Análise de diferentes metodologias executivas de solo pregado a partir de arrancamento realizados em campo e laboratório
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Apesar do largo emprego da técnica de solo pregado em nosso país, pouquíssima pesquisa foi realizada sobre a resistência ao cisalhamento de interface solo-reforço (qs) e sobre a importância deste parâmetro no desempenho desta técnica de reforço in situ de taludes e escavações. Busca-se com esta tese, avaliar experimentalmente, a influência de diferentes metodologias executivas do chumbador (número de injeções) neste parâmetro. As informações para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho foram obtidas a partir de ensaios de arrancamento realizados em chumbadores construídos em duas obras nas cercanias da cidade de São Paulo, ou seja, em escala real. De forma complementar, também foi construído uma estrutura de solo pregado em laboratório. A partir dos ensaios realizados, observaram-se melhorias significativas na resistência ao cisalhamento de interface a partir das injeções do chumbador e estabelecer equações que relacionam o valor de qs com o volume injetado de calda de cimento, sendo uma importante ferramenta para analisar o desempenho do chumbador. O monitoramento ao longo do ensaio permitiu analisar os mecanismos de distribuição das cargas. Por fim, é apresentada uma proposta de metodologia para a realização do controle de qualidade do chumbador.
Besides the soil nailing technique being common practice in Brazil, there is little research on the shear strength of the soil-reinforcement interface (qs) and on the importance of this parameter on the performance of this in situ reinforcement technique of slopes and excavations. Accordingly, this study has the objective to experimentally evaluate the influence of different executive methodologies of the nail (i.e. number of grout injections) on the parameter qs. Data were obtained from in situ, full scale pullout tests performed on nails built in two construction sites near Sao Paulo city. Additionally, a soil nailing structure was built in laboratory. The results show that significant improvement is achieved on the soil-nail interface shear strenght by the number of grout injections. Moreover, the pullout tests on the nails provided quantification of this improvement. Consequently, it was possible to establish equations that relate the value of qs to the volume of cement grout injected, which is as important tool to evaluate the performance of the nail. Monitoring of the instrumentation during execution of the pullout tests allowed evaluation of the mechanisms of load distribution along the nails. Finally, a methodology is proposed for a quality control procedure on soil-nailed walls.
Besides the soil nailing technique being common practice in Brazil, there is little research on the shear strength of the soil-reinforcement interface (qs) and on the importance of this parameter on the performance of this in situ reinforcement technique of slopes and excavations. Accordingly, this study has the objective to experimentally evaluate the influence of different executive methodologies of the nail (i.e. number of grout injections) on the parameter qs. Data were obtained from in situ, full scale pullout tests performed on nails built in two construction sites near Sao Paulo city. Additionally, a soil nailing structure was built in laboratory. The results show that significant improvement is achieved on the soil-nail interface shear strenght by the number of grout injections. Moreover, the pullout tests on the nails provided quantification of this improvement. Consequently, it was possible to establish equations that relate the value of qs to the volume of cement grout injected, which is as important tool to evaluate the performance of the nail. Monitoring of the instrumentation during execution of the pullout tests allowed evaluation of the mechanisms of load distribution along the nails. Finally, a methodology is proposed for a quality control procedure on soil-nailed walls.
Ensaios de arrancamento, Injeção de calda de cimento e instrumentação, Solo pregado, Grout injection and instrumentation, Pullout tests, Soil nailing