Reflexos das barreiras comerciais européias sobre as exportações brasileiras: uma abordagem utilizando a nova economia institucional
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O tema referente ao aumento das exportações vem ganhando importância para o comércio exterior brasileiro. Desde 2003 as exportações brasileiras têm apresentado resultados recordes e o saldo da balança comercial acompanha este resultado. Entretanto, as exportações brasileiras tornam-se inexpressivas se comparadas às exportações que ocorrem no mundo, pois elas representam somente pouco mais de 1% das exportações mundiais. Um dos fatores responsáveis por este resultado seria a incidência de barreiras comerciais aos produtos brasileiros exportados, uma vez que estas barreiras aumentam os custos das transações envolvidos nos processos de exportações e são capazes de torná-los inviáveis. Assim, este trabalho possui como objetivo principal utilizar a abordagem da nova economia institucional (NEI) para analisar o desempenho de alguns dos principais produtos da pauta exportadora brasileira considerando a incidência de barreiras comerciais européias sobre eles. Para atingir este objetivo, faz-se necessário levantar as barreiras comerciais impostas pela União Européia, principal parceiro comercial do Brasil, aos produtos brasileiros e mostrar quais os possíveis reflexos que estas barreiras representam ao comportamento do comércio exterior brasileiro.
The subject that refers to the increase of the exports has been becoming an important issue to the brazilian international business. The brazilian exports have been showing an excellent performance since 2003 and the balance of trade imitates this result. However, the brazilian exports become insignificant when are compared to all exports that occur in the world, because they represent only around 1% of the global exports. One of the factors responsible for this result is the incidence of international trade barriers on brazilian exports, because these barriers increase the transaction costs involved in the export process and can discourage business. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to use the new institutional economics approach to analyze the performance of some of the most important products exported by Brazil considering the incidence of european trade barriers on them. To reach this aim, it is needed to show the trade barriers imposed by the European Union on brazilian exports and point the possible reflexes that these barriers represent to the brazilian international business. European Union represents the most important business partner of Brazil.
The subject that refers to the increase of the exports has been becoming an important issue to the brazilian international business. The brazilian exports have been showing an excellent performance since 2003 and the balance of trade imitates this result. However, the brazilian exports become insignificant when are compared to all exports that occur in the world, because they represent only around 1% of the global exports. One of the factors responsible for this result is the incidence of international trade barriers on brazilian exports, because these barriers increase the transaction costs involved in the export process and can discourage business. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to use the new institutional economics approach to analyze the performance of some of the most important products exported by Brazil considering the incidence of european trade barriers on them. To reach this aim, it is needed to show the trade barriers imposed by the European Union on brazilian exports and point the possible reflexes that these barriers represent to the brazilian international business. European Union represents the most important business partner of Brazil.
Barreiras comerciais, Exportações, Nova economia institucional, União Européia, European Union, Exports, New institutional economics, Trade barriers