Percepção ambiental e participação pública na gestão dos recursos hídricos: perfil dos moradores da cidade de São Carlos, SP (bacia hidrográfica do rio do Monjolinho)
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Através da percepção ambiental são estabelecidas as relações de afetividade do indivíduo para com o ambiente. A partir da formação de laços afetivos positivos pode acontecer a modificação dos valores atribuídos pelas pessoas para cada lugar em seu entorno. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida buscando levantar a percepção ambiental, o nível de informação dos moradores da cidade de São Carlos e seu grau de interesse em participar de ações para melhorar a qualidade ambiental de seu entorno, tendo como ponto focal a bacia hidrográfica do rio do Monjolinho e a gestão participativa dos recursos hídricos. A técnica empregada para a coleta de dados foi a entrevista estruturada, tendo como base um roteiro com 81 questões. Como resultado, esta pesquisa revelou que uma parte significativa dos entrevistados não apresenta relações afetivas com o entorno, o que prejudica a iniciativa de participar de ações em prol da melhoria da qualidade ambiental. Da mesma forma, a maioria dos entrevistados mostrou desconhecer a existência e as funções do Comitê de Bacia Hidrográfica e, conseqüentemente, não participam de nenhuma instância das decisões relacionadas à gestão dos recursos hídricos. Parte dos entrevistados informou que a falta de promoção e de divulgação de atividades ou campanhas relacionadas ao ambiente está entre os principais motivos para pequena participação pública em tais atividades e que a Educação Ambiental é um importante instrumento de sensibilização em busca da consciência ambiental da população, podendo levar a mudanças de atitude e à realização de ações em prol do ambiente, visando a preservação ou a conservação e buscando a melhoria da qualidade ambiental. Para que a Gestão Participativa da Água seja efetiva deve-se levar em consideração a opinião pública que pode ser apresentada através da presença de representantes da sociedade civil organizada nos fóruns adequados, como os Comitês de Bacia Hidrográfica, e a Educação Ambiental deve ser amplamente empregada na sensibilização da comunidade de forma direcionada e específica para cada público-alvo (escolares de diferentes níveis e comunidade em geral) ampliando a capacidade da população para participar da gestão pública dos bens naturais a que tem direito
Relationships of affection with the environment are established by the individual environmental perception. From the formation of positive affectiveness links, changes of the values assigned by people for each surrounding places may happen. This research was developed aiming the uptake of the environmental perception, the information level of the residents from São Carlos city and their degree of interest concerning their participation in actions to improve the environmental quality of their neighborhoods, focusing the hydrographic basin of the Monjolinho river and the participative management of the hydric resources. The technique applied for data collection was the Structured Interview; based on an 81 questions repertory. As a result, this research reveals that a significant portion of the interviewed have presented no affective relationship with their neighborhood, what spoils any initiative of participation in actions intending improvement of the environmental quality. In the same manner, the vast majority of the interviewed showed unknowledge about both existence and function of Basin Hydrographic Committee and consequently, taking no part in any instance of the decisions related to the water resources management. Some of the interviewed affirmed that the lack of promotion and divulgation of activities or actions related to the environment are part of reasons that explain the little public involvement in such activities, and that the Environmental Education is an important instrument sensibilizating the population towards environmental conscience, leading to an attitude change and to the realization of actions for the environment benefit, aiming the preservation or conservation and promoting the improvement of the environmental quality. Thus, the participative management of water resources to be effective should take into account the public opinion which may be represented by citizen organized society on the adequate forums, like the Basin Hydrographic Committees, and the Environmental Education must be applied in order to sensibilizate the community, on a focused and specific way for each public (scholastics of several degrees and general community) broadening the population capacity to participate in the public management of nature resources, their born rights.
Relationships of affection with the environment are established by the individual environmental perception. From the formation of positive affectiveness links, changes of the values assigned by people for each surrounding places may happen. This research was developed aiming the uptake of the environmental perception, the information level of the residents from São Carlos city and their degree of interest concerning their participation in actions to improve the environmental quality of their neighborhoods, focusing the hydrographic basin of the Monjolinho river and the participative management of the hydric resources. The technique applied for data collection was the Structured Interview; based on an 81 questions repertory. As a result, this research reveals that a significant portion of the interviewed have presented no affective relationship with their neighborhood, what spoils any initiative of participation in actions intending improvement of the environmental quality. In the same manner, the vast majority of the interviewed showed unknowledge about both existence and function of Basin Hydrographic Committee and consequently, taking no part in any instance of the decisions related to the water resources management. Some of the interviewed affirmed that the lack of promotion and divulgation of activities or actions related to the environment are part of reasons that explain the little public involvement in such activities, and that the Environmental Education is an important instrument sensibilizating the population towards environmental conscience, leading to an attitude change and to the realization of actions for the environment benefit, aiming the preservation or conservation and promoting the improvement of the environmental quality. Thus, the participative management of water resources to be effective should take into account the public opinion which may be represented by citizen organized society on the adequate forums, like the Basin Hydrographic Committees, and the Environmental Education must be applied in order to sensibilizate the community, on a focused and specific way for each public (scholastics of several degrees and general community) broadening the population capacity to participate in the public management of nature resources, their born rights.
bacia hidrográfica, educação ambiental, rio do monjolinho, recursos hídricos, percepção ambiental, Monjolinho river, hydrographic basin, environmental perception, environmental education, water resources