Sensibilidade a vibrações de pavimentos com lajes alveolares
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
As lajes alveolares são elementos eficientes do ponto de vista estrutural, pois os alvéolos permitem significativa redução de peso próprio sem comprometer a resistência e a rigidez. Além disso, é muito comum nesses elementos o uso de protensão, o que permite que estas lajes consigam vencer grandes vãos e se tornem uma solução competitiva. No entanto, para certas combinações de vãos, espessura da laje, ligações e propriedades dos materiais, esse sistema estrutural pode ser suscetível a vibrações excessivas. Há poucos estudos sobre a sensibilidade a vibrações destes elementos cuja aplicação é comum em situações de especial interesse como escritórios, nos quais as vibrações podem causar significativos incômodos aos usuários. Este trabalho visa contribuir para o melhor entendimento sobre a sensibilidade a vibrações de pavimentos com lajes sujeitas à ação dinâmica de atividades humanas. Além disso, pretende-se avaliar o comportamento dinâmico dos pavimentos com lajes alveolares em diferentes situações de interesse: painéis isolados, unidos por chaves de cisalhamento e após a concretagem da capa. Foi realizado um estudo experimental em um pavimento de um edifício comercial em estrutura de concreto pré-moldado nas três situações distintas da construção e foram obtidas as frequências naturais, modos de vibração e amortecimento para cada etapa, bem como uma análise do conforto ao usuário, a partir dos limites previstos em normas nacionais e internacionais. Foi também realizada uma análise numérica, na qual, além da determinação teórica de modos de vibração e frequências naturais, foram determinados os níveis de vibração gerados pelo caminhar de pessoas. As frequências naturais obtidas numericamente apresentaram diferença média de 11% com relação às experimentais. A diferença média dos picos de aceleração numéricos e experimentais foi de 9%. Tais resultados possibilitaram validar o modelo numérico proposto. A análise de conforto do pavimento indicou que a norma brasileira ANBT NBR 6118 (2014) não apresenta prescrições suficientes para se evitar vibrações excessivas em pavimentos com lajes alveolares protendidos. Os resultados permitiram concluir que as chaves de cisalhamento e a capa estrutural foram determinantes para garantir níveis aceitáveis de vibração no pavimento analisado.
Hollow core slabs are very efficient structural members, since their voids allow a significant reduction of self-weight, without jeopardizing the strength and stiffness. Moreover, prestressed concrete is commonly employed in this type of structure, allowing their use in large spans. Consequently, this is a very competitive solution. However, for certain combination of spans, slab thickness, connections and materials properties, this structural system can be susceptible to excessive vibrations. There is a lack of studies on vibration sensitivity of these elements, which are commonly applicable in situations of special interest, as offices, in which vibration can cause significant annoyance to users. This work aims to contribute to a better understanding about vibration sensitivity of hollow core slabs floors. Moreover, we intend to evaluate the dynamic behavior of hollow core slabs in different situations of interest: single panels, panels joined by shear keys and after completion of concrete topping. This analysis involves the determination of natural frequencies, mode shapes, damping ratios and vibrational levels generated by walking. An experimental study was carried out on a floor of a precast concrete structure of a commercial building in three different stages of construction. In this study, the natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping for each step were obtained, as well as an analysis of comfort, based on limits defined by national and international standards. A numerical analysis was also performed in which the vibration modes and natural frequencies were theoretically determined and the vibration levels generated by walking were estimated. The natural frequencies obtained numerically showed an average difference of 11% compared to experimental. The average difference between the numerical and experimental peak acceleration was 9%. These results allowed the validation of the numerical model proposed. The comfort analysis of the floor indicated that the Brazilian standard ANBT NBR 6118 (2014) does not provide sufficient provisions to avoid excessive vibrations in floors with prestressed hollow core slabs. The results showed that the shear keys and the structural topping were crucial to ensure acceptable levels of vibration.
Hollow core slabs are very efficient structural members, since their voids allow a significant reduction of self-weight, without jeopardizing the strength and stiffness. Moreover, prestressed concrete is commonly employed in this type of structure, allowing their use in large spans. Consequently, this is a very competitive solution. However, for certain combination of spans, slab thickness, connections and materials properties, this structural system can be susceptible to excessive vibrations. There is a lack of studies on vibration sensitivity of these elements, which are commonly applicable in situations of special interest, as offices, in which vibration can cause significant annoyance to users. This work aims to contribute to a better understanding about vibration sensitivity of hollow core slabs floors. Moreover, we intend to evaluate the dynamic behavior of hollow core slabs in different situations of interest: single panels, panels joined by shear keys and after completion of concrete topping. This analysis involves the determination of natural frequencies, mode shapes, damping ratios and vibrational levels generated by walking. An experimental study was carried out on a floor of a precast concrete structure of a commercial building in three different stages of construction. In this study, the natural frequencies, mode shapes and damping for each step were obtained, as well as an analysis of comfort, based on limits defined by national and international standards. A numerical analysis was also performed in which the vibration modes and natural frequencies were theoretically determined and the vibration levels generated by walking were estimated. The natural frequencies obtained numerically showed an average difference of 11% compared to experimental. The average difference between the numerical and experimental peak acceleration was 9%. These results allowed the validation of the numerical model proposed. The comfort analysis of the floor indicated that the Brazilian standard ANBT NBR 6118 (2014) does not provide sufficient provisions to avoid excessive vibrations in floors with prestressed hollow core slabs. The results showed that the shear keys and the structural topping were crucial to ensure acceptable levels of vibration.
Análise dinâmica, Conforto humano, Vibrações, Pavimentos, Lajes alveolares, Human comfort, Hollow core slabs, Floors, Dynamic analysis, Vibration