Segmentação e classificação de imagens digitais de úlceras cutâneas através de redes neurais artificiais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Úlceras cutâneas constituem um problema de saúde pública no mundo atual. A eficiência do seu tratamento é observada pela redução das áreas total, de fibrina (amarelo) e de granulação (vermelho) da úlcera, calculados manualmente e/ou por imagens, processos demorados e posteriores à consulta médica. O trabalho propõe uma nova técnica não-invasiva e automatizada de acompanhamento das úlceras por redes neurais artificiais (RNAs). Foram utilizadas imagens digitais do banco de imagens do ADUN (Ambulatório da Dermatologia de Úlceras Neurovasculares) do Hospital das Clínicas da FMRP-USP (Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo), escolhidas aleatoriamente, sendo 50 imagens para treinamento da RNA e 250 para o teste da RNA. Para validação da RNA foram criados os grupos: 1 (n=15 imagens poligonais com áreas e cores definidas previamente); 2 (n=15 imagens poligonais com áreas e cores definidas previamente, submetidas a variações de iluminação, brilho, contraste, saturação); 3 (n=15 imagens poligonais constituídas de texturas de fibrina e de granulação); 4 (n=15 imagens de úlceras cutâneas reais preenchidas totalmente em cor preta sua superfície). Para avaliar a sua aplicação clínica foram utilizadas 50 imagens padronizadas submetidas aos cálculos das áreas pela RNA. Os resultados da RNA foram comparados aos do programa Image J (segmentação manual) e/ou às medidas-padrão. Estatisticamente os programas foram considerados similares quando p > 0,05 pelo Teste t Student. Quando p < 0,05 e r positivo, considerou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. A base de imagens de úlceras cutâneas foi eficiente para a aquisição das imagens, para a criação e execução dos algoritmos de extração de cores, de treinamento e de teste da RNA. A rede neural artificial desenvolvida apresentou desempenho similar ao Image J e às medidas-padrão adotadas para a segmentação das figuras do grupo 1, sendo p > 0,05 para as áreas total, de fibrina e de granulação. Na avaliação de interferência de ruídos (grupo 2), foi verificado que tais fatores não interferiram na segmentação da área dos polígonos (p > 0,05), pela RNA e pelo Image J. Entretanto, apesar de interferirem na segmentação de cores de granulação, sendo p < 0,05, o coeficiente de correlação RNA/Image J foi de 0,90 com p < 0,0001. No grupo 3, os cálculos das áreas foram semelhantes pela RNA e pelo Image J (p > 0,05). Quando comparadas às áreas calculadas pelos programas às medidas-padrão, o coeficiente de correlação foi significante (p < 0,0001) para todas as áreas. A segmentação das áreas das úlceras do grupo 4 pela RNA foi validada quando comparada à segmentação manual pelo Image J (p> 0,05). A aplicação clínica da RNA sobre o banco de imagens foi semelhante ao Image J para a segmentação das áreas (p > 0,05). Enfim, a rede neural artificial desenvolvida no Matlab 7.0 mostrou desempenho eficaz e validado na segmentação das úlceras de perna quanto à automatização do cálculo das áreas total, de fibrina e de granulação, semelhante à oferecida manualmente pelo programa Image J. Além disso, mostrou-se de grande aplicação clínica devido a facilidade de sua utilização através da interface web criada, sua praticidade, não interferência do usuário (automatização), propriedades essas que a consolida como uma metodologia adequada para o acompanhamento dinâmico-terapêutico da evolução das úlceras cutâneas.
