Método da fronteira virtual aplicado em um problema de análise aeroelástica computacional
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O estudo do comportamento de um perfil de uma seção aerolástica típica, com Reynolds na faixa de microaeronaves, constitui o principal foco deste trabalho, tomando como objetivo a estimativa de parâmetros do fenômeno de flutter. A pesquisa analisa o escoamento de um fluido sobre um corpo (cilindro e perfil de aerofólio) em estado estacionário e oscilante, em escoamento de velocidade constante, e, especificamente, o fenômeno de flutter. As equações de Navier-Stokes, com termo de força, são resolvidas pelo método da fronteira virtual para modelagem da interface escoamento/estrutura, representada pela geometria de um corpo de geometria complexa. Na discretização das equações governantes foi utilizado o método de diferenças finitas, sobre malhas deslocadas, com avanço temporal das velocidades do escoamento por meio de um esquema de Runge-Kutta de ordem 4. Os códigos computacionais, para as simulações das diretrizes e a lógica de cálculo, foram criados no contexto deste trabalho. A verificação foi feita através do método da solução manufaturada por meio de um problema fictício, que tem uma solução analítica conhecida, e que preenche as condições de contorno implementadas no código. O modelo da fronteira virtual é testado para os casos de escoamento sobre cilindro de base quadrada, cilindro de base circular e perfil de aerofólio tipo NACA0012, com malhas regular e não regular, e para condições estacionária e sob oscilação forçada. Foi estudado o comportamento de formação de vórtices, provocados por escoamento uniforme sobre o perfil de aerofólio, através dos coeficientes de arrasto, sustentação e pressão com visualização por meio da vorticidade e linhas de corrente, para vários ângulos de ataque e oscilação forçada com elevação e rotação em torno de um pivô posicionado no centro geométrico do perfil (50% da corda). Finalmente, é apresentada uma determinação numérica das características aeroelásticas para o perfil de aerofólio NACA0012, em escoamento de número de Reynolds ultra baixo (Re = 1.000), e parâmetros de flutter para um caso de baixa frequência de oscilação.
The behavior study of a profile of a typical aerolastic section, with Reynolds in range of micro aerial vehicle, is the main focus of this work, taking as objective the estimation of parameters of flutter phenomenon. The research analyzes of the flow of a incompressible fluid on a body (cylinder and airfoil profile) at steady state and oscillating with constant speed and, specifically, the flutter phenomenon. The Navier-Stokes equations, with force term, are solved by virtual boundary method for modeling interface flow/structure, represented by the geometry of a body of complex geometry. In discretization of the governing equations, the method of finite differences on staggered grid, with temporal advancement of discharge velocity through a Runge-Kutta of order 4. The computer codes, for simulations guidelines and logic calculation, were created in the context of this work. The verification was done by method ofmanufactured solution through a fictional problem, which has a known analytical solution, and satisfies the boundary conditions implemented in code. The model of the virtual boundary is tested for cases of flow over a square cylinder, circular cylinder and profile of a NACA0012 airfoil type, with regular and non-regular meshes, over stationary and forced oscillation conditions. We studied the behavior of vortex formation, caused by uniform flow over the airfoil profile, by the drag, lift and pressure coefficients with view through the vorticity and streamlines for various attack angles and forced oscillation with plunge and pich around a pivot witch was positioned at the geometric airfoil profile (half chord). Finally, it is presented a numerical determination of aeroelastic characteristics for the NACA0012 airfoil profile, flow under ultra low Reynolds number, and flutter parameters for a case of low oscillation frequency.
The behavior study of a profile of a typical aerolastic section, with Reynolds in range of micro aerial vehicle, is the main focus of this work, taking as objective the estimation of parameters of flutter phenomenon. The research analyzes of the flow of a incompressible fluid on a body (cylinder and airfoil profile) at steady state and oscillating with constant speed and, specifically, the flutter phenomenon. The Navier-Stokes equations, with force term, are solved by virtual boundary method for modeling interface flow/structure, represented by the geometry of a body of complex geometry. In discretization of the governing equations, the method of finite differences on staggered grid, with temporal advancement of discharge velocity through a Runge-Kutta of order 4. The computer codes, for simulations guidelines and logic calculation, were created in the context of this work. The verification was done by method ofmanufactured solution through a fictional problem, which has a known analytical solution, and satisfies the boundary conditions implemented in code. The model of the virtual boundary is tested for cases of flow over a square cylinder, circular cylinder and profile of a NACA0012 airfoil type, with regular and non-regular meshes, over stationary and forced oscillation conditions. We studied the behavior of vortex formation, caused by uniform flow over the airfoil profile, by the drag, lift and pressure coefficients with view through the vorticity and streamlines for various attack angles and forced oscillation with plunge and pich around a pivot witch was positioned at the geometric airfoil profile (half chord). Finally, it is presented a numerical determination of aeroelastic characteristics for the NACA0012 airfoil profile, flow under ultra low Reynolds number, and flutter parameters for a case of low oscillation frequency.
DNS, Equações de Navier-Stokes, Flutter, Método da fronteira virtual, Número de Reynolds ultra baixo, DNS, Flutter, Ultra-low Reynolds number, Virtual boundary method