Análise teórico-experimental de pisos mistos de pequena altura
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
O piso misto usual é formado pela laje mista, de aço e concreto, apoiada na mesa superior da viga metálica. No piso misto de pequena altura, a laje mista se apoia na mesa inferior da viga, diminuindo assim a altura total do piso. A forma de aço, utilizada nesse sistema, tende a ser três vezes mais alta, que as formas de aço usuais. No Brasil não há uma forma de aço para uso nos sistemas mistos de pequena altura, comercializada. Este estudo trata do desenvolvimento de uma forma de aço trapezoidal para pisos mistos de pequena altura. Foi desenvolvida uma geometria de forma de aço trapezoidal com mossas estampadas nas laterais. Foram realizados ensaios experimentais com modelos de lajes mistas, confeccionados com a forma de aço desenvolvida no presente estudo. Esses ensaios visaram avaliar a resistência e o comportamento de lajes mistas fabricadas com a forma desenvolvida. A geometria da forma de aço e das mossas apresentaram um bom comportamento frente aos esforços cisalhantes, com resistências comparáveis as formas de aço comercializadas, mostrando que podem ser utilizadas em trabalhos futuros.
The usual composite floor is formed by the composite slab, of steel and concrete, supported on the top flange of the steel beam. On the shallow floor systems, the steel beams are contained within the depth occupied by the floor. The steel form steel used in this composite shallow floor systems is around three times higher than usual forms of steel decking. In Brazil there is not a form of steel for use in shallow floor systems, marketed. This study concerns the development of a steel decking to shallow floor systems. Developed a geometry shape of trapezoidal steel and embossements on the sides. Experimental tests were conducted with composite slabs, made of steel the shape developed in this study. These tests were intended to assess the strength and behavior of composite slabs made with the developed form. The geometry of the steel form and embossements showed good behavior against shearing efforts, forms with resistances comparable steel deckings marketed, showing that may be used in future work.
The usual composite floor is formed by the composite slab, of steel and concrete, supported on the top flange of the steel beam. On the shallow floor systems, the steel beams are contained within the depth occupied by the floor. The steel form steel used in this composite shallow floor systems is around three times higher than usual forms of steel decking. In Brazil there is not a form of steel for use in shallow floor systems, marketed. This study concerns the development of a steel decking to shallow floor systems. Developed a geometry shape of trapezoidal steel and embossements on the sides. Experimental tests were conducted with composite slabs, made of steel the shape developed in this study. These tests were intended to assess the strength and behavior of composite slabs made with the developed form. The geometry of the steel form and embossements showed good behavior against shearing efforts, forms with resistances comparable steel deckings marketed, showing that may be used in future work.
Aço e concreto, Piso misto de pequena altura, Estruturas mistas, Laje mista, Método m - k, Slim floor, Method m - k, Composite structures, Composite slabs, Steel and concrete