Desempenho de filtro biológico na depuração e desodorização de emissões de sulfeto de hidrogênio
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Os efluentes gasosos industriais têm sido tradicionalmente tratados por processos físico-químicos, como lavadores, adsorção, condensação e oxidação. Embora essas técnicas tenham altas eficiências, a necessidade de adição de produtos químicos e a substituição do adsorvente resulta em custo de operação relativamente alto quando comparados com técnicas de tratamento biológico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi: aprimorar uma unidade experimental de biofiltração para depuração de uma corrente gasosa contendo \'H IND.2\'S\' utilizando como material suporte a espuma de poliuretano, analisar a fluidodinâmica do leito através de ensaios de perda de carga em função da vazão de ar e da umidade do leito e analisar o desempenho do biofiltro na depuração do \'H IND.2\'S\' com o aumento progressivo da concentração de entrada. O biofiltro foi construído com uma coluna de acrílico, dividida em 3 módulos, 2 com 13 cm de altura e um central com 50 cm, totalizando uma altura do leito de 76 cm e o diâmetro interno era de 5,2 cm. Nas extremidades superiores e inferiores do biofiltro foram acoplados módulos para a distribuição e captação da corrente gasosa e também para a recirculação da fase líquida. O inóculo utilizado foi lodo de uma unidade de lodos ativados, que trabalha como pós-tratamento de um reator UASB tratando esgotos domésticos. A adaptação do inóculo foi realizada por 7 dias com tiossulfato e 7 dias com o \'H IND.2\'S\'. As concentrações médias de sulfeto estudadas foram subdivididas em sete fases com concentrações médias de 141, 271, 514, 532, 581, 878 e 1303 ppm. A vazão utilizada foi de 100 L/h resultando em um tempo de detenção de aproximadamente 58 segundos. As perdas de carga obtidas no sistema foram inferiores a 0,8.\'10 POT.-2\' mca. A espuma de poliuretano se apresentou um bom meio suporte para a fixação dos microrganismos. O lodo ativado se apresentou um bom inóculo para o tratamento de \'H IND.2\'S\' por necessitar de um curto período de tempo para sua adaptação. A eficiência média do biofiltro se manteve acima dos 96%. A umidade do leito se manteve acima de 92%, atingindo uma capacidade de eliminação máxima (ECmáx) de aproximadamente 155 g/\'M POT.3\'.h e uma capacidade de eliminação ótima (ECótimo) de aproximadamente 139 g/\'M POT.3\'.h. O principal produto da degradação do \'H IND.2\'S\' encontrado foi o enxofre elementar.
Traditionally the industrial waste gases have been treated by physical-chemical processes, such as scrubbers, absorption, condensation and oxidation. Although these techniques presented great efficiency, the need to add chemical products and the replacement of adsorbent results in relatively high operational costs compared to biological treatment techniques. The objective of this study is to improve an experimental biofiltration unit to remove air steam containing \'H IND.2\'S\', using polyurethane foam as filter bed, to analyze the bed dynamic flow through pressure drop and the bed moisture, and to analyze the biofilter behavior during the \'H IND.2\'S\' depuration with the progressive increase of input concentration. The bio-filter has an acrylic column, divided into 3 parts, from which two are 13 cm high and the central one is 50 cm high, adding up to a 76 cm high column with an inner diameter of 5.2 cm. Modules were attached on the top and bottom biofilter extremities to distribute and collect the air stream and also to recirculate the liquid phase. The inoculum used was a sludge from a activated sludge unit, which works as post-treatment for domestic sewer treated by a UASB reactor. The inoculum acclimatizing was done for 7 days with thiosulphate and 7 days with \'H IND.2\'S\'. The studied measured hydrogen sulphide concentrations were divided into seven average concentration levels, which are 141, 271, 514, 532, 581, 878 e 1303 ppm. The used ratio was 100 L/h resulting in hydraulic retention time of approximately 58 seconds. The head losses obtained in the system were below 0.8 \'10 POT.-2\' mca. The polyurethane foam presented to be a good support manner to the microorganisms attach. The activated sludge presented to be a good inoculum for the treatment of \'H IND.2\'S\' because it required a short time to adapt. The average efficiency of the biofilter kept above 96% and the bed humidity above 92%, reaching the maximum elimination capacity (ECmáx) of approximately 155 g/\'M POT.3\'.h and a optimum elimination capacity of approximately 139 g/\'M POT.3\'.h. The main \'H IND.2\'S\' degradation product found was the elemental sulfur.
Traditionally the industrial waste gases have been treated by physical-chemical processes, such as scrubbers, absorption, condensation and oxidation. Although these techniques presented great efficiency, the need to add chemical products and the replacement of adsorbent results in relatively high operational costs compared to biological treatment techniques. The objective of this study is to improve an experimental biofiltration unit to remove air steam containing \'H IND.2\'S\', using polyurethane foam as filter bed, to analyze the bed dynamic flow through pressure drop and the bed moisture, and to analyze the biofilter behavior during the \'H IND.2\'S\' depuration with the progressive increase of input concentration. The bio-filter has an acrylic column, divided into 3 parts, from which two are 13 cm high and the central one is 50 cm high, adding up to a 76 cm high column with an inner diameter of 5.2 cm. Modules were attached on the top and bottom biofilter extremities to distribute and collect the air stream and also to recirculate the liquid phase. The inoculum used was a sludge from a activated sludge unit, which works as post-treatment for domestic sewer treated by a UASB reactor. The inoculum acclimatizing was done for 7 days with thiosulphate and 7 days with \'H IND.2\'S\'. The studied measured hydrogen sulphide concentrations were divided into seven average concentration levels, which are 141, 271, 514, 532, 581, 878 e 1303 ppm. The used ratio was 100 L/h resulting in hydraulic retention time of approximately 58 seconds. The head losses obtained in the system were below 0.8 \'10 POT.-2\' mca. The polyurethane foam presented to be a good support manner to the microorganisms attach. The activated sludge presented to be a good inoculum for the treatment of \'H IND.2\'S\' because it required a short time to adapt. The average efficiency of the biofilter kept above 96% and the bed humidity above 92%, reaching the maximum elimination capacity (ECmáx) of approximately 155 g/\'M POT.3\'.h and a optimum elimination capacity of approximately 139 g/\'M POT.3\'.h. The main \'H IND.2\'S\' degradation product found was the elemental sulfur.
Tratamento de gases, Filtro biológico, Biogás, Biofiltração, 'H IND.2'S', Biofiltration, Biogas, Biological filter, Gas treatment, 'H IND.2'S'