Programa Seis Sigma para formação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A formação de redes colaborativas é uma importante forma das organizações estimularem a inovação, reduzirem custos e transferir conhecimentos. Uma forma particular de rede colaborativa, as redes auto-organizadas, demonstram grande capacidade de promover o aprendizado dos envolvidos, sistematizar o conhecimento e promover a inovação. Já os programas Seis Sigma, adotados por diversas organizações, possuem como objetivo principal a redução da variabilidade de um processo, resultando na redução de custos e melhoria da qualidade. A literatura sobre redes auto-organizadas pouco apresenta sobre a formação destas redes e a literatura sobre Seis Sigma é voltada a métodos estatísticos. Desta forma, o objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar os elementos para um modelo de referência baseado no programa Seis Sigma para a formação e gerência de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. Foram realizados cinco estudos de caso em diferentes organizações. Os programas Seis Sigma destas organizações foram modelos com o uso da metodologia Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD). Com base na literatura estudada foram identificas as necessidades de mudanças que viabilizariam a formação de redes de inovação auto-organizadas. Como resultado tem-se os elementos para o modelo de referência para formação e gerência de redes de inovação auto-organizadas baseado no programa Seis Sigma.
The formation of collaborative networks is an important way for organizations to stimulate innovation, reduce costs and transfer knowledge. A particular form of collaborative network, the self-organized networks have shown great capability to promote the learning of those involved, systematize knowledge and lead to innovation. The Six Sigma programs, adopted by several organizations, have as main objective the process variability reduction, resulting in lower costs and quality improvement. The literature on self-organized networks presents little about the formation of these kind of networks and literature on Six Sigma is focused on statistical methods. Thus, the objective of this research is to identify the elements for a reference model based on the Six Sigma program for setting up and management of innovation selforganized networks. Five case studies were conducted in different organizations. The Six Sigma programs of these organizations were modeled using the Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) methodology. Based on the studied literature the needs for changes that enables the formation of innovation self-organized networks were identified. As a result there are the elements of the reference model for the formation and management of innovation self-organized networks based on the Six Sigma program.
The formation of collaborative networks is an important way for organizations to stimulate innovation, reduce costs and transfer knowledge. A particular form of collaborative network, the self-organized networks have shown great capability to promote the learning of those involved, systematize knowledge and lead to innovation. The Six Sigma programs, adopted by several organizations, have as main objective the process variability reduction, resulting in lower costs and quality improvement. The literature on self-organized networks presents little about the formation of these kind of networks and literature on Six Sigma is focused on statistical methods. Thus, the objective of this research is to identify the elements for a reference model based on the Six Sigma program for setting up and management of innovation selforganized networks. Five case studies were conducted in different organizations. The Six Sigma programs of these organizations were modeled using the Enterprise Knowledge Development (EKD) methodology. Based on the studied literature the needs for changes that enables the formation of innovation self-organized networks were identified. As a result there are the elements of the reference model for the formation and management of innovation self-organized networks based on the Six Sigma program.
EKD, Modelagem organizacional, Redes auto-organizadas, Seis Sigma, EKD, Enterprise modelling, Self-organized networks, Six Sigma