Redução no tamanho da amostra de pesquisas de entrevistas domiciliares para planejamento de transportes: uma verificação preliminar
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O trabalho tem por principal objetivo verificar, preliminarmente, a possibilidade de reduzir a quantidade de indivíduos na amostra de Pesquisa de Entrevistas Domiciliares, sem prejudicar a qualidade e representatividade da mesma. Analisar a influência das características espaciais e de uso de solo da área urbana constitui o objetivo intermediário. Para ambos os objetivos, a principal ferramenta utilizada foi o minerador de dados denominado Árvore de Decisão e Classificação contido no software S-Plus 6.1, que encontra as relações entre as características socioeconômicas dos indivíduos, as características espaciais e de uso de solo da área urbana e os padrões de viagens encadeadas. Os padrões de viagens foram codificados em termos de sequência cronológica de: motivos, modos, durações de viagem e períodos do dia em que as viagens ocorrem. As análises foram baseadas nos dados da Pesquisa de Entrevistas Domiciliares realizada pela Agência de Cooperação Internacional do Japão e Governo do Estado do Pará em 2000 na Região Metropolitana de Belém. Para se atingir o objetivo intermediário o método consistiu em analisar, através da Árvore de Decisão e Classificação, a influência da variável categórica Macrozona, que representa as características espaciais e de uso de solo da área urbana, nos padrões de viagens encadeadas realizados pelos indivíduos. Para o objetivo principal, o método consistiu em escolher, aleatoriamente, sub-amostras contendo 25% de pessoas da amostra final e verificar, através do Processamento de Árvores de Decisão e Classificação e do teste estatístico Kolmogorov - Smirnov, se os modelos obtidos a partir das amostras reduzidas conseguem ilustrar bem a freqüência de ocorrência dos padrões de viagens das pessoas da amostra final. Concluiu-se que as características espaciais e de uso de solo influenciam os padrões de encadeamento de viagens, e portanto foram incluídas como variáveis preditoras também nos modelos obtidos a partir das sub-amostras. A conclusão principal foi a não rejeição da hipótese de que é possível reduzir o tamanho da amostra de pesquisas domiciliares para fins de estudo do encadeamento de viagens. Entretanto ainda são necessárias muitas outras verificações antes de aceitar esta conclusão.
The main aim of this work is to verify, the possibility of reducing the sample size in home-interview surveys, without being detrimental to the quality and representation. The sub aim of this work is to analyze the influence of spatial characteristics and land use of an urban area. For both aims, the main analyses tool used was Data Miner called the Decision and Classification Tree which is in the software S-Plus 6.1. The Data Miner finds relations between trip chaining patterns and individual socioeconomic characteristics, spatial characteristics and land use patterns. The trip chaining patterns were coded in terms of chronological sequence of trip purpose, travel mode, travel time and the period of day in which travel occurs. The analyses were based on home-interview surveys carried out in the Belém Metropolitan Area in 2000, by Japan International Cooperation Agency and Pará State Government. In order to achieve the sub aim of this work, the method consisted of analyzing, using the Decision and Classification Tree, the influence of the categorical variable \"Macrozona\", which represents spatial characteristics and urban land use patterns, in trip chaining patterns carried by the individuals. Concerning the main aim, the method consisted of choosing sub-samples randomly containing 25% of the final sample of individuals and verifying (using Decision and Classification Tree and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test) whether the models obtained from the reduced samples can describe the frequency of the occurrence of the individuals trip chaining patterns in the final sample well. The first conclusion is that spatial characteristics and land use of the urban area have influenced the trip chaining patterns, and therefore they were also included as independent variables in the models obtained from the sub-samples. The main conclusion was the non-rejection of the hypothesis that it is possible to reduce the sample size in home-interview surveys used for trip-chaining research. Nevertheless, several other verifications are necessary before accepting this conclusion.
The main aim of this work is to verify, the possibility of reducing the sample size in home-interview surveys, without being detrimental to the quality and representation. The sub aim of this work is to analyze the influence of spatial characteristics and land use of an urban area. For both aims, the main analyses tool used was Data Miner called the Decision and Classification Tree which is in the software S-Plus 6.1. The Data Miner finds relations between trip chaining patterns and individual socioeconomic characteristics, spatial characteristics and land use patterns. The trip chaining patterns were coded in terms of chronological sequence of trip purpose, travel mode, travel time and the period of day in which travel occurs. The analyses were based on home-interview surveys carried out in the Belém Metropolitan Area in 2000, by Japan International Cooperation Agency and Pará State Government. In order to achieve the sub aim of this work, the method consisted of analyzing, using the Decision and Classification Tree, the influence of the categorical variable \"Macrozona\", which represents spatial characteristics and urban land use patterns, in trip chaining patterns carried by the individuals. Concerning the main aim, the method consisted of choosing sub-samples randomly containing 25% of the final sample of individuals and verifying (using Decision and Classification Tree and Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistical test) whether the models obtained from the reduced samples can describe the frequency of the occurrence of the individuals trip chaining patterns in the final sample well. The first conclusion is that spatial characteristics and land use of the urban area have influenced the trip chaining patterns, and therefore they were also included as independent variables in the models obtained from the sub-samples. The main conclusion was the non-rejection of the hypothesis that it is possible to reduce the sample size in home-interview surveys used for trip-chaining research. Nevertheless, several other verifications are necessary before accepting this conclusion.
Viagens encadeadas, Amostra reduzida, Análise de demanda por transporte baseada em atividades, Características espaciais e de uso de solo da área urbana, Padrões de viagem, Teste estatístico Kolmogorov - Smirnov, Trip chaining, Travel patterns, Spatial characteristics and land use of the urban area, Reduced sample size, Kolmogorov - Smirnov statistic test, Activity-Based analysis for transportation demand