Gestión ambiental municipal: una propuesta de indicadores de evaluación
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A partir de la Cumbre para la Tierra 1992, en las últimas décadas ganó relevancia la participación de los gobiernos locales, como un factor determinante para alcanzar las metas del desarrollo socioeconómico según los principios de sostenibilidad. El Programa 21 resalta que la función de las autoridades locales es la creación, el funcionamiento y el mantenimiento de la infraestructura económica, social y ecológica, para lo cual adelantan los procesos de planificación, establecen las políticas y reglamentaciones ecológicas locales y contribuyen a la ejecución de las políticas ambientales en los niveles nacional y regional. En su carácter de autoridad más cercana al pueblo, desempeñan una función importantísima en la educación y movilización del público en pro del desarrollo sostenible (NACIONES UNIDAS, 1992). Para tanto, los municipios deben contar con instrumentos de planeación, evaluación y control que contribuyan con una adecuada gestión ambiental. En este sentido, los municipios de pequeño porte no cuentan con recursos y capacidad suficiente para desarrollar este tipo de instrumentos, por lo cual son elaborados por entidades de nivel superior, regional o nacional con un enfoque top-down, siendo escasos y poco eficientes. En este contexto, el objetivo de la presente investigación es desarrollar un modelo de indicadores que permite evaluar la gestión de los gobiernos locales en el área ambiental, desarrollado con un enfoque participativo que permite inserir la visión y necesidades de los responsables de la información y los usuarios de la misma y que además es consistente con los sistemas de indicadores de nivel nacional y regional. Tomando como estudio de caso los municipios del departamento de Nariño, en Colombia y con la participación de funcionaros de las administraciones municipales, de la Contraloría Departamental de Nariño (CDN), como organismo de control y de la Corporación Autónoma Regional de Nariño (Corponarño) como entidad encargada de la implementación de la Política Ambiental Nacional en el nivel regional, el presente estudio presenta un grupo de 40 indicadores de gestión ambiental municipal y un modelo de evaluación de los resultados de la gestión ambiental municipal, los cuales se constituyen en un instrumento de planeación y control para los tomadores de decisiones y de apoyo a labor de vigilancia, control y presentación de información para las contralorías departamentales.
During the last decades, the participation of local governments gained importance, as one of the determining factors to reach socioeconomic development goals according to sustainability principles. Therefore, municipalities must have planning, assessment and control instruments which lead to proper environmental management. However, small-sized Colombian municipalities do not have enough resources or capacity to develop this kind of instruments; so that, these are elaborated by higher level entities, embracing regional and national stances using a top-down approach, which are few and scarcely efficient. The objective of this paper is to present a model of indicators that allows assessing the local authorities\' management regarding environmental aspects. It was developed under a participative approach (bottom-up) conveying the insertion of vision and needs coming from the people responsible of the information and its users; and additionally, it is consistent with the indicators systems at national and regional stages. The municipalities of Nariño in Colombia, as well as the participation of the governing servants, the Contraloria Departamental de Nariño (CDN), as a control organism and Corporación Autónoma Regional de Nariño (Corponariño) that is the entity responsible of the implementation of the National Environmental Policy in the region, were taken as a case of study, in order to present a group of 40 environmental management indicators and a raw model to assess the results of the local environmental management, which take part in a planning and control instrument oriented to decision makers; additionally it turns to be an instrument to support monitoring, control and data presentation coming from the control organism. The results of the evaluation process of the municipalities are presented on the website
During the last decades, the participation of local governments gained importance, as one of the determining factors to reach socioeconomic development goals according to sustainability principles. Therefore, municipalities must have planning, assessment and control instruments which lead to proper environmental management. However, small-sized Colombian municipalities do not have enough resources or capacity to develop this kind of instruments; so that, these are elaborated by higher level entities, embracing regional and national stances using a top-down approach, which are few and scarcely efficient. The objective of this paper is to present a model of indicators that allows assessing the local authorities\' management regarding environmental aspects. It was developed under a participative approach (bottom-up) conveying the insertion of vision and needs coming from the people responsible of the information and its users; and additionally, it is consistent with the indicators systems at national and regional stages. The municipalities of Nariño in Colombia, as well as the participation of the governing servants, the Contraloria Departamental de Nariño (CDN), as a control organism and Corporación Autónoma Regional de Nariño (Corponariño) that is the entity responsible of the implementation of the National Environmental Policy in the region, were taken as a case of study, in order to present a group of 40 environmental management indicators and a raw model to assess the results of the local environmental management, which take part in a planning and control instrument oriented to decision makers; additionally it turns to be an instrument to support monitoring, control and data presentation coming from the control organism. The results of the evaluation process of the municipalities are presented on the website
Gestión ambiental en Nariño-Colombia, Gestión ambiental municipal, Indicadores de gestión ambiental, Environmental management in Nariño-Colombia, Environmental management indicators, Municipal environmental management