Investigação geofísica e resistência ao cisalhamento de resíduos sólidos urbanos de diferentes idades
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta a caracterização in situ de propriedades de interesse geotécnico de maciços de resíduos sólidos urbanos (RSU) e o estudo das propriedades de resistência ao cisalhamento de RSU com diferentes idades. Foram realizadas investigações por sondagens e com métodos geofísicos sísmicos no Aterro Sanitário de São Carlos (ASSC) e ensaios de cisalhamento direto de grandes dimensões (50x50 cm2) com amostras de diferentes idades de aterramento coletadas no ASSC, no Lixão Desativado de São Carlos e em Aterro Experimental construído nas proximidades do Lixão. As investigações realizadas no ASSC revelaram que as diferentes fases de operação do maciço (aterro controlado e aterro sanitário) produziram dois estratos com diferentes propriedades geotécnicas. A umidade, as velocidades de propagação de ondas sísmicas e o peso específico in situ dos dois estratos são distintos, sendo sempre menores e menos dispersos no estrato mais raso (operado como aterro sanitário) e maiores e mais dispersos no estrato mais profundo (operado como aterro controlado). Realizaram-se tentativas de determinação do peso específico in situ dos RSU com medição dos volumes escavados por substituição de volume. Notou-se que os furos tendiam a diminuir de diâmetro assim que a composição de sondagem era retirada e que o método adotado para avanço dos furos, com trado helicoidal de haste oca, promovia segregação dos componentes atravessados, realizando uma amostragem parcial dos mesmos. Foram calculados valores médios de peso específico in situ para o maciço investigado (9 a 15 kN/m3) e identificadas as principais limitações da aplicação deste método a aterros sanitários. A aplicação de métodos geofísicos sísmicos foi fundamental para a diferenciação dos dois estratos e permitiu que se calculasse o módulo de cisalhamento máximo (Go) dos resíduos, que variou significativamente de um estrato para outro. Foi possível comparar os resultados obtidos com a aplicação do método crosshole e do método multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) no mesmo aterro sanitário. A caracterização das seis amostras utilizadas nos ensaios de cisalhamento direto revelou que, apesar de elas representarem idades distintas de disposição dos resíduos (2 a 25 anos) e condições de aterramento variadas (formas de operação dos depósitos, ambientes de decomposição e condições de confinamento), a maioria delas se encontrava em estágio avançado de degradação (fase metanogênica) e apenas a mais recente (2 anos de aterramento) encontrava-se em estágio um pouco menos avançado de degradação (início da fase metanogênica). Todas elas exibiram curvas tensão-deslocamento semelhantes, sem pico ou valor de máxima resistência bem caracterizados. Os parâmetros de resistência ao cisalhamento foram obtidos a partir de níveis específicos de deslocamento. Avaliou-se a influência da amostragem, dos procedimentos de preparação das amostras e da composição gravimétrica de cada uma delas sobre os valores calculados para coesão e ângulo de atrito. Para deslocamentos de 100 mm o resíduo aterrado há dois anos apresentou coesão de 13,7 kPa e ângulo de atrito de 22º. Os resíduos mais degradados, com idades de disposição entre 5 e 25 anos, apresentaram coesão de 4,4 kPa e ângulo de atrito de 30º. Utilizaram-se tensões normais de 50, 150 e 250 kPa. Realizaram-se ainda ensaios de cisalhamento direto de grandes dimensões em uma das amostras com corpos de prova em duas posições: paralela e perpendicular à direção de compactação. Os resultados confirmaram que os RSU têm comportamento anisotrópico, sendo que os corpos de prova ensaiados com os componentes alinhados preferencialmente na posição vertical (rotacionados) têm comportamento de endurecimento ainda mais pronunciado que aqueles ensaiados com os componentes orientados preferencialmente no plano horizontal.
