Processo de tratamento biológico e físico-químico combinados visando o reúso de esgoto sanitário
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Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da USP
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Universidade de São Paulo
Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a combinação de processos de tratamento de esgoto e a partir dos efluentes produzidos com diferentes padrões de qualidade elencar as possibilidades para reúso de acordo com legislação internacional. Foi feito o monitoramento da estação piloto de tratamento de esgoto constituído reator UASB seguido de lodo ativado cujos efluentes foram utilizados neste estudo, não somente para análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas, mas também para posterior tratamento físico-químico em laboratório com equipamento jarteste utilizando dois coagulantes - cloreto férrico e sulfato de alumínio. Após os tratamentos combinados seis amostras diferentes foram analisadas, sendo elas: efluente do UASB, efluente do lodo ativado, tratamentos UASB-\'AL IND.2\'(\'SO IND.4\')IND.3\', UASB-\'FE\'CL IND.3\', lodo ativado-\'AL IND.2\'(\'SO IND.4\')IND.3\' e lodo ativado-\'FE\'CL IND.3\'. Os ensaios realizados com cloreto férrico foram os que melhor promoveram remoção dos microrganismos indicadores e de (oo)cistos, de DQO e SST. Porém, mesmo após o tratamento físico-químico não será possível reutilização agrícola, urbana e/ou industrial dos efluentes, conforme legislação internacional e diretrizes da OMS, uma vez que a concentração de microrganismos indicadores ainda é muito elevada. Os valores médios de E. coli, coliformes totais e Giardia spp., mesmo após o tratamento que forneceu melhor remoção microbiológica (lodo ativado \'FE\'CL IND.3\') foram de 4,31 x \'10 POT.2\', 7,68 x \'10 POT.3\' e 2,17 x \'10 POT.2\', respectivamente.
The present dissertation reports to evaluate the combination of process wastewater treatment and from the effluent produced with different standards quality list the possibilities for reuse in accordance with international Law. Was monitored from the wastewater treatment plant pilot consists of a UASB reactor followed by activated sludge whose effluents were used in this study not only physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes, but also for subsequent physical-chemical treatment in the laboratory with equipment jartest using two coagulants ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. After the treatments combined six different samples were analyzed: UASB effluent, activated sludge effluent, treatments UASB-\'AL IND.2\'(\'SO IND.4\')IND.3\', UASB-\'FE\'CL IND.3\', activated sludge-activated sludge and activated sludge-\'FE\'CL IND.3\'. The tests with ferric chloride were better promoted removal of the microbiological indicators and (oo)cysts, COD and TSS. However, even after physical-chemical treatment will not be possible wastewater reuse in agriculture, urban and/or industrial, according international law and the WHO guidelines, since the concentration of indicator microorganisms is still very high. The average values of E. coli and total coliform and Giardia spp., even after the treatment which promoted better microbiological removal, were 4,31 x \'10 POT.2\', 7,68 x \'10 POT.3\' e 2,17 x \'10 POT.2\', respectively.
The present dissertation reports to evaluate the combination of process wastewater treatment and from the effluent produced with different standards quality list the possibilities for reuse in accordance with international Law. Was monitored from the wastewater treatment plant pilot consists of a UASB reactor followed by activated sludge whose effluents were used in this study not only physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes, but also for subsequent physical-chemical treatment in the laboratory with equipment jartest using two coagulants ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate. After the treatments combined six different samples were analyzed: UASB effluent, activated sludge effluent, treatments UASB-\'AL IND.2\'(\'SO IND.4\')IND.3\', UASB-\'FE\'CL IND.3\', activated sludge-activated sludge and activated sludge-\'FE\'CL IND.3\'. The tests with ferric chloride were better promoted removal of the microbiological indicators and (oo)cysts, COD and TSS. However, even after physical-chemical treatment will not be possible wastewater reuse in agriculture, urban and/or industrial, according international law and the WHO guidelines, since the concentration of indicator microorganisms is still very high. The average values of E. coli and total coliform and Giardia spp., even after the treatment which promoted better microbiological removal, were 4,31 x \'10 POT.2\', 7,68 x \'10 POT.3\' e 2,17 x \'10 POT.2\', respectively.
Água residuária, Coagulação de esgoto, Cryptosporidium, Reúso, Giardia, Microrganismos indicadores, Wastewater, Reuse, Indicator microorganisms, Giardia, Cryptosporidium, Wastewater coagulation