Influências da análise de redes sociais na tomada de decisão gerencial em marketing farmacêutico no Brasil
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O mercado farmacêutico mundial de medicamentos de prescrição apresenta um amplo e uniforme conjunto de ferramentas para a tomada de decisão gerencial em marketing. Empresas de presença mundial fornecem inúmeros dados sobre hábitos prescritivos de médicos e de venda de produtos em farmácias para as indústrias com custos na ordem de milhões de dólares. As diversas combinações destes dados servem para que os gerentes de produtos possam estabelecer suas estratégias e planos de ação. Saber o que o médico prescreve, quanto prescreve, quais as regiões mais rentáveis e como agir para manter, desenvolver ou captar clientes é o cotidiano de atividades desses profissionais. Médicos constantemente participam de eventos, congressos e diversas outras atividades de cunho social e claramente formam, entre si, redes formais e informais de relacionamento. Conhecer os sociogramas em que estes médicos estão inseridos e analisar essas interações pode ser fator crítico de sucesso e de vantagem competitiva neste mercado cada vez mais seletivo. Verificar com qual frequência gerentes de produtos da indústria farmacêutica no Brasil tomam decisões com base na análise de redes sociais é o que esse projeto de pesquisa visou. Os resultados obtidos apontam que o processo de tomada de decisão tem como principal ferramenta as auditorias de dados secundários que chegam a ser \"sempre\" ou \"frequentemente\" utilizadas por 94% dos entrevistados. As redes sociais influenciam as decisões dos gerentes, seja pela percepção de alta influência do padrão prescritivo no receituário médico, seja pelo próprio processo de tomada de decisão que se utiliza neste ambiente. Desta maneira, há oportunidade de inclusão de mecanismos de captação, estruturação e análise de redes sociais no conjunto de ferramentas do processo decisório desses gestores para a tomada de decisão, principalmente se houver correlações com os atuais métodos.
The global pharmaceutical market of prescription presents a uniform and comprehensive toolset for managerial decision making in marketing. With costs in the order of millions of dollars companies of global presence provide several data about medical prescriptive habits and selling products in drugstores for pharmaceutical companies. The various combinations of these data serve for that product managers can establish their strategies and action plans. Know what the physicians prescribes, as is prescribed, which regions more profitable and how to act to maintain, develop or attract customers is the everyday activities of these professionals. Physicians constantly participate in events, conferences, and various other social activities and they constitute a formal and informal networks of relationship. Knowing that these physicians are embeddedness and analyze these interactions can be critical success factor and competitive advantage in this market increasingly selective. Check how often managers of pharmaceutical products in Brazil make decisions based on social network analysis is what this research project endorsed it. The results obtained suggest that the decision-making process has as main tool secondary data audits that come to be \"always\" or \"often\" used by 94% of the respondents. Social networks influence the decisions of managers or high perception of influence in prescriptive standard medical prescriptions, whether by the decision-making process itself that is used in this environment. This way, there is opportunity for inclusion of mechanisms for the collection, structuring and social network analysis in decision-making tools for managers, especially if there are correlations with current methods.
The global pharmaceutical market of prescription presents a uniform and comprehensive toolset for managerial decision making in marketing. With costs in the order of millions of dollars companies of global presence provide several data about medical prescriptive habits and selling products in drugstores for pharmaceutical companies. The various combinations of these data serve for that product managers can establish their strategies and action plans. Know what the physicians prescribes, as is prescribed, which regions more profitable and how to act to maintain, develop or attract customers is the everyday activities of these professionals. Physicians constantly participate in events, conferences, and various other social activities and they constitute a formal and informal networks of relationship. Knowing that these physicians are embeddedness and analyze these interactions can be critical success factor and competitive advantage in this market increasingly selective. Check how often managers of pharmaceutical products in Brazil make decisions based on social network analysis is what this research project endorsed it. The results obtained suggest that the decision-making process has as main tool secondary data audits that come to be \"always\" or \"often\" used by 94% of the respondents. Social networks influence the decisions of managers or high perception of influence in prescriptive standard medical prescriptions, whether by the decision-making process itself that is used in this environment. This way, there is opportunity for inclusion of mechanisms for the collection, structuring and social network analysis in decision-making tools for managers, especially if there are correlations with current methods.
Marketing, Indústria farmacêutica, Redes sociais, Tomada de decisão, Decision-making, Marketing, Pharmaceutical industry, Social network