Avaliação da viabilidade de reintegração de resíduos de PET pós-consumo ao meio produtivo
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Entre os materiais presentes nos resíduos sólidos domiciliares, os resíduos poliméricos pósconsumo representam cerca de 27% do volume total da coleta convencional, segundo Matos (2006), com o agravante da degradação lenta, comprometendo a vida útil dos aterros sanitários e poluindo o meio urbano. Dos resíduos poliméricos, destaca-se o Poli (tereftalato de etileno) PET. O PET é utilizado em embalagens alimentícias e, preferencialmente, no envasamento de bebidas carbonatadas e água mineral com gás. O consumo das embalagens de PET tem sido crescente, o que gera uma presença maior deste resíduo no meio ambiente. A reintegração do PET pós-consumo ao meio produtivo pode ser considerada uma ação mitigatória dos impactos ambientais causados por este resíduo, além de otimizar o ciclo de vida da resina presente na garrafa. A reintegração do PET pós-consumo já é realizada por meio da obtenção de diversos produtos diferentes ao de sua origem (garrafa), com taxas de reciclagens crescentes a cada ano. Entretanto, muitos dos produtos reciclados têm breve vida útil, em decorrência das aplicações que lhes são destinadas. Uma alternativa de vida útil longa para o reciclado de PET seria uma aplicação na construção civil, onde os componentes têm uso de longo prazo, além de ser mais uma opção para suprir o consumo elevado de recursos naturais desta indústria. Neste trabalho foi realizada uma avaliação da viabilidade de reintegração dos resíduos de PET pós-consumo ao meio produtivo, visando os potenciais de disponibilidade da matéria-prima e de propriedades intrínsecas e de desempenho tecnológico do produto reciclado para a indústria da construção civil. A estratégia metodológica da pesquisa compreendeu duas vertentes de avaliação: a gestão dos resíduos e as propriedades e desempenho tecnológico do produto reciclado. O método de avaliação da gestão dos resíduos compreendeu os procedimentos de uma pesquisa exploratória e documental, visando identificar o modelo de recuperação associado às dimensões básicas da logística reversa, assim como o potencial das cadeias de suprimento direto e reverso das garrafas de PET. O método de avaliação tecnológica foi desenvolvido por meio de pesquisa experimental, onde o produto reciclado foi obtido por reciclagem mecânica, compreendendo os processos de revalorização e transformação por injeção, e submetido a diversos ensaios para caracterização das propriedades intrínsecas e o desempenho tecnológico. Destaca-se nos resultados, em relação à avaliação da gestão de resíduos, que a logística reversa das garrafas de PET tem no fator econômico a maior motivação, e, referente à avaliação tecnológica, que os produtos reciclados apresentam perda de desempenho a partir do quarto ciclo de reciclagem, decorrente da degradação das cadeias poliméricas em função das sucessivas reciclagens. A Análise dos resultados permite concluir que existe viabilidade para a reintegração dos resíduos de PET pós-consumo ao meio produtivo da construção civil, visando à aplicação como componente construtivo, considerando as condições de reciclagem adotadas na pesquisa e o potencial de disponibilidade e propriedades de desempenho tecnológico.
Post-consumer polymer materials in household wastes (HW) represent approximately 27% of the total volume of conventional garbage collections, according to Matos (2006). The degradation of these wastes is extremely slow, thus compromising the useful life of sanitary landfills and polluting the urban environment. PET poly(ethylene terephthalate) stands out among these polymer wastes, since it is widely used in food packaging and especially for bottling carbonated drinks and mineral water with gas. The use of PET packaging has been increasing steadily, leading to its ever greater presence in the environment. The reintegration of post-consumer PET into production represents an alternative to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by this waste, as well as to optimize the life cycle of the resin contained in PET bottles. Post-consumer PET is already being recycled into a variety of products for purposes other than their original one (bottles) and recycling rates are increasing yearly. However, many recycled products have a very short service life due to the applications in which they are used. An alternative to lengthen the service life of recycled PET would be its application in civil construction, whose components have long-term uses. This would also represent an additional option to help meet this industrys high demand for natural resources. The present study evaluated the feasibility of reintegrating post-consumer PET into production, in view of the large potential availability of this raw material and the intrinsic properties and technological performance of the recycled product for the construction industry. The methodological strategy of this research comprised two lines of investigation: evaluation of waste management, and evaluation of the properties and technological performance of the recycled product. The evaluation of waste management comprised an exploratory and documental research to identify the product recovery model associated with the basic dimensions of reverse logistics, as well as the potential of the direct and reverse supply chains of PET bottles. The technological evaluation was based on experimental research, which involved the mechanical recycling, since the revaluation processes and transformation for injection of post-consumer PET, followed by several tests to characterize its intrinsic properties and technological performance. With regard to waste management, the results highlight the fact that the reverse logistics of PET bottles is driven mostly by economic factors. From the technological standpoint, the results indicate that recycled PET products show a loss in performance after the 4th cycle of recycling due to the degradation of their polymeric chains in response to successive recycling. An analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that it is feasible to reintegrate post-consumer PET into production, applying it as a component material for civil construction, based on the recycling conditions adopted in this research, the potential availability of post-consumer PET and its properties of technological performance.
Post-consumer polymer materials in household wastes (HW) represent approximately 27% of the total volume of conventional garbage collections, according to Matos (2006). The degradation of these wastes is extremely slow, thus compromising the useful life of sanitary landfills and polluting the urban environment. PET poly(ethylene terephthalate) stands out among these polymer wastes, since it is widely used in food packaging and especially for bottling carbonated drinks and mineral water with gas. The use of PET packaging has been increasing steadily, leading to its ever greater presence in the environment. The reintegration of post-consumer PET into production represents an alternative to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by this waste, as well as to optimize the life cycle of the resin contained in PET bottles. Post-consumer PET is already being recycled into a variety of products for purposes other than their original one (bottles) and recycling rates are increasing yearly. However, many recycled products have a very short service life due to the applications in which they are used. An alternative to lengthen the service life of recycled PET would be its application in civil construction, whose components have long-term uses. This would also represent an additional option to help meet this industrys high demand for natural resources. The present study evaluated the feasibility of reintegrating post-consumer PET into production, in view of the large potential availability of this raw material and the intrinsic properties and technological performance of the recycled product for the construction industry. The methodological strategy of this research comprised two lines of investigation: evaluation of waste management, and evaluation of the properties and technological performance of the recycled product. The evaluation of waste management comprised an exploratory and documental research to identify the product recovery model associated with the basic dimensions of reverse logistics, as well as the potential of the direct and reverse supply chains of PET bottles. The technological evaluation was based on experimental research, which involved the mechanical recycling, since the revaluation processes and transformation for injection of post-consumer PET, followed by several tests to characterize its intrinsic properties and technological performance. With regard to waste management, the results highlight the fact that the reverse logistics of PET bottles is driven mostly by economic factors. From the technological standpoint, the results indicate that recycled PET products show a loss in performance after the 4th cycle of recycling due to the degradation of their polymeric chains in response to successive recycling. An analysis of the results leads to the conclusion that it is feasible to reintegrate post-consumer PET into production, applying it as a component material for civil construction, based on the recycling conditions adopted in this research, the potential availability of post-consumer PET and its properties of technological performance.
Logística reversa do PET, Resíduos sólidos, Resíduos de PET pós-consumo, Reciclagem do PET, Propriedades do PET reciclado, Properties of recycled PET, Post-consumer PET, PET recycling, Reverse logistics of PET, Solid wastes