Protocolo ISO 11783: procedimentos para comunicação serial de dados do controlador de tarefa
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O recente crescimento da utilização de tecnologias de automação e eletrônica embarcada em máquinas e implementos agrícolas tem estabelecido uma nova prática na área agrícola. Estas novas práticas relacionadas com a agricultura de precisão (AP) têm demandado a utilização de sensores e redes de comunicação embarcadas para aquisição de dados e controle dos dispositivos em campo. A incompatibilidade entre equipamentos e formatos de dados tornou-se um grande obstáculo. A tendência global é de uso de sistemas padronizados de acordo com a norma ISO 11783 (também conhecida como ISOBUS) nos dispositivos, ou Electronic Control Unit (ECU), utilizados na produção agrícola. No Brasil, essas ferramentas ainda não são largamente aplicadas. O objetivo deste trabalho é sistematizar as informações necessárias dos procedimentos para comunicação de uma ECU do implemento com a ECU de trator de gerenciamento. Focou-se no desenvolvimento dos arquivos padrões necessários e no programa da ECU do implemento, e testes de validação da comunicação dos dispositivos via rede ISO 11873. Estabeleceu-se a relação entre as informações sistematizadas e os dispositivos embarcados em máquinas agrícolas. Os dispositivos embarcados consistem em cinco ECUs interconectadas pela rede ISO 11783. Quatro ECUS estão localizados no tractor: ECU do GPS, Controlador de Tarefas (TC), Terminal Virtual (VT) e ECU do Trator (TECU). A ECU do GPS é responsável pela recepção do sinal do Differencial Global Position System (DGPS) e disponibilização na rede ISO 11783. O TC é responsável pelo gerenciamento da aplicação do mapa de prescrição e pelo controle do implemento. O VT é responsável por monitorar e disponibilizar uma interface gráfica com o operador da máquina. O TECU disponibiliza a velocidade do trator obtida por um sensor de radar. A quinta ECU está localizado no implemento, definido como Working Set Master (WSM), que é responsável por interpretar os comandos das ECUs do trator e integrar o dispositivo mecânico-hidráulico para realização de uma aplicação agrícola. Este trabalho mostrou os requisitos necessários para o desenvolvimento dos arquivos necessários (TaskData.XML e o Device Description Object Pool), as capacidades necessárias para o programa da ECU do Implemento, a validação da comunicação da ECU do Implemento com o TC (ECU do trator de gerenciamento) e comprovou que as informações sistematizadas facilitaram e proporcionaram a implementação de um sistema ISO 11783. Espera-se, que este trabalho possa abrir oportunidades para que a norma ISO 11783 possa ser melhor entendida e ampliar a possibilidade de disponibilizar um número maior de aplicações que envolvem o conceito de AP no Brasil.
The recent growth of automation technology and embedded electronic in agricultural machinery has established a new practice in agriculture. These new practices related to precision agriculture (PA) have demanded the use of sensors and communications embedded networks for data acquisition and control devices in the farm field. The incompatibility between hardware, software and data formats has become a major obstacle. The global trend is to use standardized systems in accordance with ISO 11783 (also known as ISOBUS) in the devices, or Electronic Control Units (ECU), used in agricultural production. In Brazil, these tools are not yet implemented. The purpose of this work is to systemize the information necessary of the procedures for communication among the implement ECU with management tractor ECU. This work focuses standardized files format, the program of the implement ECU and the validation tests of the devices communication via ISO 11873 network. It was established the relation among the systematized information and embedded devices on agricultural machinery. The embedded devices consist in five ECUs connected in the ISO 11783 network. Four ECUs are located in the tractor: GPS ECU, Task Controller (TC), Virtual Terminal (VT) and Tractor ECU (TECU). The GPS ECU is responsible to the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) positioning. The TC is responsible to manage the prescription map and to control the implement. The VT is responsible monitor the application. The TECU disposes tractor velocity of a radar sensor. The fifth device located in the implement is Working Set Master (WSM), which is responsible to interpret the commands from the tractors ECUs and integrate the mechanical-hidraulical device instruction for agricultural operation. It was presented how to develop the needed standardized files (TaskData.XML and Device Description Object Pool), the capabilities needed of the implement ECU program, the validation of communication between the implement ECU with the TC (management tractor ECU) and was prove that the information systematized has facilitated and provided the communication. It is expect that this work may open opportunities for the ISO 11783 standard can be better understood and enlarge the possibility of providing a great number of applications involving the concept of AP in Brazil.
The recent growth of automation technology and embedded electronic in agricultural machinery has established a new practice in agriculture. These new practices related to precision agriculture (PA) have demanded the use of sensors and communications embedded networks for data acquisition and control devices in the farm field. The incompatibility between hardware, software and data formats has become a major obstacle. The global trend is to use standardized systems in accordance with ISO 11783 (also known as ISOBUS) in the devices, or Electronic Control Units (ECU), used in agricultural production. In Brazil, these tools are not yet implemented. The purpose of this work is to systemize the information necessary of the procedures for communication among the implement ECU with management tractor ECU. This work focuses standardized files format, the program of the implement ECU and the validation tests of the devices communication via ISO 11873 network. It was established the relation among the systematized information and embedded devices on agricultural machinery. The embedded devices consist in five ECUs connected in the ISO 11783 network. Four ECUs are located in the tractor: GPS ECU, Task Controller (TC), Virtual Terminal (VT) and Tractor ECU (TECU). The GPS ECU is responsible to the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) positioning. The TC is responsible to manage the prescription map and to control the implement. The VT is responsible monitor the application. The TECU disposes tractor velocity of a radar sensor. The fifth device located in the implement is Working Set Master (WSM), which is responsible to interpret the commands from the tractors ECUs and integrate the mechanical-hidraulical device instruction for agricultural operation. It was presented how to develop the needed standardized files (TaskData.XML and Device Description Object Pool), the capabilities needed of the implement ECU program, the validation of communication between the implement ECU with the TC (management tractor ECU) and was prove that the information systematized has facilitated and provided the communication. It is expect that this work may open opportunities for the ISO 11783 standard can be better understood and enlarge the possibility of providing a great number of applications involving the concept of AP in Brazil.
Agricultura de precisão, ISO 11783, XML, ISOBUS, Máquina agrícola, Padrão de arquivo, Padrão de comunicação, Rede de comunicação embarcada, Trator, VRT, Implemento agrícola, Aplicação à taxa variada, CAN, Controlador de tarefas, Eletrônica embarcada, VRT, Agricultural implement, Variable rate control, XML, Agricultural machinery, Tractor, File standard, Task controller, Precision agriculture, CAN, Communication standard, Embedded electronics, ISO 11783, Embedded network communication, ISOBUS