Potencialidade e aplicação da prevenção de resíduos de embalagens: abordagem sobre o projeto do produto e o consumo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A prevenção de resíduos, enquanto estratégia ambiental, tem sido aplicada com sucesso em várias indústrias. Porém, sua aplicação durante a fase de desenvolvimento dos produtos ainda é pouco explorada. A prevenção de resíduos é mais efetiva quando incorporada ao projeto do produto, pois possibilita uma análise dos impactos durante todo o seu ciclo de vida. Os resíduos de embalagens são particularmente preocupantes, pelos materiais utilizados e pelo volume que ocupam nos aterros sanitários. A análise das potencialidades da prevenção de resíduos de embalagens justifica-se pelas características destes resíduos quanto a degradabilidade e volume, e também pela vida reduzida associada às embalagens. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar uma análise das potencialidade da prevenção de resíduos de embalagens com abordagem sobre o seu consumo e seu projeto, através da introdução de considerações ambientais no desenvolvimento de embalagens. Para isso, buscou-se um referencial que permitisse entender os mecanismos do modelo de produção e consumo, as tendências de consumo, o comportamento dos consumidores e sua importância na modificação dos projetos de embalagens. No desenvolvimento de embalagens foram identificadas as alternativas quanto às considerações ambientais durante a fase de projeto. Finalmente, realizou-se uma confrontação entre as possibilidades identificadas e a atual aplicação no mercado nacional e um apontamento das oportunidades não exploradas. Com isso, buscou-se não somente apresentar um panorama sobre a situação brasileira quanto ao desenvolvimento de embalagens com vistas a prevenção de resíduos, como também contribuir para que esta seja realmente implementada. Explorou-se também as características e tendências da legislação ambiental referentes aos resíduos sólidos, tendo em vista ter a legislação papel fundamental na prevenção de resíduos. Várias alternativas de estratégias de projeto de embalagens com considerações ambientais foram identificadas: redução da quantidade de material por embalagem ou número de embalagens, projetar a forma da embalagem visando a facilitar seu transporte, projetar produtos de uso coletivo e compartilhado, produtos concentrados ou desidratados, redução das dimensões físicas dos produtos, projetar produtos mais duráveis e reutilizáveis [redução do uso de recursos - materiais e energia]; priorizar recursos vindos de fontes renováveis, usar materiais biodegradáveis, eliminar o uso de constituintes tóxicos, como metais pesados dos corantes, usar material reciclado [escolha de recursos de baixo impacto ambiental]; projetar para reuso [extensão da vida do produto]; projetar para reciclagem [extensão da vida do material]. Estas alternativas ainda são pouco utilizadas no desenvolvimento de embalagens nacionais. Quanto aos consumidores brasileiros, estes demonstram um baixo nível de priorização e informação quanto às questões ambientais, o que compromete a motivação para o consumo mais consciente. Com relação à legislação brasileira, inexiste uma lei que oriente, em nível nacional, quanto à gestão de resíduos sólidos, uma política nacional de resíduos sólidos, o que compromete a gestão dos resíduos com enfoque na prevenção, embora a tendência dos projetos analisados, com vista à instituição de política de resíduos, é sobre a prevenção de resíduos e a co-responsabilização do setor produtivo pelos resíduos pós-consumo.
Waste prevention as an environmental strategy has been applied with success in many fabrication plants. However, its application at the product design stage remains underexploited. Waste prevention is more effective when incorporated in the product design, since this allows for an impact analysis throughout the product life cycle. Packaging related waste is particularly worrying due to the materials used and the volume they occupy at landfill sites. The analysis of waste prevention potentialities is justified by the degradability and volume characteristics of waste, and also by the short life of packaging. The purpose of this research has been to perform an analysis of potentialities of packaging waste prevention, focusing on packaging consumption and design, by introducing environmental concerns in packaging development. To that end, we have sought a referential that allowed us to understand the production and consumption model, consumption trends, consumer behaviour and its importance in packaging design. In the packaging development, alternatives have been identified relating to environmental considerations at the design stage. Finally, we have confronted the identified possibilities with their current application in Brazil, which highlighted unexploited opportunities. We have attempted to present not only an overview of the brazilian situation in what concerns the design of packaging with a view to waste prevention, but also a contribution so that such strategies can be actually implemented. We have also explored the characteristics and trends of environmental laws concerning solid waste, given the fundamental role of legislation in waste prevention. Several alternative packaging design strategies with environmental concerns have been identified: reduction in the amount of packaging material or reduction in the number of packages; design of packaging shape for easier transportation; design of products for collective and shared use; concentrated or dehydrated products; product size reduction; product design for durability and reusability [reduction in resource consumption - materials and energy]; prioritizing renewable resources; use of biodegradable materials; eliminating the use of toxic materials such as heavy metals in colouring pigments; use of recycled materials [choosing low environmental impact resources]; design for reuse [extending the product lifespan]; design for recycling [extending the lifespan of materials]. These alternatives are still not common in brazilian packaging design. Brazilian consumers, on the other hand, still have a low level of prioritization and information about environmental questions, which compromises motivation for more conscious consumption. There is not a brazilian law or policy for ruling solid waste management on a nationwide level, which compromises the management of waste focusing on prevention, although there is a trend in the analyzed projects towards waste prevention and co-responsibilization of the productive sectors for post-consumption waste.
Waste prevention as an environmental strategy has been applied with success in many fabrication plants. However, its application at the product design stage remains underexploited. Waste prevention is more effective when incorporated in the product design, since this allows for an impact analysis throughout the product life cycle. Packaging related waste is particularly worrying due to the materials used and the volume they occupy at landfill sites. The analysis of waste prevention potentialities is justified by the degradability and volume characteristics of waste, and also by the short life of packaging. The purpose of this research has been to perform an analysis of potentialities of packaging waste prevention, focusing on packaging consumption and design, by introducing environmental concerns in packaging development. To that end, we have sought a referential that allowed us to understand the production and consumption model, consumption trends, consumer behaviour and its importance in packaging design. In the packaging development, alternatives have been identified relating to environmental considerations at the design stage. Finally, we have confronted the identified possibilities with their current application in Brazil, which highlighted unexploited opportunities. We have attempted to present not only an overview of the brazilian situation in what concerns the design of packaging with a view to waste prevention, but also a contribution so that such strategies can be actually implemented. We have also explored the characteristics and trends of environmental laws concerning solid waste, given the fundamental role of legislation in waste prevention. Several alternative packaging design strategies with environmental concerns have been identified: reduction in the amount of packaging material or reduction in the number of packages; design of packaging shape for easier transportation; design of products for collective and shared use; concentrated or dehydrated products; product size reduction; product design for durability and reusability [reduction in resource consumption - materials and energy]; prioritizing renewable resources; use of biodegradable materials; eliminating the use of toxic materials such as heavy metals in colouring pigments; use of recycled materials [choosing low environmental impact resources]; design for reuse [extending the product lifespan]; design for recycling [extending the lifespan of materials]. These alternatives are still not common in brazilian packaging design. Brazilian consumers, on the other hand, still have a low level of prioritization and information about environmental questions, which compromises motivation for more conscious consumption. There is not a brazilian law or policy for ruling solid waste management on a nationwide level, which compromises the management of waste focusing on prevention, although there is a trend in the analyzed projects towards waste prevention and co-responsibilization of the productive sectors for post-consumption waste.
Consumo, Prevenção de resíduos, Projeto de embalagens, Resíduos de embalagens, Consumption, Packaging design, Packaging waste, Waste prevention