Processos de hidroxilação do óxido de magnésio (MgO): sínter e magnésia cáustica
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A principal limitação do uso de MgO em refratários é a facilidade com que reage com água formando hidróxido de magnésio (Mg(OH)2) que, devido à sua menor densidade, causa tensões destrutivas nesses materiais. Para outras aplicações, no entanto, a reação de hidroxilação do MgO é necessária, como em produção de agentes antichamas, em compósitos poliméricos e na correção de pH de solos. Observações empíricas na literatura demonstraram que diferentes fontes de MgO possuem reatividades e sensibilidades à hidroxilação distintas. Este estudo analisou o impacto de variáveis externas (por exemplo, a liberação de calor que ocorre durante a reação ou o volume das amostras) que ainda não foi completamente compreendido. O impacto auto-catalítico da temperatura reacional e da exotermia da reação foi avaliado. Por meio de medidas de temperatura in situ e de grau de hidroxilação termogravimétrico, também foram estudados os impactos do volume das amostras testadas e da concentração de sólidos nas suspensões, por meio de medidas de temperatura in situ e termogravimetria. Analisou-se também as principais diferenças estruturais entre duas principais fontes de MgO (sínter de MgO e magnésia cáustica): morfologia de partículas, densidade e área superficial específica. Em seguida, os mecanismos de hidroxilação em suspensões aquosas e seus efeitos foram avaliados por meio de testes de hidroxilação seguidos de termogravimetria, difração de raios-X, medidas de condutividade iônica, densidade, área superficial específica e microscopia eletrônica, e relacionado com as características físico-químicas e morfológicas das respectivas fontes de MgO. Pôde-se constatar que diferenças significativas entre a temperatura nominal do meio reacional e no interior da amostra podem afetar a cinética de hidroxilação do material. O volume e a concentração de sólidos variáveis também podem acentuar consideravelmente os efeitos da exotermia e gerar gradientes de hidroxilação. Também se verificou que a morfologia e a quantidade do Mg(OH)2 formado mudam significativamente dependendo do precursor e em função das condições de tempo-temperatura.
The use of MgO in refractories is restrict due to the easy reaction with water forming magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). Its lower density causes compressive stresses that can crack their structure. On the other hand, for applications such as the production of flame retardant agents for polymer composites and pH correcting of contaminated soil, this reaction is necessary. Empirical observations in the literature have shown that different sources of MgO have district levels of chemical reactiveness. The present study analyzed the main structural differences between the two main sources of MgO (magnesia sinter and caustic magnesia): particle morphology, density and specific surface area. The mechanisms of hydroxylation of these raw materials in aqueous suspensions and their effects were followed by hydroxylation tests, X-ray diffraction, ionic conductivity, density, specific surface area and scanning electron microscopy. They were associated with the physical characteristics morphological, chemical of these MgO sources. The impact of external variables (e.g., heat release during the reaction or the sample volume), that was not yet completely understood, was also evaluated through temperature measurements carried out in situ and hydroxylation degree accessed by thermogravimetry. The effects of samples volume and solid concentration in aqueous suspension were also investigated. The results showed that differences between the ambient temperature and reaction inside sample temperature can affect the kinetics of hydroxylation of the material. The samples volume and solids concentration can also enhance significantly the effects of heat release and generate gradients of hydroxylation. It was also found out that the morphology and the amount of Mg(OH)2 formed can change depending on the precursor and on the time-temperature conditions.
The use of MgO in refractories is restrict due to the easy reaction with water forming magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2). Its lower density causes compressive stresses that can crack their structure. On the other hand, for applications such as the production of flame retardant agents for polymer composites and pH correcting of contaminated soil, this reaction is necessary. Empirical observations in the literature have shown that different sources of MgO have district levels of chemical reactiveness. The present study analyzed the main structural differences between the two main sources of MgO (magnesia sinter and caustic magnesia): particle morphology, density and specific surface area. The mechanisms of hydroxylation of these raw materials in aqueous suspensions and their effects were followed by hydroxylation tests, X-ray diffraction, ionic conductivity, density, specific surface area and scanning electron microscopy. They were associated with the physical characteristics morphological, chemical of these MgO sources. The impact of external variables (e.g., heat release during the reaction or the sample volume), that was not yet completely understood, was also evaluated through temperature measurements carried out in situ and hydroxylation degree accessed by thermogravimetry. The effects of samples volume and solid concentration in aqueous suspension were also investigated. The results showed that differences between the ambient temperature and reaction inside sample temperature can affect the kinetics of hydroxylation of the material. The samples volume and solids concentration can also enhance significantly the effects of heat release and generate gradients of hydroxylation. It was also found out that the morphology and the amount of Mg(OH)2 formed can change depending on the precursor and on the time-temperature conditions.
Sínter, Hidróxido de magnésio, Hidroxilação, Magnésia cáustica, Óxido de magnésio, Sinter, Magnesium oxide, Magnesium hydroxide, Hydroxylation, Caustic magnesia