Cutaneous ulcers are a public health problem worldwide. The efficiency of their treatment is observed through the reduction on the total affected areas, slough (yellow) and granulation (red) of the ulcer, manually calculated and/or through images, which are delayed processes usually performed after medical consultation. This work proposes a new non-invasive and automated technique to follow-up ulcers through artificial neural networks (ANN). Digital images from the ADUN (Neurovascular Ulcers Dermatology Ambulatory) image bank - FMRP General Hospital (Ribeirão Preto Medical School - University of São Paulo) were used and randomly selected as follows: 50 images for ANN training and 250 for the ANN test. For the ANN validation, the following groups were created: 1 (n=15 polygonal images with areas and colors previously defined); 2 (n=15 polygonal images with areas and colors previously defined submitted to illumination, brightness, contrast and saturation variation); 3 (n=15 polygonal images composed of slough and granulation textures); 4 (n=15 images of actual cutaneous ulcers with their surface fully filled in black). To evaluate its clinical application, 50 standard images were used and submitted to calculation of areas using ANN. The ANN results were compared to those obtained with the Image J software (manual segmentation) and/or to standard measures. The programs were statistically considered similar when p > 0.05 through the t Student test. When p < 0.05 and r is positive, the Pearson correlation coefficient was considered. The cutaneous ulcer image bank was efficient for the acquisition of images, for the creation and execution of color extraction algorithms, ANN training and tests. The artificial neural network developed presented performance similar to that obtained with the Image J software and to standard measures adopted for the segmentation of figures from group 1, with p > 0.05 for total areas, slough and granulation. In the noise interference assessment (group 2), it was verified that such factors did not interfere in the polygons area segmentation (p > 0.05) through both ANN and Image J. However, although interfering in the color and granulation segmentation, with p < 0.05, the ANN/Image J correlation coefficient was of 0.90, with p < 0.0001. In group 3, the calculations of areas were similar through both ANN and Image J (p > 0.05). When compared to standard measures, the correlation coefficient was significant (p < 0.0001) for all areas. The segmentation of ulcer areas of group 4 through ANN was validated when compared to manual segmentation through Image J (p> 0.05). The clinical application of ANN on the image bank was similar to Image J for the segmentation of areas (p > 0.05). Finally, the Artificial Neural Network developed in Matlab 7.0 environment showed good performance and was validated in the segmentation of leg ulcers in relation to the automation of the calculation of total areas, slough and granulation, which was similar to that obtained with the Image J software. Moreover, it presented a large clinical application due to the easiness of its application through the web interface created and the non interference of the user (automation), properties that consolidate this technique as a suitable methodology for the dynamic-therapeutic follow-up of the evolution of cutaneous ulcers.
Cutaneous ulcers are a public health problem worldwide. The efficiency of their treatment is observed through the reduction on the total affected areas, slough (yellow) and granulation (red) of the ulcer, manually calculated and/or through images, which are delayed processes usually performed after medical consultation. This work proposes a new non-invasive and automated technique to follow-up ulcers through artificial neural networks (ANN). Digital images from the ADUN (Neurovascular Ulcers Dermatology Ambulatory) image bank - FMRP General Hospital (Ribeirão Preto Medical School - University of São Paulo) were used and randomly selected as follows: 50 images for ANN training and 250 for the ANN test. For the ANN validation, the following groups were created: 1 (n=15 polygonal images with areas and colors previously defined); 2 (n=15 polygonal images with areas and colors previously defined submitted to illumination, brightness, contrast and saturation variation); 3 (n=15 polygonal images composed of slough and granulation textures); 4 (n=15 images of actual cutaneous ulcers with their surface fully filled in black). To evaluate its clinical application, 50 standard images were used and submitted to calculation of areas using ANN. The ANN results were compared to those obtained with the Image J software (manual segmentation) and/or to standard measures. The programs were statistically considered similar when p > 0.05 through the t Student test. When p < 0.05 and r is positive, the Pearson correlation coefficient was considered. The cutaneous ulcer image bank was efficient for the acquisition of images, for the creation and execution of color extraction algorithms, ANN training and tests. The artificial neural network developed presented performance similar to that obtained with the Image J software and to standard measures adopted for the segmentation of figures from group 1, with p > 0.05 for total areas, slough and granulation. In the noise interference assessment (group 2), it was verified that such factors did not interfere in the polygons area segmentation (p > 0.05) through both ANN and Image J. However, although interfering in the color and granulation segmentation, with p < 0.05, the ANN/Image J correlation coefficient was of 0.90, with p < 0.0001. In group 3, the calculations of areas were similar through both ANN and Image J (p > 0.05). When compared to standard measures, the correlation coefficient was significant (p < 0.0001) for all areas. The segmentation of ulcer areas of group 4 through ANN was validated when compared to manual segmentation through Image J (p> 0.05). The clinical application of ANN on the image bank was similar to Image J for the segmentation of areas (p > 0.05). Finally, the Artificial Neural Network developed in Matlab 7.0 environment showed good performance and was validated in the segmentation of leg ulcers in relation to the automation of the calculation of total areas, slough and granulation, which was similar to that obtained with the Image J software. Moreover, it presented a large clinical application due to the easiness of its application through the web interface created and the non interference of the user (automation), properties that consolidate this technique as a suitable methodology for the dynamic-therapeutic follow-up of the evolution of cutaneous ulcers.
Imagens digitais, Rede neural artificial, Segmentação, Úlceras cutâneas, Artificial neural network, Cutaneous ulcers, Digital images, Segmentation