Controle do processo da transferência de oxigênio em corpos hídricos
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presente proposta de estudo refere-se à identificação de modelo linear empírico para processo de transferência de oxigênio das bolhas de ar para o meio líquido, simulação para testes de controle e implementação de uma estratégia de controle em escala laboratorial em tempo real. Os ensaios de controle foram na unidade experimental (canal aberto) existente no laboratório de hidráulica ambiental o qual foi adaptado para aeração com sensores, atuadores, microcomputador, interface AD/DA. Foi testado o algoritmo de controle do tipo convencional PID (Proportional Integral Derivative control). Com os resultados obtidos da perturbação degrau na variável de entrada (alimentação do ar) foi possível identificar o sistema como um modelo de primeira ordem, suficiente para os propósitos de controle. Baseado na identificação, foi ajustado um controlador PID para implementação experimental. A principal contribuição desta pesquisa consistiu no emprego de uma estratégia de controle adequada na prática, ao processo de aeração.
The current study refers to the identification of an empirical linear model for the oxygen transfer process from air bubbles to liquid, control tests simulation and implementation of a control strategy at real time in laboratory scale. The control tests were carried out at the experimental unit (open channel) located at the environmental hydraulic laboratory which was adapted to aeration process with sensors, actuators, microcomputer, AD/DA interface. The classic PID (Proportional Integral Derivative control) algorithm was tested. With results from step response of input variable (air feeding) it was possible to identify the system as a first order model, enough for the control purposes. Based on the identification, a PID controller was adjusted for the experimental implementation. The main contribution of this work consisted of the employment of an appropriate control strategy to the aeration process in practice.
The current study refers to the identification of an empirical linear model for the oxygen transfer process from air bubbles to liquid, control tests simulation and implementation of a control strategy at real time in laboratory scale. The control tests were carried out at the experimental unit (open channel) located at the environmental hydraulic laboratory which was adapted to aeration process with sensors, actuators, microcomputer, AD/DA interface. The classic PID (Proportional Integral Derivative control) algorithm was tested. With results from step response of input variable (air feeding) it was possible to identify the system as a first order model, enough for the control purposes. Based on the identification, a PID controller was adjusted for the experimental implementation. The main contribution of this work consisted of the employment of an appropriate control strategy to the aeration process in practice.
Aeração, Oxigênio dissolvido, Identificação do processo, Controle PID, Transferência de oxigênio, Dissolved oxygen, Aeration, Oxygen transfer, PID control, Process identification