Avaliação da aplicação de ozônio como pré-tratamento ao processamento anaeróbio de vinhaça
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
A presença de substâncias recalcitrantes na vinhaça causa inibição da anaerobiose. Pesquisas indicam que a oxidação destas substâncias com ozônio (\'O IND.3\') promova um aumento da biodegradabilidade da vinhaça (DBO5/DQO) de aproximadamente 25%. A introdução de vinhaça pré-ozonizada em reatores anaeróbios resultou em ganhos no rendimento de metano da ordem de 15% (mL\'CH IND.4\'/gDQO removida). Por outro lado, sabe-se que a composição da vinhaça varia bastante de acordo com a matéria-prima, solo, clima e processo industrial empregado para a produção de etanol. Assim, é necessário verificar o efeito da ozonização sobre a biodegradabilidade de uma vinhaça proveniente de uma destilaria brasileira. Além disso, é necessário responder se a quantidade de energia produzida pela combustão do metano adicionalmente gerado por conta da ozonização compensaria a energia consumida por um ozonizador em escala real. Desta forma, esta pesquisa pretendeu avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de ozônio na biodegradabilidade de uma vinhaça bruta proveniente de uma destilaria brasileira, assim como realizar uma avaliação econômica da ozonização em escala real. Procedeu-se a operação de um reator em escala de bancada para ozonização de vinhaça em batelada (0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 horas), com a aplicação das doses de 0, 2, 4, 6 e 8 g \'O IND.3\'/L, respectivamente. A ozonização deu-se em três valores iniciais de pH (4.8, 7 e 9). Os parâmetros avaliados foram: DQO, DBO5, COT, cor, fenóis e Abs254, DBO5/DQO e DQO/COT. De acordo com os resultados, observou-se que a aplicação de 2 g \'O IND.3\'/L elevou a biodegradabilidade da vinhaça em 22% e 10% em pH inicial 4,8 e 7, respectivamente. A avaliação econômica preliminar mostrou que a quantidade de energia elétrica consumida por um ozonizador em escala real seria 6 vezes maior (278.400 kWh) do que aquela possivelmente produzida pela combustão do metano adicionalmente gerado (44.780 kWh). Estes resultados indicam que a ozonização de vinhaça bruta com o objetivo específico de se produzir metano adicional em um reator anaeróbio posteriormente instalado é inviável do ponto de vista econômico.
The presence of recalcitrant substances in the vinasse causes inhibition in anaerobic process. Research indicates that oxidation of these substances with ozone (\'O IND.3\') promotes an increase in biodegradabilidade of vinasse (DBO5/DQO) in approximately 25%. The introduction of vinasse pre-ozonated in anaerobic reactors resulted in gains in the yield of methane on the order of 15% (mL\'CH IND.4\'/gDQO removed). However, it is known that the composition of vinasse varies greatly depending on the raw material, soil, climate and industrial process used to produce ethanol. It is therefore necessary to verify the effect of ozonation on biodegrability of a vinasse from a Brazilian distillery. Moreover, it is also necessary to answer if the amount of energy produced by combustion of methane additionally generated by ozonation would off set the energy consumed by a full-scale ozonator. Thus, this study sought to evalu-ate the effects of ozone on the biodegradability of a raw stillage from a Brazilian distillery, as well as conduct an economic evaluation of a full-scale ozonation. The procedure was the operation of a bench scale reactor for the batch ozonation of vinasse (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours), with the application of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 g \'O IND.3\'/L, respectively. The ozonation occurred in three starting values of pH (4.8, 7 and 9). The parameters evaluated were: COD, BOD5, TOC, color, phenols and Abs254, DBO5/DQO and COD / TOC. According to the results, it was observed that the application of 2 g \'O IND.3\'/L increased biodegradability of vinasse in 22% and 10% at initial pH 4,8 and 7, respectively. The preliminary economic assessment showed that the amount of electricity consumed by a full-scale ozonator would be 6 times greater (278.400 kWh) than that energy, possibly produced by combustion of additional methane generated (44.780 kWh). These results indicate that the ozonation of raw vinasse with the specific goal of producing additional methane in an anaerobic reactor later installed, it is unfeasible from an economic perspective.
The presence of recalcitrant substances in the vinasse causes inhibition in anaerobic process. Research indicates that oxidation of these substances with ozone (\'O IND.3\') promotes an increase in biodegradabilidade of vinasse (DBO5/DQO) in approximately 25%. The introduction of vinasse pre-ozonated in anaerobic reactors resulted in gains in the yield of methane on the order of 15% (mL\'CH IND.4\'/gDQO removed). However, it is known that the composition of vinasse varies greatly depending on the raw material, soil, climate and industrial process used to produce ethanol. It is therefore necessary to verify the effect of ozonation on biodegrability of a vinasse from a Brazilian distillery. Moreover, it is also necessary to answer if the amount of energy produced by combustion of methane additionally generated by ozonation would off set the energy consumed by a full-scale ozonator. Thus, this study sought to evalu-ate the effects of ozone on the biodegradability of a raw stillage from a Brazilian distillery, as well as conduct an economic evaluation of a full-scale ozonation. The procedure was the operation of a bench scale reactor for the batch ozonation of vinasse (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours), with the application of 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 g \'O IND.3\'/L, respectively. The ozonation occurred in three starting values of pH (4.8, 7 and 9). The parameters evaluated were: COD, BOD5, TOC, color, phenols and Abs254, DBO5/DQO and COD / TOC. According to the results, it was observed that the application of 2 g \'O IND.3\'/L increased biodegradability of vinasse in 22% and 10% at initial pH 4,8 and 7, respectively. The preliminary economic assessment showed that the amount of electricity consumed by a full-scale ozonator would be 6 times greater (278.400 kWh) than that energy, possibly produced by combustion of additional methane generated (44.780 kWh). These results indicate that the ozonation of raw vinasse with the specific goal of producing additional methane in an anaerobic reactor later installed, it is unfeasible from an economic perspective.
Vinhaça, Biodegradabilidade, POA, kWh, Metano, Ozônio, Vinasse, Ozone, Methane, KWh, Biodegradability, AOP