Detecção e classificação de obstáculos aplicados ao planejamento de trajetórias para veículos de passeio em ambiente urbano
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Todos os dias a quantidade de veículos nas estradas em todo o mundo está aumentando. Este crescimento combinado com a negligência dos motoristas e alguns fatores externos, tais como estradas mal conservadas e condições climáticas adversas resultaram em um enorme aumento na quantidade de acidentes e, conseqüentemente, de mortes. Atualmente muitos grupos de pesquisa e empresas automotivas estão desenvolvendo e adaptando tecnologias que podem ser incorporadas nos veículos para reduzir esses números. Um exemplo interessante dessas tecnologias é a detecção e classificação de obstáculos móveis (veículos, pessoas, etc.) em ambientes urbanos. Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de algoritmos para identificação, rastreamento e previsão de obstáculos móveis, determinação de direções proibidas para tráfego do veículo e cálculo de trajetórias livres de colisões. Para isso, foram utilizados dados do sistema de medidas de distância, SICK LMS 291-S05, para monitorar o ambiente a frente do veículo de teste (um automóvel de passeio modificado). Com base nesses dados foi realizado um tratamento computacional através da técnica de Trackers para classificar todos os obstáculos detectados em duas classes principais: os obstáculos estáticos e móveis. Uma vez identificado o obstáculo, este será acompanhado mesmo no caso em que saia do campo de visão do sensor. Após a classificação dos obstáculos presentes no ambiente, suas posições são analisadas e direções proibidas para tráfego são determinadas peloalgoritmo Velocity Obstacle Approach. Finalmente é aplicada a técnica de cálculo de trajetórias E* que gera um caminho suave e livre de colisões. No caso de algum obstáculo obstruir ou gerar risco de colisão com o caminho gerado é possível recalcular a rota sem que o mapa do ambiente seja novamente completamente analisado. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram a aplicabilidade da metodologia utilizada. O algoritmo de Trackers detectou pedestres e veículos e determinou suas características dinâmicas. O algoritmo Velocity Obstacle Approach conseguiu acompanhar os obstáculos e foi capaz de determinar as direções proibidas e, finalmente, o algoritmo E* foi capaz de gerar trajetórias livre de obstáculos em ambientes desconhecidos.
Every day the number of vehicles on the roads around the world is increasing. This growth combined with the negligence of drivers and some external factors such as poorly maintained roads and adverse weather conditions resulted in a huge increase in the number of accidents and hence casualties. Currently many research groups and automotive companies are developing and adapting technologies that can be incorporated into vehicles to reduce these numbers. An interesting example of these technologies is the detection and classification of moving obstacles (vehicles, people, etc.) in urban environments. This dissertation presents the development of algorithms which main objective are identify, track and predict moving obstacles, determine prohibited directions of traffic and calculate collision free trajectories. In order to accomplish with such task, data from the laser sensor SICK LMS 291-S05 later treated using computational resources such as the Trackers technique was used to monitor the environment ahead of the test vehicle (a modified passenger car). The Trackers technique was used to classify all the hurdles identified in two main classes: static and mobile obstacles. Once the obstacle was identified, this still been followed even if they leave the field of vision sensor. After classification of obstacles in the environment, their positions are analyzed and prohibited for traffic directions are determined by the algorithm Velocity Obstacle Approach. Finally the technique is applied to calculate trajectories of E* that generates a smooth path and free of collisions. If any obstacle block, or create a risk of collision through the generated path, the trajectory can be recalculated without the need to fully re-analyze de environment map. The results demonstrated the applicability of the methodology used. The Trackers algorithm has detected pedestrians and vehicles determining their dynamic characteristics. The algorithm Velocity Obstacle Approach keep up with the obstacles and was able to determine the prohibited directions and, finally, E* the algorithm was able to generate obstacle-free paths in unknown environments.
Every day the number of vehicles on the roads around the world is increasing. This growth combined with the negligence of drivers and some external factors such as poorly maintained roads and adverse weather conditions resulted in a huge increase in the number of accidents and hence casualties. Currently many research groups and automotive companies are developing and adapting technologies that can be incorporated into vehicles to reduce these numbers. An interesting example of these technologies is the detection and classification of moving obstacles (vehicles, people, etc.) in urban environments. This dissertation presents the development of algorithms which main objective are identify, track and predict moving obstacles, determine prohibited directions of traffic and calculate collision free trajectories. In order to accomplish with such task, data from the laser sensor SICK LMS 291-S05 later treated using computational resources such as the Trackers technique was used to monitor the environment ahead of the test vehicle (a modified passenger car). The Trackers technique was used to classify all the hurdles identified in two main classes: static and mobile obstacles. Once the obstacle was identified, this still been followed even if they leave the field of vision sensor. After classification of obstacles in the environment, their positions are analyzed and prohibited for traffic directions are determined by the algorithm Velocity Obstacle Approach. Finally the technique is applied to calculate trajectories of E* that generates a smooth path and free of collisions. If any obstacle block, or create a risk of collision through the generated path, the trajectory can be recalculated without the need to fully re-analyze de environment map. The results demonstrated the applicability of the methodology used. The Trackers algorithm has detected pedestrians and vehicles determining their dynamic characteristics. The algorithm Velocity Obstacle Approach keep up with the obstacles and was able to determine the prohibited directions and, finally, E* the algorithm was able to generate obstacle-free paths in unknown environments.
Detecção e classificação de obstáculos, Planejamento de trajetórias, Robótica móvel, Veículos de passeio autônomos, Autonomous Passenger Cars, Detection and classification of obstacles, Mobile Robots., Path Planning