Avaliação do composto ósseo de Ricinus (C.O.R.) granulado e Hidroxiapatita (HAP-91) na osteointegração. Estudos: histológico, morfométrico e densitométrico
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
No estudo da osteointegração, os resultados adquiridos através dos softwares analisadores de imagens contribuirão para que se tenha uma melhor visualização da interface tecido biológico/material implantado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de estudos histológico, morfométrico e densitométrico, as interfaces tecido ósseo/materiais implantados em comparação com o grupo controle (coágulo), descrevendo qualitativa e quantitativamente os resultados dessas análises. Foram selecionados 16 coelhos, Oryctolagus cuniculus, com idade de 90 dias, sendo estes divididos em quatro grupos de quatro animais (G1, G2, G3 e G4), com períodos pós-operatórios de sete, 15, 21 e 35 dias. Em cada animal, foram feitos dois defeitos ósseos nas tíbias direitas, preenchidos com o biomaterial Composto Ósseo de Ricinus (C.O.R.) granulado e o Grupo Controle (coágulo); na tíbia esquerda, preencheu-se com o biomaterial Hidroxiapatita (HAP-91). Após a eutanásia, as peças cirúrgicas foram removidas, identificadas e submetidas às análises. A análise histológica evidenciou, para os dois biomateriais, um grande aporte de células osteoprogenitoras e, com o avanço dos períodos experimentais, a deposição de um tecido ósseo mais desenvolvido. Estes resultados qualitativos corroboraram com a análise morfométrica, evidenciando a osteointegração pela aproximação das corticais ósseas. Com o estudo densitométrico, pôde-se acompanhar, por imagens tridimensionais e coloridas, o desempenho de cada biomaterial implantado e o grupo controle com o tecido ósseo. Concluiu-se que os dois biomateriais implantados se comportam de uma maneira muito desejável para que se constituam como uma escolha de materiais substitutos da reposição óssea.
In the study of osseointegration, the results acquired through the images analysis softwares, contribute in order to have a better view of the biological tissue/ material implanted interface. The aim of this study was to evaluate through studies: histological, morphometric and densitometric, the interactions of bone tissue / implanted materials in comparison with the control group (clot), and describing qualitatively and quantitatively the results of these analyzes. Were selected 16 rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, with 90 days of age and divided into four groups of four animals (G1, G2, G3 and G4), and postoperative periods of seven, 15, 21 and 35 days. In each animal, two bone defects were made on the right tibia, and were filled with the (C.O.R.) Compound Bone of granulated Ricinus biomaterial and control group (clot); and in the left tibia, filled it with (HAP-91) Hydroxyapatite biomaterial. After euthanasia, the tibial bone was removed, identified and submitted for analyzes. The histological analysis showed for both biomaterials, a large amount of osteoprogenitor cells and, with the advancement of the experimental periods, the deposition of more developed bone tissue. These qualitative results corroborated with the morphometric analysis, showing the osseointegration by approximation of the cortical bones. With the densitometric study, could be accompanied, by three-dimensional images and colorful, the performance of each implanted biomaterial and the control group with the bone tissue. It was concluded that both implanted biomaterials behave in a manner very desirable to be constituted as a choice of substitute materials for the bone replacement.
In the study of osseointegration, the results acquired through the images analysis softwares, contribute in order to have a better view of the biological tissue/ material implanted interface. The aim of this study was to evaluate through studies: histological, morphometric and densitometric, the interactions of bone tissue / implanted materials in comparison with the control group (clot), and describing qualitatively and quantitatively the results of these analyzes. Were selected 16 rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus, with 90 days of age and divided into four groups of four animals (G1, G2, G3 and G4), and postoperative periods of seven, 15, 21 and 35 days. In each animal, two bone defects were made on the right tibia, and were filled with the (C.O.R.) Compound Bone of granulated Ricinus biomaterial and control group (clot); and in the left tibia, filled it with (HAP-91) Hydroxyapatite biomaterial. After euthanasia, the tibial bone was removed, identified and submitted for analyzes. The histological analysis showed for both biomaterials, a large amount of osteoprogenitor cells and, with the advancement of the experimental periods, the deposition of more developed bone tissue. These qualitative results corroborated with the morphometric analysis, showing the osseointegration by approximation of the cortical bones. With the densitometric study, could be accompanied, by three-dimensional images and colorful, the performance of each implanted biomaterial and the control group with the bone tissue. It was concluded that both implanted biomaterials behave in a manner very desirable to be constituted as a choice of substitute materials for the bone replacement.
C.O.R. granulado, Morfometria, Histologia, HAP-91, Densitometria, Software, HAP-91, Granulated C.O.R., Densitometry, Histology, Morphometry, Software