Análise teórica e experimental de treliças espaciais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre o comportamento de treliças espaciais formadas por elementos tubulares de seção circular, com ênfase no desempenho das tipologias de ligação utilizadas no Brasil. Foram ensaiadas experimentalmente 9 treliças espaciais com vãos de 7,5 x 15,0m e uma de 7,5m x 7,5m com altura de 1,5m, variando-se o tipo de ligação entre barras, com o objetivo de caracterizar e comparar o comportamento dos sistemas de ligações mais comuns (nó típico extremidade estampada, nó de aço e nó com chapa de ponteira).A análise teórica, via elementos finitos, tem como objetivo aferir a validade dos modelos numéricos normalmente utilizados e refiná-los incluindo as características do comportamento estrutural observadas em ensaio. A análise numérica segue duas abordagens: análise global da estrutura incluindo os efeitos não-lineares, excentricidade na ligação e variação de seção nas extremidades das barras; com isso o comportamento das treliças ensaiadas foi representado de forma satisfatória. A análise do comportamento do nó típico, modelado tridimensionalmente com elementos de casca, possibilitou analisar a interação entre as barras na região nodal por meio de elementos de contato. Com esta modelagem, apesar das simplificações, foi possível reproduzir o modo de colapso observado experimentalmente.
This paper presents a study of the behavior of tubular circular section space trusses with the main emphasis placed on the performance of the various truss typologies used in Brazil. Nine space trusses with plan dimensions of 7.5m x 15.0m and one with plan dimensions of 7.5mx7.5m and height of 1.5m were tested. The joint type was varied with the objective to characterize and compare the behavior of the more common types of connection systems (typical node stamped end, steel node, and end plate node). The theoretical analysis employing finite elements was adopted mainly to ascertain the validity of various numerical models commonly employed and hence refining them by including the some basic characteristics of the observed structural behavior.The numerical analysis employed was based on two methodologies: a global structural analysis that takes into account the effects of non-linearity, eccentricities at connection, and the variation of the end bars cross section. In this manner the actual behavior of the tested trusses was well represented. The analysis of the behavior of a typical node, modeled using tri-dimensional finite shell elements made it possible to analyze the interaction between bars that converge at the nodal region by applying contact elements. Despite it simplicity, predicted results of the collapse mode obtained by using the proposed model, very well reproduce the experimental observation.
This paper presents a study of the behavior of tubular circular section space trusses with the main emphasis placed on the performance of the various truss typologies used in Brazil. Nine space trusses with plan dimensions of 7.5m x 15.0m and one with plan dimensions of 7.5mx7.5m and height of 1.5m were tested. The joint type was varied with the objective to characterize and compare the behavior of the more common types of connection systems (typical node stamped end, steel node, and end plate node). The theoretical analysis employing finite elements was adopted mainly to ascertain the validity of various numerical models commonly employed and hence refining them by including the some basic characteristics of the observed structural behavior.The numerical analysis employed was based on two methodologies: a global structural analysis that takes into account the effects of non-linearity, eccentricities at connection, and the variation of the end bars cross section. In this manner the actual behavior of the tested trusses was well represented. The analysis of the behavior of a typical node, modeled using tri-dimensional finite shell elements made it possible to analyze the interaction between bars that converge at the nodal region by applying contact elements. Despite it simplicity, predicted results of the collapse mode obtained by using the proposed model, very well reproduce the experimental observation.
estruturas espaciais, estruturas reticuladas, estruturas tubulares, ligações, treliças espaciais, connections, experimental analysis, space structure, space truss