Field and laboratory tests were combined to characterize some in-place geotechnical properties of the waste body in the São Carlos Sanitary Landfill (SCSL). The investigation was carried out using hollow stem auger soundings and seismic geophysical methods in the field, and large-scale direct shear testing in the laboratory. The field investigation revealed two strata with different geotechnical properties and they could be related to the different operational phases of the landfill (controlled landfill and sanitary landfill). Moisture content, seismic wave velocities and in-place unit weight were systematically lower and less scattered in the upper stratum than in the lower stratum. The upper stratum was operated as a sanitary landfill and the lower stratum was operated as a controlled landfill. The investigations with geophysical seismic methods were essential for identifying the two strata and allowed for the calculation of the Poisson ratio and the small strain shear modulus (Go) of the waste body. The Poisson ratio showed no sensibility to the waste stratigraphy, but Go values were significantly higher in the lower stratum. Moreover, the results of two different geophysical methods, namely crosshole and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW), could be compared. An attempt was made to estimate overboring using a volume substitution method by filling the boreholes with gravel. This aimed at incorporating this aspect in the calculations of the MSW in-place unit weight. Nevertheless, the borings tended to cave in as soon as the augers were removed and this prevented the evaluation of the overboring. Moreover, the hollow stem auger tended to segregate the larger components of the waste and to bring only the smaller ones to the surface. Despite all these difficulties, average values for the MSW inplace unit weight were be calculated (9 to 15 kN/m3). In the laboratory, large-scale direct shear tests (500 x 500 mm2) were performed to provide an insight on the shear strength response of municipal solid waste (MSW) of different landfilling ages. The test samples were collected from the SCSL, a dumpsite and an experimental landfill. Their landfilling ages ranged from 2 to 25 years. Physico-chemical characterization of the samples revealed that most of them were subjected to the metanogenesis degradation phase, in spite of their different landfilling ages and burial conditions (operational characteristics of the deposits, decomposition environment and confining pressures). Only the newest one (2 years old sample) was subjected to an earlier stage of degradation. In the direct shear tests, all samples showed similar stress-strain curves, with continuous strain hardening and no identifiable maximum stress, despite the large displacements. The influence of sampling method, sample preparation and sample gravimetric composition on the calculated shear resistance parameters is discussed. For a 100-mm displacement the shear resistance of the less degraded waste (2 years of landfilling) is best characterized by cohesion = 13.7 kPa and friction angle = 22º. The more degraded wastes (5 to 25 years old samples) are best characterized by cohesion = 4.4 kPa and friction angle = 30º. The tests were performed with initial normal stresses of 50, 150 and 250 kPa. Specific large direct shear tests were performed to evaluate anisotropy in the MSW shear response. The test samples had the fibrous materials oriented perpendicular or parallel to the horizontal shear surface. Results confirmed the expected anisotropy by showing a hardening behaviour that was more pronounced when the fibrous materials were oriented perpendicular to the shear plan.
Field and laboratory tests were combined to characterize some in-place geotechnical properties of the waste body in the São Carlos Sanitary Landfill (SCSL). The investigation was carried out using hollow stem auger soundings and seismic geophysical methods in the field, and large-scale direct shear testing in the laboratory. The field investigation revealed two strata with different geotechnical properties and they could be related to the different operational phases of the landfill (controlled landfill and sanitary landfill). Moisture content, seismic wave velocities and in-place unit weight were systematically lower and less scattered in the upper stratum than in the lower stratum. The upper stratum was operated as a sanitary landfill and the lower stratum was operated as a controlled landfill. The investigations with geophysical seismic methods were essential for identifying the two strata and allowed for the calculation of the Poisson ratio and the small strain shear modulus (Go) of the waste body. The Poisson ratio showed no sensibility to the waste stratigraphy, but Go values were significantly higher in the lower stratum. Moreover, the results of two different geophysical methods, namely crosshole and multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW), could be compared. An attempt was made to estimate overboring using a volume substitution method by filling the boreholes with gravel. This aimed at incorporating this aspect in the calculations of the MSW in-place unit weight. Nevertheless, the borings tended to cave in as soon as the augers were removed and this prevented the evaluation of the overboring. Moreover, the hollow stem auger tended to segregate the larger components of the waste and to bring only the smaller ones to the surface. Despite all these difficulties, average values for the MSW inplace unit weight were be calculated (9 to 15 kN/m3). In the laboratory, large-scale direct shear tests (500 x 500 mm2) were performed to provide an insight on the shear strength response of municipal solid waste (MSW) of different landfilling ages. The test samples were collected from the SCSL, a dumpsite and an experimental landfill. Their landfilling ages ranged from 2 to 25 years. Physico-chemical characterization of the samples revealed that most of them were subjected to the metanogenesis degradation phase, in spite of their different landfilling ages and burial conditions (operational characteristics of the deposits, decomposition environment and confining pressures). Only the newest one (2 years old sample) was subjected to an earlier stage of degradation. In the direct shear tests, all samples showed similar stress-strain curves, with continuous strain hardening and no identifiable maximum stress, despite the large displacements. The influence of sampling method, sample preparation and sample gravimetric composition on the calculated shear resistance parameters is discussed. For a 100-mm displacement the shear resistance of the less degraded waste (2 years of landfilling) is best characterized by cohesion = 13.7 kPa and friction angle = 22º. The more degraded wastes (5 to 25 years old samples) are best characterized by cohesion = 4.4 kPa and friction angle = 30º. The tests were performed with initial normal stresses of 50, 150 and 250 kPa. Specific large direct shear tests were performed to evaluate anisotropy in the MSW shear response. The test samples had the fibrous materials oriented perpendicular or parallel to the horizontal shear surface. Results confirmed the expected anisotropy by showing a hardening behaviour that was more pronounced when the fibrous materials were oriented perpendicular to the shear plan.
Crosshole, Anisotropia, Peso específico in situ, Aterro sanitário, Cisalhamento direto, MASW, MASW, In-place MSW unit weight, Direct shear testing, Crosshole, Anisotropy, Sanitary landfill