Implementação de processo de software para teste de equipamentos aeroespaciais
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O MUX-GSE é um conjunto de equipamentos ópticos, mecânicos e eletrônicos que verifica, através de testes automáticos, uma série de requisitos funcionais e auxilia na montagem e integração da câmera multiespectral dos satélites CBERS-3&4. Estes satélites, fruto de uma parceria entre Brasil e China, são instrumentos de sensoriamento remoto, produzindo imagens da terra para estudos em diversas áreas, principalmente as relacionadas à exploração sustentável dos recursos naturais. A câmera multiespectral é a primeira do gênero projetada e produzida no Brasil e tem grande importância dentro do programa espacial brasileiro. O sucesso da câmera multiespectral está intimamente ligado ao bom funcionamento do MUX-GSE, conseqüentemente, os softwares que controlam estes equipamentos e realizam os testes automáticos precisam de alta confiabilidade. O processo de software é um conjunto estruturado, composto de modelo de desenvolvimento, atividades, métodos, ferramentas e práticas, que pode assegurar a qualidade necessária a um produto de software. A definição deste processo é o primeiro passo para a execução de um projeto complexo. O objetivo deste trabalho é a implementação de um processo que permita a construção dos aplicativos do MUX-GSE em curto espaço de tempo, com uma equipe pequena e com o nível de confiabilidade necessário. A solução proposta, detalhada no texto, é baseada nos métodos ágeis, que definem práticas simples, mas que permitem assimilar mudanças ocorridas em qualquer fase do desenvolvimento. A implementação desta metodologia permitiu a produção dos aplicativos necessários a despeito de uma série de problemas enfrentados e sem atrasos que impactassem o desenvolvimento da câmera multiespectral. Este trabalho mostra que um conjunto de técnicas relativamente simples pode ser mais adequado que aquelas tradicionalmente aplicadas na engenharia de software, mesmo em projetos complexos, cabendo à equipe de desenvolvimento a análise e seleção do melhor método. Mostra ainda que estas técnicas permitem manter ou até superar a confiabilidade obtida através de métodos tradicionais.
The MUX-GSE is a set of optical, mechanical and electronic equipments that verifies, through automatic tests, a series of functional requirements and assists during the assembly and integration phases of the satellites CBERS-3&4\'s multispectral camera. These satellites, fruit of a partnership between Brazil and China, are remote sensing instruments, producing images of the earth for studies in several areas, mainly the ones related to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. The multispectral camera is the first of its gender fully projected and produced in Brazil and is of great importance for the brazilian space program. The success of the multispectral camera is intimately related to the good operation of the MUX-GSE, therefore, the necessity of reliable software to control these equipments and to accomplish the automatic tests. The software process is a structured set composed of development model, activities, methods, tools and practices, that can assure the necessary quality to a software product. The definition of this process is the first step in the execution of a complex project. The objective of this work is to implement a process that allows the construction of the MUX-GSE\'s software in short term, by a small team and with the required reliability level. The proposed solution, detailed in the text, is based on agile methods, which define simple practices, but that allow to assimilate changes in any development stage. The implementation of this methodology provided means to produce the necessary applications, in spite of several faced problems, without delays that could possibly prejudice the multispectral camera development schedule. This work shows that relatively simples techniques can be more appropriate than those traditionally applied in software engineering, even in complex projects, being the development team on charge of the analysis and decision of the most suitable development method. It also shows that the employed technique can reach, or even surpass, the software reliability achieved through traditional methods.
The MUX-GSE is a set of optical, mechanical and electronic equipments that verifies, through automatic tests, a series of functional requirements and assists during the assembly and integration phases of the satellites CBERS-3&4\'s multispectral camera. These satellites, fruit of a partnership between Brazil and China, are remote sensing instruments, producing images of the earth for studies in several areas, mainly the ones related to the sustainable exploitation of natural resources. The multispectral camera is the first of its gender fully projected and produced in Brazil and is of great importance for the brazilian space program. The success of the multispectral camera is intimately related to the good operation of the MUX-GSE, therefore, the necessity of reliable software to control these equipments and to accomplish the automatic tests. The software process is a structured set composed of development model, activities, methods, tools and practices, that can assure the necessary quality to a software product. The definition of this process is the first step in the execution of a complex project. The objective of this work is to implement a process that allows the construction of the MUX-GSE\'s software in short term, by a small team and with the required reliability level. The proposed solution, detailed in the text, is based on agile methods, which define simple practices, but that allow to assimilate changes in any development stage. The implementation of this methodology provided means to produce the necessary applications, in spite of several faced problems, without delays that could possibly prejudice the multispectral camera development schedule. This work shows that relatively simples techniques can be more appropriate than those traditionally applied in software engineering, even in complex projects, being the development team on charge of the analysis and decision of the most suitable development method. It also shows that the employed technique can reach, or even surpass, the software reliability achieved through traditional methods.
Desenvolvimento ágil, Engenharia aeroespacial, Engenharia de software, Aerospatial engineering, Agile development, Software engineering