A implantação de sistemas APS sob a perspectiva de redes de inovação auto-organizadas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Esta dissertação tem como finalidade analisar a implantação de sistemas APS em empresas sob a perspectiva de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. Considera-se que a implantação do sistema APS representa uma inovação organizacional para a área de planejamento e controle da produção da empresa adquirente do software, pois comparado aos sistemas de planejamento e controle da produção predecessores, supre deficiências referentes às limitações de capacidade da empresa, flexibilidade na geração de estratégias de produção, disponibilização de prazos de entrega mais curtos e maior apoio aos processos de decisão. Considera-se também que o processo de implantação pode ser analisado sob a perspectiva de uma rede auto-organizada, formada pela empresa adquirente, implantadora e desenvolvedora do software, o que permite identificar os nós (empresas), ligações (relacionamentos), posições (atividades das empresas), fluxos tangíveis (recursos físicos) e fluxos intangíveis (troca de conhecimento e informações). A metodologia de pesquisa utilizada compreende um estudo bibliográfico para o embasamento teórico da temática proposta e de sete estudos de caso para a coleta de dados em campo. A análise e discussão do cruzamento entre as evidências teóricas e práticas visa identificar e sistematizar elementos para disponibilizar um modelo de referência para a implantação de sistemas APS. O desenvolvimento do modelo de referência foi orientado pela metodologia Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD), e o mesmo foi avaliado por profissionais de empresas implantadoras e pesquisadores acadêmicos, a fim de verificar sua consistência e identificar possíveis melhorias.
This dissertation aims to analyze the APS systems implementation in companies under the selforganizing innovation networks perspective. It is considered that the APS systems implementation represents an organizational innovation in the area of production planning and control of the software\'s acquiring company, because compared to the predecessors production planning and control systems, supplies deficiencies relating to capacity constraints of the company, flexibility in the generation of production strategies and greater support to decisionmaking. It is also considered that the implementation process can be analyzed under the perspective of a self-organized network formed by the acquirer, implanter and developer companies of the software, which allows us to identify the nodes (companies), links (relationships), positions (activities of companies), tangible flows (physical resources) and intangible flows (exchange of knowledge and information). The research methodology used comprises a bibliographical study to the theoretical background of the proposed theme and seven case studies to data collection in the field. The analysis and discussion of the intersection between theoretical and practical evidences aims to identify and systematize elements for provide a reference model for the APS systems implementation. The development of the reference model was guided by the Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) methodology, and the model was assessed by implementing companies professionals and academic researchers in order to check its consistency and identify possible improvements.
This dissertation aims to analyze the APS systems implementation in companies under the selforganizing innovation networks perspective. It is considered that the APS systems implementation represents an organizational innovation in the area of production planning and control of the software\'s acquiring company, because compared to the predecessors production planning and control systems, supplies deficiencies relating to capacity constraints of the company, flexibility in the generation of production strategies and greater support to decisionmaking. It is also considered that the implementation process can be analyzed under the perspective of a self-organized network formed by the acquirer, implanter and developer companies of the software, which allows us to identify the nodes (companies), links (relationships), positions (activities of companies), tangible flows (physical resources) and intangible flows (exchange of knowledge and information). The research methodology used comprises a bibliographical study to the theoretical background of the proposed theme and seven case studies to data collection in the field. The analysis and discussion of the intersection between theoretical and practical evidences aims to identify and systematize elements for provide a reference model for the APS systems implementation. The development of the reference model was guided by the Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) methodology, and the model was assessed by implementing companies professionals and academic researchers in order to check its consistency and identify possible improvements.
Advanced Planning and Scheduling, Enterprise Knowledge Development, Redes de inovação auto-organizadas, Implantação, Planejamento e Controle da Produção, Production planning and control, Implementation, Enterprise knowledge development, Advanced planning and scheduling, Self-organizing innovation networks