaba, a entrada de efluentes gera acentuada degradação da qualidade da água e o conseqüente perecimento das comunidades biológicas, até a região próxima ao município de Veríssimo, e c) a região compreendida entre os municípios de Veríssimo, Conceição das Alagoas e Planura, pelo crescente risco de degradação da qualidade da água decorrente da entrada de efluentes e do aumento do desmatamento nas margens do rio Uberaba e afluentes. Discute-se ainda a necessidade de serem aprimoradas teorias ecológicas para sistemas lóticos tropicais, com o intuito de aumentar a capacidade de predição sobre este sistema e remeter estratégias de conservação mais eficientes aos gestores ambientais.
Lotic systems are considered opened and one-way energy flux systems. In these cases, the intense relationship with adjacent terrestrial environment renders rivers ecological conditions a reflex of transformations occurred at its watershed. The present study aimed to profile an Uberaba river ecological features as a function of the watershed main uses. Limnological characteristic, benthic macroinvertebrates community and conditions at river nearby area were evaluated. Based on the lotic systems ecological theories, it was attempted to evaluate the measured variable space evolution and temporal variation. Results showed that in Uberaba river, three zones with different impacts should be carefully evaluated: a) before Uberaba city, agricultural activities predominates, promoting impacts due to the continuous sediment input, and offering risks of pesticide and fertilizers contribuition; b) below Uberaba city, wastewater effluent generates high water quality degradation, resulting in biological communities decay until the area closed to Veríssimo City; and c) at the region embracing Veríssimo, Conceição das Alagoas and Planura cities, in function of the growing water quality degradation risk due to effluents entrance and deforesting increase at the margins of Uberaba river and tributaries. The needs of improved ecological theories for tropical lotic systems are also discussed, aiming to increase the prediction capacity on this lotic systems and to transmit more efficient conservation strategies to environmental managers.
Lotic systems are considered opened and one-way energy flux systems. In these cases, the intense relationship with adjacent terrestrial environment renders rivers ecological conditions a reflex of transformations occurred at its watershed. The present study aimed to profile an Uberaba river ecological features as a function of the watershed main uses. Limnological characteristic, benthic macroinvertebrates community and conditions at river nearby area were evaluated. Based on the lotic systems ecological theories, it was attempted to evaluate the measured variable space evolution and temporal variation. Results showed that in Uberaba river, three zones with different impacts should be carefully evaluated: a) before Uberaba city, agricultural activities predominates, promoting impacts due to the continuous sediment input, and offering risks of pesticide and fertilizers contribuition; b) below Uberaba city, wastewater effluent generates high water quality degradation, resulting in biological communities decay until the area closed to Veríssimo City; and c) at the region embracing Veríssimo, Conceição das Alagoas and Planura cities, in function of the growing water quality degradation risk due to effluents entrance and deforesting increase at the margins of Uberaba river and tributaries. The needs of improved ecological theories for tropical lotic systems are also discussed, aiming to increase the prediction capacity on this lotic systems and to transmit more efficient conservation strategies to environmental managers.
Bioindicadores, Ecologia de rios, Macroinvertebrados bentônicos, Bioindicator, Macroinvertebrates, River ecology, Tropical limnology, Uberaba river