Diagnóstico da gestão de resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos e proposta de modelo em um contexto de green supply chain management
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Ao longo do ciclo de vida de um produto, a empresa que o disponibiliza interage com diversas outras organizações, tanto no fluxo direto como no fluxo reverso da cadeia estabelecida, além do consumidor. Assim, para a gestão dos aspectos e impactos ambientais desse produto, é necessário considerar as contribuições de atores como fornecedores, produtores, consumidores e organizações da cadeia reversa que coletam e processam os resíduos gerados. Isso implica adotar o conceito de Green Supply Chain Management (Gestão Ambiental da Cadeia de Suprimentos), o que, entre outros benefícios, permite maior eficiência na gestão de resíduos sólidos gerados ao longo da cadeia, especialmente após o fim da vida útil do produto. Ainda na área de resíduos sólidos, os resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos se caracterizam por conterem diversas substâncias que os tornam potencial fonte de matérias-primas e de riscos à saúde e ao meio ambiente. Sua geração extremamente difusa dificulta a caracterização quali-quantitativa e portanto sua gestão e gerenciamento adequados. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa, suportada por revisões bibliográfica e sistemática e por estudos de caso em organizações do município de São Carlos (SP) e de outros municípios que integravam uma mesma cadeia, apresenta um diagnóstico quali-quantitativo da gestão de REE gerados a partir de computadores pessoais descartados na área urbana do município e propõe diretrizes de um modelo de gestão destes resíduos que adota princípios de Green Supply Chain Management. Foi observado que já há disponibilidade técnica para a reutilização, via remanufatura, e a reciclagem de computadores pessoais, porém a deficitária infraestrutura para coleta e armazenamento é um fator limitante para a gestão e gerenciamento adequados. Constatou-se também que a interação e colaboração entre diferentes atores da cadeia identificada pode contribuir para aperfeiçoar a gestão deste tipo de REE.
Throughout the life cycle of a product, its manufacturer interacts with various other organizations, on both the direct and reverse flows of the established chain, as well as the customer. Therefore, in order to manage the environmental aspects and impacts of that product, it is necessary to consider the contributions of participants such as suppliers, producers, consumers and reverse chain organizations that collect and process the waste generated. This implies adopting the concept of Green Supply Chain Management, which, among other benefits, allows greater efficiency in the management of solid waste generated along the chain, especially when the product reaches its end of life. Still in the field of solid waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are characterized by containing various substances that make them potential sources of precious raw materials and, simultaneously, risks to health and the environment. Its extremely diffuse generation makes quali-quantitative characterizations and therefore its proper management more difficult. In this context, the research reported here, comprised of bibliographic and systematic reviews and case studies in organizations in São Carlos (SP) and other cities that are part of the same chain, presents a quali-quantitative diagnosis of REE management generated from personal computers discarded in the urban area of that city and proposes guidelines of a management model that adopts Green Supply Chain Management principles. It was observed that there is already technical availability for reuse (after remanufacturing) and recycling of personal computers, but poor infrastructure for collection and storage is a limiting factor. It was also noted that the interaction and cooperation between different actors in the identified chain may contribute to improve the management of this type of WEEE.
Throughout the life cycle of a product, its manufacturer interacts with various other organizations, on both the direct and reverse flows of the established chain, as well as the customer. Therefore, in order to manage the environmental aspects and impacts of that product, it is necessary to consider the contributions of participants such as suppliers, producers, consumers and reverse chain organizations that collect and process the waste generated. This implies adopting the concept of Green Supply Chain Management, which, among other benefits, allows greater efficiency in the management of solid waste generated along the chain, especially when the product reaches its end of life. Still in the field of solid waste, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are characterized by containing various substances that make them potential sources of precious raw materials and, simultaneously, risks to health and the environment. Its extremely diffuse generation makes quali-quantitative characterizations and therefore its proper management more difficult. In this context, the research reported here, comprised of bibliographic and systematic reviews and case studies in organizations in São Carlos (SP) and other cities that are part of the same chain, presents a quali-quantitative diagnosis of REE management generated from personal computers discarded in the urban area of that city and proposes guidelines of a management model that adopts Green Supply Chain Management principles. It was observed that there is already technical availability for reuse (after remanufacturing) and recycling of personal computers, but poor infrastructure for collection and storage is a limiting factor. It was also noted that the interaction and cooperation between different actors in the identified chain may contribute to improve the management of this type of WEEE.
Green Supply Chain Management, reutilização, resíduos de equipamentos eletroeletrônicos, reciclagem, gestão de resíduos sólidos, recycling, Green Supply Chain Management, reuse, solid waste management, waste electric and electronic equipment