Modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor para implantações de lean em ambientes hospitalares: proposta e aplicação
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta conceitos relacionados ao pensamento enxuto, e mais especificamente, ao mapeamento de fluxo de valor (MFV), inseridos no contexto hospitalar, destacando exemplos encontrados na literatura e a análise de um caso prático conduzido pelo autor. Com a elaboração do trabalho, foi possível concluir que não existe um modelo de mapeamento de fluxo de valor padronizado para aplicações de lean em ambientes hospitalares. De maneira geral, a utilização do MFV em hospitais se dá através de adaptações da manufatura que não levam em conta todas as atividades que interferem no fluxo dos pacientes, como o fluxo de informações e de materiais. Para contornar esse problema, esta dissertação visa propor um novo modelo de MFV, voltado para ambientes hospitalares, que consiga contemplar em um único mapa todos os fluxos que interferem diretamente na duração do tratamento do paciente e sirva como modelo padrão para aplicações de lean em hospitais. Para isso, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico, que buscou identificar, no período de 2000 a 2013, os principais modelos de MFV atualmente empregados em implantações de lean healthcare e identificar as principais características e pontos positivos de cada um. Estes pontos positivos serviram como requisitos para a elaboração do novo modelo, passando a integrar um único mapa. Com a aplicação prática desse novo MFV, foi possível identificar os gargalos operacionais e inúmeros desperdícios que interferem no tratamento do paciente e que não poderiam ser identificados pelos outros modelos de mapeamento estudados. É possível concluir, com os resultados alcançados, que o modelo proposto atendeu aos objetivos definidos e demonstrou ser uma ferramenta valiosa para identificação de desperdícios em ambientes hospitalares.
This thesis presents lean thinking concepts focused on healthcare environments and more specifically on the value stream mapping (VSM). The research could concluded that there is no value stream map standardized for lean healthcare applications. In general, the use of VSM in hospitals are made by manufacturing adaptations that do not take into account all activities that interfere in the patient flow, such as information and material flow. To solve this problem, this research aims to propose a new VSM model for healthcare, which could contemplate all activities that directly affects the treatment time and also be a template for lean healthcare applications. Therefore, the focus in the literature review was to identify the main healthcare VSM models published between 2000 and 2013 and the key characteristics and strengths of each. These strengths were used as requirements for the new mapping model elaboration and were integrated in a single map. The practical application, conducted by the author, identified operational bottlenecks and numerous wastes that interfere in the patient\'s treatment that could not be identified by the other mapping models studied. In conclusion, the new VSM model proposed has achieve the defined goals and proved to be a valuable tool for identifying waste in hospital environments.
This thesis presents lean thinking concepts focused on healthcare environments and more specifically on the value stream mapping (VSM). The research could concluded that there is no value stream map standardized for lean healthcare applications. In general, the use of VSM in hospitals are made by manufacturing adaptations that do not take into account all activities that interfere in the patient flow, such as information and material flow. To solve this problem, this research aims to propose a new VSM model for healthcare, which could contemplate all activities that directly affects the treatment time and also be a template for lean healthcare applications. Therefore, the focus in the literature review was to identify the main healthcare VSM models published between 2000 and 2013 and the key characteristics and strengths of each. These strengths were used as requirements for the new mapping model elaboration and were integrated in a single map. The practical application, conducted by the author, identified operational bottlenecks and numerous wastes that interfere in the patient\'s treatment that could not be identified by the other mapping models studied. In conclusion, the new VSM model proposed has achieve the defined goals and proved to be a valuable tool for identifying waste in hospital environments.
Lean healthcare, Melhoria de processos, Mapeamento de fluxo de valor, Fluxo de pacientes, Lean Hospital, Lean healthcare, Lean hospital, Patient flow, Process improvement, Value stream mapping