Estudo do efeito magnetohidrodinâmico em um eletrólito a partir do uso de um dispositivo ejetor eletromagnético
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A magnetohidrodinâmica, ou simplesmente MHD, é um campo da ciência que estuda os movimentos de fluidos condutores submetidos a forças eletromagnéticas e une conceitos da fluidodinâmica e eletromagnetismo. Nos últimos anos, a MHD vem sendo aplicada em diversas áreas tecnológicas, desde a propulsão eletromagnética até dispositivos biológicos. Neste trabalho, são mostradas a construção e a operação de um dispositivo MHD, um canal retangular preenchido com um fluido eletrolítico conhecido como macrobomba, isento de partes mecânicas móveis. Os imãs geram um campo magnético externo e os eletrodos criam um campo elétrico, perpendicular ao escoamento, que move o fluido. O modelo MHD é calculado a partir das equações de Navier Stokes acopladas às equações de Maxwell para um fluido incompressível newtoniano. As forças eletromagnéticas que surgem resultam do produto vetorial da densidade de corrente e da densidade de fluxo magnético - essa é a força de Lorentz. Os resultados são apresentados em simulações 3D numéricas, assim como em dados experimentais. O objetivo é relacionar o campo magnético com o elétrico e com a quantidade de movimento produzida, e calcular a densidade de corrente e o perfil de pressão e de velocidade. Um perfil U e M de pressões e velocidades é esperado no experimento. Dados experimentais e computacionais são comparados para validação e posterior uso para futuros trabalhos.
Magnetohydrodynamics or simply (MHD) is a field of science that studies the movement of conductive fluids subjected to electromagnetic forces. Such a phenomenon brings together concepts of fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. Over the years, MHD has been encountered in a wide area of technological applications electromagnetic propulsion to biological devices. The present work didactically shows the construction (materials and equipment) and operation of an MHD device; a rectangular closed circuit filled with an electrolyte fluid, known as macro pumps, where a permanent magnet generates a magnetic field and electrodes generate the electric field, perpendicular to the flow, moving the fluid. The MHD model has been derived from the Navier-Stokes equation and coupled with the Maxwell equations for Newtonian incompressible fluid. Electric and magnetic components engaged in the test chamber assist in creating the propulsion of the electrolyte fluid. The electromagnetic forces that arise are due to the cross product between the vector density of current and the vector density of magnetic field applied. This is the Lorentz force. Results are present of 3D numerical MHD simulation for Newtonian fluid as well as experimental data. The goal is to relate the magnetic field with the electric field and the amounts of movement produced, and calculate de current density and fluid´s pressure and velocity. An u-shaped and m-shaped velocity and pressure profiles are expected in the experiment. Computational and experimental data are compared for validation and future analysis.
Magnetohydrodynamics or simply (MHD) is a field of science that studies the movement of conductive fluids subjected to electromagnetic forces. Such a phenomenon brings together concepts of fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. Over the years, MHD has been encountered in a wide area of technological applications electromagnetic propulsion to biological devices. The present work didactically shows the construction (materials and equipment) and operation of an MHD device; a rectangular closed circuit filled with an electrolyte fluid, known as macro pumps, where a permanent magnet generates a magnetic field and electrodes generate the electric field, perpendicular to the flow, moving the fluid. The MHD model has been derived from the Navier-Stokes equation and coupled with the Maxwell equations for Newtonian incompressible fluid. Electric and magnetic components engaged in the test chamber assist in creating the propulsion of the electrolyte fluid. The electromagnetic forces that arise are due to the cross product between the vector density of current and the vector density of magnetic field applied. This is the Lorentz force. Results are present of 3D numerical MHD simulation for Newtonian fluid as well as experimental data. The goal is to relate the magnetic field with the electric field and the amounts of movement produced, and calculate de current density and fluid´s pressure and velocity. An u-shaped and m-shaped velocity and pressure profiles are expected in the experiment. Computational and experimental data are compared for validation and future analysis.
Forças eletromagnéticas, Macro bomba, MHD, Propulsão eletromagnética, Electromagnetic forces, Electromagnetic propulsion, Macropumps, MHD